Cinema cinema cinema

         Di Perlis bila tanya budak2 about their hobbies .
they would come up with answers like computer games, football, picnic, fishing, cycling, chess, watching tv etc etc.
       No one would stand up and say watching movies at the cinema..Its hard for them to explain about 'cinema' apatah lagi about cineplex. because there is no cinema in Perlis. The last one was Panggung Capitol. Now dah jadi Dewan Capitol for the UNIMAP students.

      A cinema is a strange word to many Perlis primary school pupils..When I mentioned this word to them in class , I had a hard time  explaining that a cinema is  where you can watch a movie on a big giant screen where images and stories are being projected for you to see...Maklum kadang2 keluar dalam UPSR the word cinema tu.Lepas cerita2 they can figure out and boleh imagine what a cinema is all about

     The nearest cinema is in Jitra Kedah.So nasibla..kalau nak merasa tengok wayang terpaksa la cross sempadan negeri ke Jitra.

       Orang Perlis are used to it.Tak kisah tak da panggung wayang pun, CD banyak .tengok la in the comfort of your own home..Kelantan pun tak da panggung wayang, so is Labuan. Ok ja..

        Dulu2 orang tengok wayang pacak .Jabatan Penerangan akan pergi ke kampung2 tunjuk wayang.Of course hitam putih.
       And seperti biasa sebelum tunjuk wayang tunjuk dulu apa pembangunan kerajaan buat for the rakyat,  Orang kampung terlangut ja.tak kisah janji ada filem.. Sambil tengok sambil makan kacang putih.Mamak kacang putih pun bila lagi nak cari makan..

     Then baru di bina panggung wayang.Dulu2 people went to the cinema with families .Kadang2 a family of 4 beli tiket for two saja.Dah bawa anak2 kecik2 lagi.You can imagine them sharing seats. The children kept on standing up, with their unflagging energy, hopping, and blocking the view of  those sitting behind them.

    On hari keputeraan Tuanku Raja Perlis, semua budak2 sekolah dapat  free tickets to watch a movie at the cinema.Filem yang ditayangkan was a lousy kelabu , ada rintik2, jalur2 and  putus2 .Kadang2 ada bunyi kruk krak kruk krak which came from the screen , usually filem Tarzan. Or cerita Mat Salleh lawan the Red Indians, which of course the orang putih will win in the end..

      You could hear them shouting, "Cepat red Indian ada belakang"
      When the hero appeared at the most critical moment, semua clapped their hands..boring betui.tak boleh concentrate to see in peace..

       On other days ( bukan filem free punya time) , we have these picnickers entering the cinema, with kuaci, , prawn-crackers, groundnuts, ice-cream, adoi.. Then they incessantly rattles the wrappers .It was irritating  and of course littering the floor too.
        Kalau nak picnic pi tepi laut ke ,tasik ke, sungai pun tak pa, a cinema is surely not the place.

                     Apa macam kalau sebesar tu popcorn dia bawa masuk panggung.

        Distractions were everywhere, the sound of people talking , telling, commenting on the story, even out-talking the actors on the screen.

        Then  bila the movie was over and you were trying to walk out .. suddenly you shoes were stuck on the floor. Ni mesti kes orang makan cewing gum..buang on the floor juga..

        Once in Penang , I was with Raimah my housemate .Tengah sedap2 tengok wayang, ada someone behind dok tendang her seat.Sekali dua tak pa , tapi kalau dah jadi macam ryhtm lagu A Ramlee pulak takkan nak biar saja.So Raimah said, "cik boleh turun kaki bawah dak, jangan la tendang seat saya"
          Tiba2 the young man replied style Penang, " Wei hang tau dak kaki aku panjang, hangpa tak pa ketot2, aku tak puas belunjuq hang tau dak." (belunjuq means straighten your feet.).

          And then came the last straw you couldnt tolerate anymore.   When boisterous babies starting crying, yelling at the top of their voice, and you could hear the mother saying" diam2, tengok tu, hero dok lawan "
          Awat la teruk sangat.Apa la budak tu nak faham. When babies are not comfortable they would throw the hell of a tantrum di mana saja pun. They become fractious when tired.
          Tunggula baby besar dulu, mak tu tahan la sikit the urge nak ke panggung tu..

                                Typical of men, taktik lama bawa girl friend tengok filem hantu..

          Late comers pun masalah juga, groping in the dark they stumbled and stepped on people's feet and you could hear ' ish , ouch" from other audiences.

          Ada at one time tu tengah2 tengok wayang tiba rasa macam semut ke apa di ponggong, bila picit saja bau sahabat kita dah mengisi ruang panggung. Rupanya PIJAT !..

         Tu semua dulu2, now people are more dissiplined in the cinema. Semua behaved like super duper audience.Tengok senyap ja.enjoying the movie.
       The largest cinema in Malaysia is in Mid Valley Megamall, Also Asia's largest cineplex..Mula2 nampak dulu perak tengok sampai ada 18 screens to choose from.

                                  Midvalley Megamall Golden Screen cinemas

        Dulu tiada hiburan lain selain panggung wayang. Selepas menuai, jual padi , semua ke panggung menonton filem2 Melayu lama, diikuti filem2 P Ramlee yang sentiasa mencuit hati kita.

       Zaman sudah berubah, everybody is busy, mengejar dateline, mengejar kerja yang tak kunjung habis, sekarang juga zaman fenomena  Uztaz Azhar Idrus, anak muda Malaysia beralih ke surau dan masjid.Belajar mengaji, mendengar usrah dan ceramah agama, Panggung wayang hanya untuk pelepas letih di hujung minggu .. Kadang2 wayang tengok depa, sedangkan depa  dah belayar jauh di ulit mimpi dalam panggung ! !    

       Have a good day everyone. keep that smile yours truly below..he he.


  1. Hi IndaMarya, wow! I'm surprised tada cinemas where you are. Anyway, where I am there are lots, but I have not gone to any many years...I tengok in youtube....same time can eat durian, ke iced coffee.

    When I was young, cinemas b/w and no sound, only music. Then sound came few years later, then colour, then cinemascope.
    I guess today most buy or rent DVDs watch at home, much cheaper.
    Love that last pic of you. Very nice. Thats a lovely blouse you have on too.
    Have a nice day.
    ps, tempat tu macham 'Mews'? Ha ha ha.

  2. Yes Lee, dulu memang banyak cinemas in Perlis ,zaman I was a small girl, tapi now dah tak dak.And I dont hear any news they want to build one.
    Ya betui tengok DVD lagi best.tengok dalam bilik tidoq.lepas tengok terus tidoq.he he.

    PS.Apa? tempat tu mcam "Mew' ? REALLY? he he lawak .

    have a nice day Lee with a big smile always..

  3. Aunty,
    saya last masuk panggung pun time tingkatan 3 kot...
    tu pun sebab terpaksa...sepupu sepapat semua nak tengok wayang...cheq tak mau tengok wayang tapi nak join depa keluaq..

    pastu malas dah..baik dok layan movie kat umah..boleh golek2...

  4. Harnida, actually best tengok wayang ni.gmbaq besaq, puas tengok.tpi org pompuan ni satu ja.malas nak brsiap tu.kalau DVD kita curi masa mana pun boleh.kecuali kebetulan dh keluaq maybe yes boleh pi tengok.kalau saja2 mgkin dak kut.tmbah2 kalau dah berangkai yg kecik nk ikut lagi la hilang mood.wayang ni untuk org single2 and young couples kut no..

  5. alaaa.. akak duk cite pasal wayang pulak.
    Saya jeles sebab kat kelate takde wayang.. tak tau la bila nak diwujudkan wayang ni :-(

    Saya peminat tegar wayang.. selalu layan sorang-sorang kat Galaxy Ampang (sebelum kewujudan wangsa walk) pahtu wangsa walk wujud.. tiap-tiap minggu gi sorang-sorang.. weekend je gi early bird sorang-sorang gak ehehehe.

    Saya tak minat dvd bagai, ada beli tapi tak tengok.. tengok wayang efektif sikit kekeke.

  6. salam kak IM,

    hihihi..kalau nak kira seumur hidup saya masuk cinema mmg boleh bilang dengan jari..10 jari tangan pun gamaknya tak abis..hihihi
    masak dad tak bagi kitorang tgk wayang..bila dah beso jauh dari parents pun tak tgk wayang gak sbb duit tarak :p
    then bila dah kawin..duit ada tapi masa takda and to bring anak kecil dalam cinema..dengan bunyi yang's a no no for me..sangat tak sesuai..

  7. Dekdaa, sama la kita Perlis pun tk dak panggung.dah di jadikan dewan seminar bagai.memang best pun wayang.gmbar bsar.puas.anak saya sorang di Wangsa Maju. Tpi sjak ada baby dia pun dh tak ke panggung dah..

  8. Dear blu4sky,saya dulu masa gadis selalu la ke panggung dgn buah hati.bila dah tua2 ni rasa pelik la pulak org tua ke panggung kan.baik dok umah diam2.buat kerja kita di dapor.betul, kalau ada anak kecik tk yah pi panggung nanti buat org mengata kita..tambah kalau anak mula buat perangai,tengok wayang pun tk senang..

  9. hello teacher! whoooaaaa!!! you really have a good time with cinema in your childhood aite? he he he
    Dekat JB ni ada byk cinema tapi we all tak dan nak singgah.
    As for me, I lebih suka buang masa with shopping. T__T
    But when there's a movie yang I rasa worth it to be watched in da cinema...mmg lah we all akan serbu. hik hik hik
    Apa pun, you're right.
    Tgk wayang kat umah sendiri sgt best coz you can eat wutever you want, laugh as loud as you want and talk as much as you want. ^__^

  10. hi RedRose, sorry for the late rply.baru balik KL.buat pa lagi brshopping la.ths time nt with family but with close friends.we hd so mch fun .slalu pi KL dgn kreta, this tme dgn bus.he he.kalau rajin I wll post some photos..

  11. hahaha I LOVE THIS POST!

    semua yg you tulis tu benar belaka! kelakar...

    tp tak sangka pulak kat Perlis takdr cinema?

    and wayang pacak haha...tu dulu cara k'jaan nk mendekati rakyat kat kampung2, umpan ngn wayang pacak, bila part romance tu, menjerit2 sakan org kampung hurrr...last tengok wayang pacak ni masa umur 7 tahun, kdg depa bawak pernahlah tengok live S.roha, A.romzi, A.ramli, maria Bachok...ramai lagi angkatan pop ye ye tu...terpaksa pergi sebab takut kena tinggal sorang2 kat umah.......
    last I tengok wayang citer lawak apa ntah, tak ingat tajuk kat Midvalley...mula tu cadang nak layan anak ngan citer animasi yg tgh meletop masa tu, sekali tu rupanya citer tu tayang lewat petang sedangkan kitorang cuma nak isi masa lapng sebelum balik terpaksa la tengok apa yg ada..

    tulah pertamakali I masuk pangung selepas lebih 20 tahun, rasa serik dah, dah tak boleh tahan ngan audionya yg terlampau kuat dipendengaran..kdg heran camner masa muda2 dulu boleh jer terima bising2 camtu.........

    ~**You could hear them shouting, "Cepat red Indian ada belakang"
    When the hero appeared at the most critical moment, semua clapped their hands..boring betui.tak boleh concentrate to see in peace..**~

    hahaha...part ni mmg betul terjadi, kagum you boleh ingat dan detailkan segala kenyataan di sini...:)

  12. hi Queenie,hnya yg melalui ja boleh ingat, walaupun masa tu kecik sgt lagi tpi msih ingat.I read somewhere org tua akan ingat bnda lama2 dulu tpi tk boleh ingat yg baru brlaku..btui la tu .
    I got some of the info about wyang pacak frm my mak, but those red indians punya cerita frm real life experience dri panggung wayang.hitam putih.
    bila crita kat anak2 depa punya heran..and said kesian bila smua cnggih, pnggung dh hebat, kita pulak tk rasa nk pi, saya masa 2 jam lebih tu, lebih baik pi jamu mata tengok baju2 yg cntik menawan tu, or cari bahan2 utk kecantikan, sejak masuk arena 50an ni, memang I spend alot for cream ,and drink lots of water for that moist, clear skin..he he.


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