4 ekoq lebah sengat..tak sakit pun..

           Last week my childhood friend Mariyani came from KL.Bawak anak2 dia sekali. It was a real jejak kasih . Dah nearly a year since I last saw her. The last time I saw her with her husband. This time she came without him .he passed away recently.

          Along the beach of Kuala Perlis we chatted that night until almost 12 midnight. Sekarang dah ada gerai2 kecik spanjang pantai jual jagung bakar , nuggets, fruits, laksa, and macam2 lagi. Kawasan yang gelap dah di terangi lampu bergemerlapan.Cerah macam siang.

                                           Masjid Terapung di Kuala Perlis.

                                                        Mariyani and I ( last year's photo)

         Sayang sekali sapa pun tak teringat nak ambik gambar masa tu. Orang ramai. Maklum cuti CNY.
Towards midnight families dah mula leaving the place. A few couples were still hanging around..besa la orang bercinta bukan rasa perubahan waktu.Malam ke siang sama saja.Apa yang depa nampak ialah muka di depan mata tu saja...he he.

        Semua cerita masa kecik2 di cerita balik, cerita mengaji quran, cerita main masak2 masa kecik, cerita tengok wayang dulu2, cerita macammana I used to sing and dapat upah  and then used the money to buy for the two of us sotong gulung yang paling sedap di dunia..

        Then she told about her siblings, about her late husband, about her mak who died at 41 and of course cerita about herself..macam mana dia dah letih mengajar dan todays challenge as a teacher.  
       Not many places to take her around in Perlis. kalau boleh we prefer to stay indoor and sembang till the wee hours..

       I took her along the streets where we lived dulu. Showed her daughter the small road where we used to play along. The old shops still standing strong. It was a sad day for us..

        On the second last day, we went to the Apitherapy Centre di Sg Batu Pahat, been there last year. Since I wanted to go get my B-Pollen, dia pun macam keen nak beli, so bawa la pi sama.

         Bukan senang nak cari original B-Pollen. Sini di jual ditempat pembiakan lebah. so eagerly we bought sorang satu botol. Then I  had apitherapy treatment for my frozen shoulder. They let 4 bees sting me around the problem area. Quite painful. I remember someone told me if u can stand labour pain , the sting of 4 bees is nothing la.. he he.

        Something to share with you my friends, after the bees stung us, they died immediately..what a big sacrifice those insects made..bagi ubat orang lepas tu mati...

        Bila balik rumah, baru nampak bekas sengatan lebah tadi.merah dan bengkak.I have yet to wait and see whether my frozen shoulder will heal after this..

                              Me after the bee-sting treatment.senyum la..buat2 lega..he he.


  1. Seronoknya bertemu kawan lama, mesti ada scene nangis nangis tu kan? heheheh

    haaa? kena sengat lebah sampai 4 ekor? adoi

    1. Dear Azie, rawatan guna venom lebah tu terkenal untuk sakit urat, resdung dan lain2. dah lama di praktikkan di ngeri cina zaman dulu.so I try la..tk la sakit sgt, sebab dia bukan lebah tualang tu, kalau lebah tu boleh pengsan..he he.

  2. my pretty fren...

    seronok la baca cerita ni...dua tahun sudah (kot?), I saja jalan2 ngan anak2 habiskan petrol dari KL ke Perak terus masuk kedah, Perlis sebelum ke Langkawi....banyak2 tempat tu, hati I paling damai bila masuk ke Perlis...rasa macam ada kat kampung sendiri, I cakap ngan anak2, bumi Perlis terasa sejuk dalam hati...kalau ada rezeki dan sehat,akan ku jejaki tempat itu lgi...

    terperanjatnya baca nasib lebah tu, apa sebab dia mati pulak kan? and bagaimana your frozen shoulder tu? harap2 ada perkembangan yang baik ya!

    err...bee-sting tu sesuai utk frozen heart tak? har3

    1. dear Sweetie, memang lepas dia sting dia tergolek mati..kesian kan? the lady guna tweezer utk letak lebah tu di tmpat kita sakit tu.apa lagi dia sengat la.kalau resdung dia letak kat tepi hidung .the lady tunjuk gmbar ada one diabetic patient mai dgn kaki bernanah, buat treatment 3 kali dah kering.
      U r welcome to Perlis. kalau cuti sek boleh bwa u jln2.tpi tk banyak la tmpat best2.Perlis masih terbelakng dlm smua hal..msih di tahap lama..anak2 muda semua dh lari kebandar.tinggal kami yg tua2 ni saja dok melangut he he.
      frozen heart? yg tu tk payah guna lebah.pi mkn angin kerap sikit nanti baik.thats wat I did my friend..

  3. sy dh lost kontek dgn kwn baik zaman skolah.bukan x rindu tp semua ada tggjwb masing2.

    gigit lebah utk berubat?ngeri pulak dgr.tp klu dh biasa buat mgkin x rasa apa kot

  4. Irfa, kalau jumpa kawan lama msti best punya.boleh tengok perubahan masing2..lucu.
    yes, bila lebah sengat dia lepaskan venom dia.yg tu yang jadi ubat utk kita..u besa kena gigit kerengga tak.macm tu rasa nya.tk sakit sgt kan.just for a minute it goes off la..

  5. Hi Dear,
    This is the first time I heard abt bees' stings can cure ailments..ingatkan madunya saja yg boleh jd penawar, hebatnya ciptaan Allah ini. Hope the shoulder pain has gone away by now..take care :)

  6. Hi nasniada, been a long time to hear frm u again. well about bees's sting that was the first time for me too.Rupanya banyak lagi kita tak explore anugerah Allah ni kan? its quite a miracle I suppose, my frozen shoulder dah ada improvement.The lady suggessted I should go for 2nd and 3rd treatment..but u know la bila dh habis cuti kita pun start engine balik ,mula la malas nk pi mana..thnx for dropping by. You tk cr too.

  7. Salam singgah Indamarya....

    Frozen shoulder...sama la mcm makcik. Dah buat physio, urut makan ubat cuma not seriously jumpa dr....takut dia kata nak kena cucuk "minyak" ka operate ka...that's last in my list.

    pernah dengar abt bee sting...mesti sakit kan?

  8. makcikkantin, last 2 years saya dh pi buat kat klinic swasta, kena beribu sebab campur dgn cost MRI sekali, dia siap bius msk opreration theatre, msuk gell apa ntah .lega 2 tahun, tahun ni jadi lagi.masa kena smpai tak boleh nakpakai baju, nak masuk tgn dlm lengan baju satu siksaan,.saya tk pi pun buat physio di hospital sebab kena attendant laki yg dok attend kita segan nk buat pameran free..so kali ni try makn ubat, urut semua tk lega,lepas buat kawan dgn lebah ni, rasa lega la pulak.he he tapi kesian lpas dia sting kita dia pulak yg mati tergolek.. sakit mcam kena gigit kerengga saja..try la..

  9. Memang seronok jumpa kawan lama kan.. terutama kawan2 masa kecik2..
    tetiba makchaq teringat lagu Mary Hopkins 'Those were the days..'
    sayu pulak...

    Makchaq pernah jugak dengaq rawatan lebah ni.. tapi x pernah cuba.. makchaq pernah kena sengat lebah.. terkejut teruih tarik lebah tu.. putuih badan dia sekerat.. makchaq pula menangis kesian kat dia.. tak tau la pulak depa mati lepas sengat...

  10. Makchag pun jenis sentimental juga no..he he.sama la kita.saya tk prnah kena sengat lebah.penyengat besa la, sakit juga .
    .apa putuih sekerat lebah tu? msti kuat dia dok cengkam tu..
    saya pun masa perawat tu kata lebah akan mati lepas sengat tu tk prcaya juga, tapi tengok sendiri baru tau, ada sekoq tu lpas sengat terus trgolek, ada juga sempat merangkak2 lari, tapi tk smpai brapa langkah teruih trgolek..mati..kesian.

  11. Hi Indamarya, I guess its always good fun meeting long ago friends or from faraway places.
    About your K. Perlis, I used to drop by at a coffee shop dekat tu sungei where there are lots of fishing boats...and have lunch of fresh fish.
    I guess K. Perlis have changed a lot as my last trip there was wayyyy back early 1980s.
    Hope your bee sting has gone away, no bad after effects.
    Love that lovely smile of yours.
    Have a nice day, Chegu,

  12. hi Lee, K Perlis has changed a lot .the coffee shop by the river tu dah jadi so popular now..They started business around 6 pm now and ends lewat malam..I often see VIPs there now.
    About the sting ,the effect tu tak la teruk, but I rasa itchy on the sting spot.and one place masih bengkak..the bee though so small tapi phuuuh..dahsyat.
    Have a nice day to you too my friend..

  13. errkk...1st time dengaq perubatan guna sengatan lebah ni...

    ingat ka kena sengat lebah boleh maut...

    rupanya boleh jadi ubat...subhanallah...

    moga cepat sembuh...

  14. Dear Harnida, tu masa pi aunty pun tak sangka lebah ni boleh bagi ubat kat kita.Maha kaya Allah.that lady habaq lebah ni jenis tk bisa sangat..
    Sebelum buat treatment I takut gile, sampai main aci dengan perawat tu, last2 kena tangkap juga..sakit macam lain sikit dri gigitan semut.Ni dah berapa hari tempat gigit masih bengkak...seriau jugak...tpi my frozen shoulder dah makin baik..mujarab jugak lebah ni...

  15. Hi my dear gorgeous
    sorry agak lambat skit masuk kat pondok you yang comel ni. Tapi yang penting, I ade kat sini skrg kan. Love reading about your meeting with your old friend.. I can imagine how you both share cerita lama, kenangan manis pahit.
    Eh kesian pula lebah tu mati lepas the stinging 'job'. Am glad that your frozen shoulder dah semakin ok. Dan.... jom rajin2 makan bee pollen..hehehe...kan itu petua sifu kita yang awet muda tu..

  16. hi flawless, memang seronok bila jumpa kawan lama macam tak ingat dunia..share those sweet memories..She just lost her husband, could see her frustration still shown on her sad face..
    of course bee pollen memang banyak khasiat for healthy living.I need the strength because my class semua kena panjat tingkat 4 evryday..he he.lets grow old gracefully Angie my dear friend.


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