Wei teacher tak boleh cakap...

           I lost my voice.Suddenly woke up on Friday morning and there I went ...tiba2 tak dak sora..panic ! .macam mana  nak kerja ni. A teacher's asset is her voice..How to teach and handle those small angels without my voice..

           I was on my way to the office, nak punch nama, a boy maybe in year 1 was running like crazy ..langgar orang tu orang ni..he was having the time of his life...

           I yelled out the loudest I could..but it was only a whisper, macam bunyi people whispering in the dark nak hendap pencuri yang tengah panjat tingkap rumah..

           Susahnya ya Allah .Macam ni rupanya orang bisu yang nak bercakap. Dalam hati berkobar2 nak say something but nothing came out..

            The bell rang, masuk class macam biasa. I used to say " Assalammualaikum. good morning class"
But this time I showed signs that I could not talk...The first reaction of the pupils came from the most talkative di tepi kanan class..

           "Wei wei teacher tak boleh cakap.wei teacher tak boleh cakap."

           Someone said. "Wei diam wei, teacher tak boleh cakap.kesian teacher "
           Everyone was staring  at me as if I have four eyes on my face.

       I smiled and nodded my head.and whisper."Yes teacher sakit sini,(pointing to my throat.) jangan bising na ..dengar betui2 apa teacher nak cakap.buat apa yang teacher suruh ok"...sampai sini nothing is heard already.I was totally silent..not even a whisper came out...I dah jadi bisu..

            So I went to this girl Amalina, she was the brightest in the class..And said in my new mute like voice.
            "Amalina tolong teacher, ambik handouts ni, .Ulangan yang kita buat kemarin, suruh depa tengok gambar, kemudian match words to pictures . Cakap jangan bising."

            To my dismay she said  loud and clear. "Wei , hangpa ambik kertas ni, tengok ,Hangpa suai bagi betui2.kalau hangpa bising teacher lagi sakit, lagi teruk (I didnt say that last sentence ! ! )..

            I watched my little angels work in silence. Yang finished faster than the others, went to Amalina and asked." Lepas habis boleh colour dak ? "

            Tak payah di ajar Amalina dengan tegas. " ha la, lepas suai, colour elok2. nanti teacher ambik "
I wanted to laugh and  cry at the same time...pandainya dia.

            Then I saw her went to one of the girls. This particular one memang macam tak cukup umur.Jari asyik dalam mulut..kata apa pun takkan buang jari dia.

            Amalina said. " Ni awat tak tulis ni ? apa ? tak bawa pensel pulak ? ish , sapa ada pensel ?  bagi Suffie pinjam sat ."

           Then to one of the boys "Anas balik tempat hang, pasai apa berjalan, kerja habis dah ? "

            She was taking my place in every sense of the word..ha ha..I watched with amusement.

            Habis semua kerja, she went round collecting all the papers.Put them in front of me..

            "Teacher, siap ! ! "

           I said slowly to her antara dengar dengan tidak, but I know she heard, cause I saw that little smile..

           "Thank you teacher Amalina.."

           When the bell rang I got up , lambai kat depa and smiled.
            "Bye bye teacher "...

           Tanpa di suruh, sorang terus capai beg teacher, sorang bawa buku2,  sorang bawa tumbler air asam teacher ke  staffroom..
            Life is beautiful.............

                                                    7 year old  Teacher Amalina...


  1. IM:
    I was a kindy teacher and yes I love them and love them still.

    Sometimes I wish they are all my kids. And they do make me feel good bout myself. I cant even explain.

    Be well, sweetie.

    x MP

    1. hanya yang prnah jdi cikgu tau nikmatnya kan MP ? tengok kelakuan tiap sorang pun dah nk trgelak..so innocent.but ths cater for std 1 and 2 saja.3,4,5,6 dah pndai klentong kita..

  2. salam kak IM,
    alahai sweetnya anak-anak murid.. semoga Allah merahmati mereka..

    1. salam blu4sky, yes they are so sweet..cuma kdg2 kita letih melayan..adoi..

  3. hahaha...so cute!
    ada tokok tambah ayat lagi tuh!

    so dh try ayaq asam jawa my version tu? I minum tu plus mint leaves, lega sesangat my sore throat, kalu dak sora sebijik itik nila! haha
    arini pun dok tibai ayaq asam lagi...

    1. my sweetie, dah try.since ystrday.smpai hari ni, but without the mint leaves.sedap.bekas besaq pun habis he he.tq.U wll read that in part 2.he he tungguuuuu.

  4. SKRPB seems to have ready made little teachers in the classes.Remind me of that yr 2 girl...elele lupa pula nama ..Lebih garang dari cikgu sebenar.Moga cepat sembuhya.

    1. he he, when I heard her giving instructions I thought am I that harsh ? but the girl is good. She should be in year 2.she seemed to know all the yr one stuff..about the sore throat, only a little improvement and I am still on kembang semangkuk, air asam treatment..

  5. Ada bakat jadi pelajar cemerlang ni...

  6. Hi dear teacher IM
    so sorry about your throat. Maybe not enough rest or not enough fluid. It usually happen to me if penat not enough rest. Yes, air assam jawa like our dear lovely friend Queenie recommend is good kan. I too use that but not with mint. Perhaps next time try with mint leaves.
    Wow, that little girl is so smart..a a perfect 'assistant' for you hehehe..
    Take care dear and drink more fluids ya.

    1. Hi Angie, I dh ambik air asam maca Queenie suggested snce Sunday.cuma tk letak mint leaves.too busy to go to market.hari ni masih serak lagi tpi banyak kurang la compared to last week.
      Thanx for yr concern dear friend.

  7. hahahaha...that girl is so cute...

    pandai pulak budak2 ni bila teacher sakit dan dan semua bekerjasama bantu teacher...

    sangat prihatin rupanya....hahaha

    1. Harnida, I notice budak2 ni kalau kita buat sedih depa jdi sgt concern, lepas tu I said teacher ni tak sihat la.badan teacher panas.kalau teacher pi ambik panadol dalam bilik guru ,kamu bising dak? after that sure tak bising punya..lepas tu semua dok tanya "teacher lega dah? baik dah? teacher pi clinic dak? memang angels la budak2 kecik ni..

  8. amboi dah ada teacher pengganti ;)
    comel sgt..ada tokoh kd cikgu
    teringat saya masa skolah dulu
    sebijik mcm amalina nih tp sudahnya x jd cikgu pun
    kije kira kapai terbang

    1. lagi la best Irfa, kira kpai terbang.boleh pi rata dunia.chek ni dok batat kat Perlis saja..Irfa msti best kan? fly in an iron bird pi sana sini?

    2. kak..tiket je free tapi benda lain kena bayar sndiri jugak
      duit hotel..duit transport..makan ..
      hehe,amboi nak free semua melampau la kan?hihi

  9. Memang susah la cikgu kalau tak dak sora.. Kecuali kalau cikgu sekolah khas, boleh pakai sign..

    Alhamdulillah ada pembantu.. Budak2 kecik memang comei gaya depa kan... Makchaq dulu2 memang cita2 nak jadi cikgu sebab suka budak2.. Tapi tak kesampaian..

    1. makchaq betui tu, ni dok ikut petua Queenie, minum ayaq asam, di sekolah dok heret tumbler besaq.penoh ayaq asam, letak gula batu.ada bdak2 kata," ish teacher bawa ayaq macam kita.ayaq apa nmpak keruh, teh tarik ke ? " malas nak jawab..dah tk dak sora ..biaq pi depa dok teka..

  10. Cikgu, ni mesti sebab minum MILO ari tu sampai tak dak suara, How nice when the school children shows concern for their teacher. I am sure you feel good when you know they care just as you care for them. Uncle doakan that you get well soon insyaAllah. ........dari Uncle AL.

  11. hi Uncle AL, actually 2 days before sora lari, I keluaq time pkl 3 to 4.pi jabatan pelajaran, pi income tax dept.the glaring sun masa tu rasa macam biting my skin..dah la kita tak berapa nak putih..tiba2 bangkit tiduq esok terus senyap..but today gradually I am having my precious asset back.but I am still husky..alhamdullillah.kalau tidak takkan nak guna khidmat anak dara kecik tu lagi.Even today she stood by me at the table masa I sat down, waiting for any instruction to obey..baguih la dia...
    anyway TQ Uncle singgah..tk cr.

  12. Salam INdaMarya
    Owhh sweet Amalyna..she has a great package kan....teacher dia pun untung gak ada anak murid cenggitu...:)

  13. Hi Lady Windsor, yes she is.today when I dah boleh ckap tapi still vry husky antara dengar dan tidak, Dia tengok kat I , then she said to me, "teacher dah baik ka? " I said baik sikit dripda kemarin" then she continued.." saja nak habaq kat teacher Nisa tak buat homework teacher bagi kemarin.."
    she's proactive , I baru masuk class dia dh check dulu sapa tak buat homework..terror betul dia..


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