Ombak rindu dalam class...he he


             I was in std 1 classroom. It was 12.10, letih nya.Just keluar from year 5 class.
          The topic was about  family...
           So kelentonglah  apa yang patut.( buakn sembarang kelentong tau )..
           "Teacher, teacher Azri dia manja,anak sorang.." a boy said.
           "Memang la, kamu ada adik 3 orang pun manja juga.sama la..."  I said.

           Habis drilling, spelling, reading, now came the time where they have to match pictures to words.
 Semua suka, sebab ada gambar bapa, mak, adik abang, kakak...Then came the most enjoyable part for them..colouring..depa memang suka mewarna..
          While I was going round tengok depa dok menulis and mewarna, I hummed a tune.Lagu Terukir di Bintang by Yuna..Everyone so malu, tutup muka..maybe other teachers tak pernah buat macam tu..
          "Sapa tau lagu Yuna, terukir dibintang? "
          "Saya tau teacher,"
           "Saya pun tau teacher" berebut masing2 nak tunjuk dia tahu.
           "OK while you are writing , jum nyanyi sama teacher nak? "
           I sang loud and clear, mula2 ada sorang dua ikut pelan2.tak dengar telinga sendiri pun.Last2 semua nyanyi.

           I rasa heran jugak, they are only in Std 1, tapi so uptodate kalau bab2 hiburan ni.

           "Teacher, lagu Ombak Rindu saya tau " said one fat girl di baris belakang .
           "Ok Jum nyanyi dengan teacher." I said.

           "Tuhan tolong lembutkan hati dia,
             Untuk terima ku seadanya..
             kerna ku tak sanggup, kerna ku tak mampu hidup tanpa dia disisiku...."
           The whole class has turned out to be a lively lot. Kerja habis, nyanyi pun habis....habis saja lagu tu I said."   OK give yourself a big clap..come on." semua tepuk tangan macam lupa diri..

           " Next week teacher will teach you some nursery rhymes..ok.? "
           "OK T E A C H E R ! ! "
           Semangat ssungguh anak2 murid ku..I went out ..masa dah habis.muka senyum puas, sebeban buku di tangan, semua budak jawab on time.

           "Thank you class , see you tomorrow.Assalamualaikum."
           "T H A N K Y O U  Teacher. Waalaikummusalam.

           Saya turun tangga ke staffroom dengan hati berbunga..sapa kata jadi cikgu hanya stress dan sakit jiwa..I love my pupils .and I know they love me too..
                                   This little angel from the class I cute ..isnt she?


  1. Emm sy rasa akak mmg cikgu yg dsayangi
    mcm ank2 sy..klu cikgu tu baik.mesti diorg akan selalu sebut nma cikgu tu

    1. Irfa, kdg2 saya rasa macam jdi pengasuh pun ada, tpi bila tengok mata depa kesian la pulak...

  2. Cikgu ngan anak murid sama2 comel....

    Tentu depa seronok dpt cikgu macam IndaMarya..

    Makchaq pun dulu suka sangat kalau cikgu yg happy2.. Selalunya cikgu praktikal la lagu tu... Memang sayang.. Bila cikgu habig praktikal sedih.. sangat...

    1. makchaq, kalau ngajaq drj 6 memang kena serious habis maklum exam class tpi bila masuk kelas budak2 kecik ni terus tukaq mood...and enjoy sambil buat kerja kita..

  3. ahh suka..suka macam teacher kak IM.. teacher nak Tanya..camna kita nak bantu anak untuk stay focus masa belajar atau buat 2nd ni cepat betul distracted..

  4. Dear blusky, jgn bagi buat semua sekali.contoh kalau ada 2 , atau 3 jenis hmwork, bagi sikit dulu.lpas depa main baru bagi lagi.buat semua serentak mana depa nak mau kan..budak cepat jemu
    .masa anak2 saya kecik2 dulu,saya tunggu di sebelah, sambil depa buat hmwork kita tengok, kalau ada salah cepat2 tplong betulkan, sebab bila di sekolah cikgu akan pangkah yg salah,they have to do the corrections kan.lama2 depa jadi fobia nk buat hmwork.sapa pun tak suka buat corrections kan?.
    puji2 la sikit.lama2 tk trasa dah habis.bila dah habis kita check.puji lagi kalau betul semua...
    lama2 buat hmwork dah jadi routine.bila besaq tak ada masalah lagi..insyaAllah. happy mothering my dear...

  5. untungnya anak-anak murid IM....... mesti seronok dia orang kan. Cikgu memang kena pandai mainkan peranan tarik perhatian anak-anak murid

    1. MystoryPic, kdg2 rasa mcm buat mcm2 kerja, sat menyanyi sat berlakon, sat jdi cikgu, sat jdi pengasuh depa, sat jdi mcm mak depa pulak..all in one.

  6. Ish ish cikgu pun comey sama.....main nyanyi nyanyi dlm klas sambil depa buat kerja amatlah merelaxkan kan?

    1. betui tu makcikkantin, tau-tau dah habis masa, budak buat latihan selesai tak terasa.tanpa stress, yag syok tu masa chorus semua petinggi sora, tapi muka dok tengok buku, tangan terus menulis ..lawak.
      drj rendah ni memang kena puji selalu.duit syiling tak pernah ada dalam purse, sat ada tak bawa duit,sat ada yang trlupa bawak air, takkan kita nk tengok saja..anak murid kita...

  7. Ceria sungguh kelas Cikgu. Awat masa saya sekolah dulu tak dak Cikgu lagu Ni?? hehe.. Great job Kak! Mmg buat keja camni x akan stress, I like!

    1. MamaTim, lama tk timbul on blog? mkn angin lagi? well dear, this applies only to the lower classes, tpi kalau drj 5 or 6, lain sikit, kami jadi mcm kilang, budak buat latihan I marked,habis, buat yg lain pulak,kertas bertukar tgn laju, budak yg crdik boleh buat bnyk latihan for excellence.

  8. Kalau lah ramai lagi cikgu macam Kak Inda... saya pun sanggup jadi pelajar semula!

  9. Dear azie, jum masuk kelas saya, saya suruh Azie buat karangan" How I survive as a blogger" masa Azie menulis tu I nyanyi for you lagu 'kasih' made popular by Hetty K Endang, lpas tu I bawak u pi makan laksa Kola Perlih. amacam ?

  10. Amboi kemain lagi lagu ombak rindu.
    ingat orang dewasa je demam ombak rindu :P

    1. Tu la dekdaa, mula2 dgr depa sambut tu naik heran jugak.lpas tu saya buat2 lupa lirik, depa selamba sambung..betui semua pulak tu.depa tk prnah dgr radio, tv tengok kartun ja, masa mana depa hafal lirik?

  11. hahahaha..budak2 memang cepat belajar kalau ada lagu...
    bosan kan kalau study serius jer...

    lagi pun mereka terlalu comel utk di marahi...

    bak kata prof. Muhaya...mereka ahli syurga..kenapa kita perlu marah ahli syurga? mesti kita(parent) yg ada tak kena...kena muhasabah diri balik...

    1. Harnida, memang la depa ahli syurga, sapa kita nak buat tk tntu, pengalaman saya masa on my bthday every year saya minta budak2 kecik ahli syurga ni tolong doakan saya.bayangkan satu kelas dok angkat tangan minta teacher depa sihat, pjg umur..alhmdullillah, brkat doa ahli2 syurga tu ..I am blessed.

  12. perh.. ombak rindu pun tahu..

    1. yes Norizan , budak2 zaman sekarang...bukan hanya lagu.semua depa tahu, kdg2 tak terfikir di akal kita.They know lots of things yang even org dewasa pun kdg2 tak tau..Most of them bukan innocent lagi...especially yang berumur 10 tahun keatas..cabaran ibu bapa dan guru sebagai pendidik memang sgt mencabar..

  13. Hi gorgeous teacher
    I was smiling throughout while reading your post. I really feel macam you telling me your story depan I..hehe. Love how you interact with your pupils, you treat them with love and respect.
    Time I di primary school long long time ago, were some lovely time too 'cos of one teacher. I could never forget her. Not only beautiful, but kind, she incidentally taught us English and singing and would always hum in class. Somehow, you remind me of her. She now retired and living in US, happily married to a fellow teacher, an American. Bless her.
    Oh I love the Ombak Rindu song.. I cried like a baby watching the movie hehe...
    Thanks for sharing dear..

    1. hi Angie, I cried too watching the movie, and the song melekat dalam kepala like gam UHU.he he. Like you I have one particular teacher too in my primary sch that I never forget until now. Syg sekali he died in an accident in Penang.he was the one who made me love English Language.Aftr he died, I pushed myself hard to learn the language even more.
      He didnt know how to sing but every morning he would call me before the bell rang, asked me for some lyrics and after I sang to him he would keep the lyrics in his drawer..
      kenangan yg tak akan boleh lupa.
      Thanx for dropping by. have a gd day my flawless friend.

  14. Hi IndaMarya, love your this posting. And yes, kids at this very young, innocent age know more than we did at their age....TV and computers they have, we did not.
    Ha ha, great to know you sing, hum in class. Brings to mind a teacher I had, he would practice his ballroom steps in class while we do our work.

    And I can tell you, same thing, your students will always remember you like I do...the chegu who sings in class.
    A good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for others.
    Wayyyy to go, IndaMarya....have fun, keep on singing....

    1. Hi Lee, tq.
      apa ? he practised hia ballroom steps in class? thts interesting, msti mata u all dok terbeliak tengok dia kan?
      Nowadays teachers memang jdi candles, tak boleh buat apa pun , nak jentik sikit pun tak boleh nanti parents come after you, anak dia naughty mcm mana pun you can only see and do nothing.zaman kita dulu cikgu boleh pukul, boleh rotan kalau budak jahat, now mana boleh.Tapi kita grow like good children, ada budi bahasa.nowadays budak2 ramai kurang ajar.lawan parents, lawan cikgu.just becos masa kecik tak boleh pukul...the outcome you boleh tengok sendiri..cikgu hanya jadi medium untuk menyampai ilmu not more than that.Kesian kami kan?
      anyway thnx for dropping by Lee.have a nice day ahead.and of course jgn lupa simpan banyk lagu dalam hati ( those evergereen songs ) to keep u cheerful always..

  15. Ingat lagi masa belajar di primary school standard 3, masa tu sekolah afternoon session so everyday before the school bell rings at the end of the school day the class teacher, Miss Teoh will ask the class to sing along with her but then all the songs were english songs, yang paling ingatlah lagu auld lang syne lah.

  16. Yr teacher Miss Teoh tu msti minat nyanyi kan naniasda? actually dgn krja guru yg semakin brtambah sjak KSSR ni, file tu file ni .key in tu key in ni..krja kerani lbh bnyk dri krja mengajar..I wonder why those people up there torture ckgu2 mcm ni..alangkah bahagianya kalau dapat mengajar mcm dulu2,tnpa kerja perkeranian yg menuntut masa yg bukan kepalang..keberkesanan belum tentu lagi..thats why I use this talent that I have to cheer me up as well as my pupils yg sama penat dgn I..(sigh )..

    1. My sympathies IM... masa di Makkah I duduk sebilik dgn 3 orang Cik Gu n one of them explained apa tu KSSR bila I tanya apa yg cikgu-cikgu dok bising semua ni,i dgr pun letih. Its a blessing you have the talent to sing..keep it up!

  17. papa ku pulang dari kota, papa ku beli ku kereta, kereta kecil warna merah, bolih ku bawa kesekolah, pon pon pon pon pon..hehehe masih terngiang2 anak2 bunda nyanyikan masa kat tadika dulu..

  18. Hi BUNDA, seronok kan, dgr ahli2 syurga tu menyanyi?.budak2 innocent.Apa yg kita ajar yg tu la depa prcaya.apa lagi kalau cikgu yg cakap memang prcaya habis..ada sorang budak dlm kelas saya bila saya kata malaikat kiri kanan dok tulis dosa dan pahala, saya tengok dia dok aleh muka ke kanan dok senyum,bila tanya "kamu dok senyum kat sapa? tk da org sebelah kamu?" dia jawab" tdi teacher kata ada malaikat belah kanan tulis bnda baik.jdi saya senyum kat dia, bagi dia tulis banyak yang baik kat saya." nk trgelak pun ada. cute..

  19. assalamualaikum pretty teacher..are you okay...?

    1. waalaikumussalam, Hi sweetie, I am perfectly ok..cuma sibuk..nanti kita sembang lagi na..jaga diri and keep that sweet face cheerful always.

  20. Hi IndaMarya, your blog on strike? Ha ha.
    Anyway, have a nice day and hold that beautiful smile of yours.

    1. not on strike my dear, just plain busy...sibuk sungguh.krja smpai tak menang tangan..


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