Warga emas menziarah kawan lama..he he.

         I was in the kitchen when a friend called. She was my classmate in the primary school from year 1 to year 6 .All those years in the same class. So sembang itu ini, about her family, about mine, about our old friends ,Tanya orang tu orang ni..Last2 we made a promise to visit our old friends.

        Today after asar I went picked her at her house. Besarnya rumah dia.She even bought the house next to hers.so dah jadi super big house.Spacy and spotless clean. I suka.

        Together we went out to visit a sick friend .She knew the house. I heard about his sickness, but I dare not ask when we were there.There he was (quite a distant relative to me too).
        He did not look so bad.Except for his hair.Going bald I guess.Dulu masa sekolah rendah he was quite a bright boy in the class. Tall and thin.boleh tahan handsome masa tu..he he.

        His wife who invited us in told me he has been sick on and off for quite sometime.
        I did not prolong pasal kisah sakit dia.The main intention was to pay him a visit , last sekali jumpa dia masa anugerah cemerlang last year.

        We laughed about old stories when we were young. My lady friend told me about some successful friends who hold big posts in the government..Masing2 dah ada cucu.2 or 3 orang.

        I promised to try find the others (primary sch friends) and will organize a reunion. Bila dah jadi warga emas ni baru rasa lama nya dah tinggalkan sekolah rendah.

        We passed by our old school. Sekolah dulu dah di robohkan.In Its place stands a big 4 storey building.
Cepatnya masa berjalan, banyak lagi kawan nak di lawati, jam dah 645. Magrib is approaching. I drove home, .Dalam kepala teringat balik macam mana I was bullied during the lower primary years.

          Sampai di pintu pagar rumah azan magrib sedang di laungkan. ...tak perlu bimbang, because the surau and my house is just a few steps away...cepattttttt....
                        My primary school friends, the man :  cikgu Zul ( my classmate from std 1 to form 5) and the lady beside me cikgu Fatimah.( my classmate for 6 years).


  1. oh wow! I hate reunion. ~duhh!
    Looking at all my super gojes looking frens through their FB buatkan I rasa...OH NO! he he he.
    But I guess when you have a reunion in the golden age, things would be solely about meeting old frens kan?
    Teacher! I'm eager to hear your story of being bullied.
    pliss make an essay about it asap. hak hak hak.

  2. Hi Indamarya, it's always exciting to meet someone from the past. Has happened to me, but by chance, they tourist to Canada, visit Niagara Falls, recognized me while I was escorting some o/seas friends there. But never met any old classmates. Many do not fool around with computers, so have lost touch.

    And last I knew was the friends we used to play pranks bila still schooling all became big shots in their own rights. Nobody masuk jail, ha ha ha.
    Sorry read about your sick friend. Wishing him a speedy recovery.
    Good to know your friends too have done well in life.

    Wow! You really looking good in the photograph....and that smile of yours, what I call a Hollywood crest smile...boleh lupa nama mak. Under different circumstances, mesti lepas handbrake, ha ha ha.
    Have a nice day....and simpan tu senyum of yours.

  3. Hi RedRose, memang jumpa kawan lama yg dh berpuluh tahun tak jumpa tu rasa best giler. apa kawan2 you look gorgeous? apa nak takut, you pun gorgeous jugak.Dulu masa I was your age i dok takut..ish 30 tahun lagi mesti I dh kerepot.Tpi ni I dah masuk warga emas.tak kerepot sangat pun? of course ada la changes (banyak he he) tapi as long as you really tk care of yrself (I mean everyday jgn miss) insyaAllah ok.nak baca pasai kena bully tu? refer to my older post 18/2/2011. or cari tajuk"bila la hang nak berubah". boleh baca..

  4. Oi Lee, memang most of my friends pun dah tak sentuh computer.They say ni mainan orang muda2.Depa tak tau computer ni satu benda yang bagi kita macam2 ilmu, to me computer dah jadi my best friend ever, jadi penglipur lara , jadi tempat mengadu..he he.sentimental pulak.

    Talking about kawan2 I yang dah jadi big shots I tak kisah becos they could afford to further studies while I tak mampu masa tu.Bukan kerana tak pandai he he.Anyway anak2 succesful so sama la jugak kan.

    Tq for dropping by Lee, of course senyum tu mesti sebab kita tak ada benda lain nak bagi kawan2 except senyum.

    and of course as you always say, I will keep a song in my heart..take care my friend.

  5. Memang rasa lain kan bila kembali jumpa kengkawan sekolah yang lama. Pasti banyak perubahan. Dan sembang mesti imbas kenangan nakal di sekolah, ya dak?

    Tapi macam RedRose, saya pun tak berapa suka reunion. saya lebih rela jumpa sorang sorang or dalam group kecil saja.

  6. Azie,betui.banyak perubahan.last fw years kami jumpa kwan2 masa college. lawak gila.ada yang dh tak da gigi, yg tk dak rmbut lagi ramai(men ).yg besaq maklum dh lama sungguh.tapi reunion kami kali ni sikit je.yg ada hanya dlm 8 orang saja.kawan sek rendah.yg lain tk boleh di kesan..

  7. Aina tak pernah reunion dengan kawan2 zaman sekolah, sama ada sekolah rendah mahupun sekolah menengah. Kalau kawan2 zaman IKM sesekali kami buat juga reunion tetapi biasanya tak dapat nak kumpulkan semua 14 org kelas kami tapi tetap meriah dengan keletah anak2.

  8. best tau Aina, tpi jgn rmai sgt, nanti tk dan nk smbang.kalau bawa anak2 lagi tk senang nk bergelak.dah dok kawai anak pulak kan.

  9. seronok bila jumpa kawan2 lama... nak kongsi cerita semuanya... tapi sedih juga ada gak kawan lama yg selisih bahu dgn kita pun tak nak tegur...

  10. Munna, sedih jugak jadi mcm tu.msti ada sebab.cuba risik kawan2 rapat dia, maybe they know why dia layan you mcm tu..hopefully both of you cn be friends again..saya pun ada jugak sorang kawan buat cm tu, sejak jdi org besar dia dh tk pndang kita yg di bawah.sure yg ni bukan salah kita kan?

  11. Hi IndaMarya, you earlier dropped by an old posting as I was checking out some history, and regret I have taken it off back into draft.
    Anyway, drop by when you free in the morning....suggest you minum ayer sejuk first, ha ha.
    My new cherita.
    Have a nice day.

  12. Of course Lee, awat sampai nk kena minum ayaq dulu ni? cerita hot ke? nanti saya baca...

  13. Hi Kak.. Sorry to hear about your old friend yang sakit. I'm sure terhibur hati dia bila nampak kekawan lama berkumpul again, and taken the trouble to visit him. Some day kita jumpa offline ya Kak.. Kita teh-tarik sambil sembang2.

  14. Seronok dapat jumpa kawan lama tapi ada setengah tu mengajak kita ke rumahnya hanya nak menunjukan kemewahan yang dia ada...kurang ikhlas dalam persahabatan.

  15. Dear MamaTim,ya, sejak jdi wrga senja ni, ramai dh dgar kwan2 yg sakit, yg dh tk boleh jln, on wheelchair saja.ada ramai lagi nk kena visit ni. oh yes?to meet offline? ok with me.jgn teh tarik.fruit juice la..he he

    1. ok.. fruit juice pun nice!! I'm like super busy Jan through March. insyaAllah by April things will be more quiet and calm. As long as we keep in touch like this, insyaAllah we'll know how to reach each other.

  16. Dear Zaitun,yes memang ada mcm tu, ramai, they expect somethng frm us so kita puji la bagi dia happy kan? I have a friend,tk krja, husband gardener sekolah, rumah kecik tapi siap ada small grden , dapor dia comel je, org perlis kata cuci calat(makna nya brsih gila ) dalam dn luar.she seemed happy and contented.I suka tengok.

  17. bestnya dapat jumpa kawan2 bila dah tua...

  18. Rozita, yes memang rasa happy.soalan pertama depa tanya .Hang dah dah ada brapa cucu? it was the happiest time ever .lots of stories to share..


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