Adoi bestnya dapat bunga...

           Yesterday I got a phone call from a stranger. A chinese lady...She said " you jangan balik lagi , saya nak hantar bunga"
           Then I, Mother's Day soon ! ! sure it would be none other than Famila, my eldest, sending flowers. Year in and year out without fail there would be flowers , beautiful roses sent to school..

            My present school is a really isolated and kampung one, so much so a florist in Kangar didnt know where to send the flowers. She kept calling me asking for directions..and sure enough she went to the wrong school which has a slightly similar name...

           Since it was a Friday , everyone has gone  home and I was there waiting for her to turn up at the deserted school.. At last  I saw a Honda drove in..

           "Haiya, saya tak tau sini pun ada sekolah ma, ayo saya punya minyak kereta pun nak habis ooo.sini mana boleh isi minyak ? "

           The flowers were beautiful as always. With a card attached. I love the words written on it.

           "Happy Mother's Day mak, Thank you for every bit of love given to us.Sorry for all the trouble we made.Hope the flowers will make your day."
            As always my thoughtful eldest will always write on behalf of the other siblings..

            The words were simple, but I know it came from the very depth of her heart. Order bunga tu tru the internet..the effort she made...

             I read it again and again..till the words blurred away with my tears sharing the beautiful feeling of being a mother....Its just beautiful and I love every moment raising the four of them.
           Love those sleepless nights tunggu di tepi katil masa my angels demam,
           love the time looking at them when they sleep,
           love the time chasing them around dengan nasi di tangan masa they refuse to eat,
           love the time  teaching them to read when they were small,
           love the time when I had to drive home like crazy to breastfeed them during my free periods in school, cause they refused susu formula,
          love the time when they passed with flying colours in exams..
         cried macam orang bodoh instead of laughing, when they went up the stage to receive prizes for being excellent in academic..
         all the memories started to flow in effortlessly..
         TQ Allah for all the happiness, for all the blessings.

           And here I am standing with the flowers in my hands...leaning against the florist's car, photo taken by the nyonya herself..he he.     

                               Happy Mother's Day too to all mothers out there...             


  1. Hi dear gorgeous IM

    you look so beautiful and the flowers too. So happy to hear you have such beautiful and thoughtful kids. My daughters too send me a surprise bouquet of flowers yesterday. Even this simple act of gesture is appreciated so much.
    Only mothers know how much we have gone thru for our kids. Mothers always put their children first, us last hehe.. but that is what makes mothers special. I know about you saying instead of laughing, we cry but tears of happiness of course when we see our kids go up the stage to receive their prizes or when they go receive their i cried like baby hehe..

    Happy Mothers Day dear.. God bless.

    1. Hi flawless, lupa nak tanya u anak berapa orang? msti dah besar2 mcm I kan? Are they staying close to u or dah merantau jauh? bila anak2 dh besar kita pun dh tua, masa free banyak tapi tenaga pulak dah me now, teaching tingkat 4, turun 3 balik, naik balik 4 adoi letih.anyway happy mother's day to you too dear.

  2. Tersentuh hati baca N3 IndaMarya, mengimbas kembali kenangan masa anak2 kak Zai kecik. Air mata Ibu memang mudah tumpah walau masa gembira atau sedih.

    Selamat hari ibu.

    1. Dear Zaitun,masa tu takkan kembali lagi...bila ingat balik macam baru kemarin mengendong anak, memberi susu, berjaga malam..sekarang mereka dah besar menjadi manusia berguna..sebagai ibu kita bersyukur..selamat hari ibu to u too Zaitun.

  3. Lovely flowers for a lovely Mum...Happy Mother's Day IM! The things we do for our children and to be appreciated on this special day is so meaningful. I am so not looking forward to the day when my youngest child will be leaving for college anytime soon next month but we have to let them go...

    1. Dear naniasda, yes, when it it time to let them go we have to do it with pleasure..walau dalam hati remuk redam..then start calling them on the phone, although they are only 200 meters away..baru nak bertolak..only a mother can tell it all...happy mother's day to u my friend.

  4. IndaMarya Here's wishing you HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY...keep smiling that pretty smile and stay happy always...from Uncle AL.

    1. Thnx Uncle AL, hope you are getting better each day. jgn lupa makan ubat.moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan dalam kehidupan.and happy mother's day to aunty Ina.Tk care..senyum selalu..

  5. Salam Cikgu PRETTY & LOVELY IndaMarya, ni Uncle nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Guru to you IN ADVANCE...teachers day this year kalau tak silap on Thursday 16th May 2013. Teruskan berbakti pada Bangsa,Agama Dan Negara. You deserve the salute for your contribution to Society.Here is something that will make you smile....katakan lah Lee and me,JADI your student adoi pehning you arhahahahaha....LOL...CAMNI OUR DAILY CONVERSATION BILA KAT KELAS ARHAHAHAHAHAHA......

    Cikgu IndaMarya: Lee and AL Why are you both late?
    Lee & AL : Class started before we got here.

    IndaMarya: AL, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
    AL: Cikgu You told me to do it without using tables.

    IndaMarya: Lee, how do you spell 'crocodile?' Lee: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L'
    IndaMarya: No, that's wrong
    Lee: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.

    IndaMarya: AL, what is the chemical formula for water?
    AL: H I J K L M N O.
    IndaMarya: What are you talking about?
    AL: Yesterday Cikgu kata it's H to O.

    IndaMarya: AL, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.
    AL : Me!

    IndaMarya: Now, Lee , tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
    Lee: No cikgu, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.

    Tu lah dia imagine kalau both of us your student habis cheritas but one thing you can rest assured is that we be talking about how beautiful you look everyday instead of learning. Happy Teachers day to you and keep smiling alkways......Uncle AL.

    1. Kah kah, Uncle AL, kalau dpat murid macam ni chek tk tau nak kata apa..cute pun cute jugak, geram pun geram jugak..last2 chek bawa balik rumah jadi teman chek amacam?
      tapi ni chek nak habaq kat Uncle AL in advance, hari guru ni chek tk pi sekolah sebab anak chek convo hari yang sama, buat penat chek dok latih budak2 chek menari, menyanyi bagai, tiba2 hari tu chek tak brpeluang tengok.
      ptg ni pun chek nak pi sekolah latih menari lagi..baju yang chek sedia cantik gilos tu pun tk dak chance pakai hari guru,
      first time hari guru chek tak boleh celebrate sama kawan2 di sekolah..sob sob..
      anyway, TQ so much for those beautiful sweet floating on the clouds words Uncle, chek rasa kembang kiri kanan dah ni..kembang sementara la, kembang teruih chek tak mau, nanti baju chek yg berlambak tu chek nak bagi kat sapa ?..take gd care of yrself ..stay healthy stay cooooool.

  6. Muka pun dah berseri2 umpama bunga yang kembang mekar.

    1. beseri apa Aina, dok senyum buat2 .letih tunggu bunga tu, and smbil tu dok berlari ke toilet.cirit ta pasai2..adusss. lepas tu I left my phone pulak di sekolah, balik semula...cirit lagi.smpai di rumah lpas smbhyg zohor trlelap atas sofa , bila jaga tengok dh ptg, masih pakai baju sama...perut tinggai nipih..cirit punya pasai.

  7. gorgeous mum, beautiful flowers from the faithful daughter. u deserve it, teacher

    1. TQ Mak Wardah, best kan? dpat bunga, hantar kat sekolah lagi.evry year dia tk lupa send on Mother's Day..masa tu rasa best sgt jdi mak..

  8. Salam pretty teacher...takper kan ucapkan Selamat Hari Ibu terlewat? setiap hari kan hari ibu, toi dak? hehe...takdan nak bw la...lari sana lari pun baru balik dari beli barang lagi, kepala masih pening kesan tak tidur sepanjang malam aritu.

    my pretty fren, sebak la baca kisah kat atas tu...Alhamdulillah bila anak2 ingatkan kita, kan? wlp itu bukan matlamat utama tp tetap kita hargai dan tersentuh hati, ya dak? My eldest tu hantar mesej kat I jam 1 pagi, dia ada kursus 3 hari kat luar masa tu, esoknya bila balik I dah nyawa2 ikan atas katil, I cuma ingat dia ucapkan sekali lagi HMD, cium tgn I, peluk I dan mintak ampun dan maaf, lepas tu bila I sedar dah jam 2 pagi! hehehe, mmg pengsan betul!

    yoo nampak gojes habis! secantik kuntuman bunga tu..bangga bila ada kaum ibu pandai jaga keterampilan diri!

    1. Salam my sweet friend, yes betul, hari ibu tiap2 hari sepatutnya kan? ish apa smpai begitu sekali tak sedar? tidur mati tu.Kalau I kidnap u bawa mai Perlis pun sapa pun tak tau kan.When u regain conciousness u dah di Kangaq Indera Kayangan. sedaq2 dah dok makan pulut dengan harum manis dengan I di bawah rmpun bambu tepi umah I..keep you here 2, 3 hari..lepas habis sembang, share stories baru I send you back..amacam, logik da cerita I ? he he.

    2. mmg tak logic, tp kalau dilogic2 kan, logic gak hak3..

  9. wahh...beg merah....hahahahaha

    bestnya dapat bunga..cheq ni jarang dapat bunga..sedih...

    tak sambut mother's day pun..sebab cakap kat mak hari2 adalah hari ibu..kenapa perlu ada spesifik hari nak sambut?

    en.somi kata actually it is originated utk celebrating 'Mother's Day' utk agama lain...
    i am not so sure betul ke tak..

    aunty...happy teachers day in advance :)

    i like uncle Al's dialogue ;)

    1. Harnida, gitula sepatutnya.hari ibu hari2 pun tk pa kan? aunty memang suka bunga, dapat bnga macam dpt berlian..boleh pegang bunga tu lagi la syok. Unle AL and Uncle Lee kita memang banyak jokes, banyak pengalaman hidup..banyak kita boleh belajaq dari depa kan?
      TQ for the care..masak apa pulak hjg minggu ni..tahniah kerana rajin kedapoq.

  10. Cikgu IndaMarya,pada pandangan Uncle AL, di Malaysia hari ibu di sambut untuk merealisasikan pengiktirafan yang di nyatakan olih ALLAH SWT di dalam Al-Quran (Al-Isra':23) Malah Nabi SAW juga bersabda kepada seorang lelaki ketika ditanyakan kepada Baginda: siapakah manusia yang paling layak aku berbuat kebaikan padanya? Rasulullah berkata IBU KAMU,kemudian siapa? Berkata Rasulullah: IBU KAMU kemudian siapa? Berkata Rasulullah: IBU KAMU kemudian siapa? AYAH KAMU.Malah dengan menyambut hari ibu,secara tidak langsung dapat mengingatkan kepayahan dan jerih perit yang di lalui olih ibu bapa untuk membesarkan dan mendidik anak mengikut acuan yang sebenarnya,maka hari ibu merupakan cara terbaik untuk menyedarkan masyarakat yang alpa untuk beramal mengikut apa yang di ajarkan olih Al Quran dan As Sunnah.begitu lah niat nya insyaAllah. Maaf ya terpanggil untuk menjawap kawan kita Harnida,maaf ya ...Uncle AL.

    1. Uncle Al, saya juga pernah terbaca riwayat tu, smpai 3 kali Rasullallah menjawab ibu baru lah kali keempat baginda menjawab ayah..besarnya seorang ibu disisi Allah..Fitrah seorang ibu sedemikian rupa dijadian Tuhan...kami tahan sakit, tahan berjaga, tahan siksa jiwa...macam2..walaupun lelaki dijadikan perkasa dari segi fizikalnya, tapi ketahanan jiwa rasa org pompuan lebih hebat...he he.saja nak puji diri..TQ for all the advice pedoman, dan petua.Saya sgt menghargai .moga Allah terus memberkati kehidupan Uncle sekeluarga, dgn diberi kesihatan yang baik selalu.. Amin

    2. aunty..tumpang lalu nak reply to Uncle Al..

      thank u offence..
      minta maaf kalau komen saya ada menyinggung perasaan..
      tak berniat pun sebenarnya..

      sebenarnya tiada isu nak sambut hari ibu atau tidak..
      terpulang pada individu..

      sebab tu saya cakap tak sure betul ke tak apa yg en.somi cakap tu..sebab saya pun tak check...hihi

      it is definately true memang ada hadis pasal nabi suruh berbakti kepada ibu 3 kali..then baru sebut ayah...

      memang patut pun anak2 kenang jasa ibu bapa..
      tak kisahla cara yg bagaimana nak digunakan utk menzahirkan penghargaan mereka terhadap ibubapa as long as tak melanggar hukum syarak, tak langgar undang2..

      cuma yang ralatnya..ada sebilangan anak2 ni..
      time mother's day ingat pulak..tapi hari lain? saya tak tujukan pada uncle dan aunty tau....just my thoughts

      i know both of u sangat2 bertuah kerana ada anak2 yg sentiasa ingat dan menghargai :)

      aunty and uncle sudah tentunya ibu bapa yg hebat untuk keluarga masing2..wish i'll be a great parent like u bila ada anak sendiri nanti...doa2 kan yer :)

  11. Dear Cikgu IndaMarya minta tumpang lalu (tangan letak tepi tunduk) nak chat kit gan Harnida...Maaf ya Harnida ,Uncle pun usia dah lepas maghrib ,ni pun masih belajar lagi. Sebab tu Uncle qualify my statement gan berkata as long as niat tu begitu maka begitu lah insyaAllah. I am sure semua anak2 ingat kat ibu bapa selalu cuma di zaman moden ini banyak obstacle dan circumstances yang sometimes buat mereka, kadang2 kita pun take things for granted dan alpa to the original intentions. yes insyaALLAH uncle doakan agar rezeki Harnida untuk mendapat anak akan di makbulkan olih ALLAH SWT. Tapi Harnida mesti usahakan ingat lagi tak petua Uncle bagi dulu, amalkan insyaALLAH jadi nanti tu sooner or later....Maaf sekira nya tersinggung tapi percaya lah i mean no harm and tulus ikhlas, yang baik dari Allah swt dan yang kurang baik tu Uncle sendiri ...Thank you IndaMarya stay pretty and dedicated to your profession always . Senyum2 selalu cause you do have a lovely smile. Regards from Uncle AL.

  12. Hi Uncle AL, sebenarnya tk da apa2 pun ,cuma both u n Harnida are very polite people, u all bimbang org terasa walhal sebenarnya tk da apa pun..Aik bila Uncle bagi petua kat Harnida ni?
    Uncle AL, and Harnida, tunggu satu hari kita jmpa di Penang na, kita pekena kueteow penang, or pasembur, Uncle tentu tau tang mana sedap kan? Harnida, kita pekena Uncle AL belanja...nak?

    1. Uncle is ok..and thank u so much... :)

      errrkk..petua tu ekk...
      hari tu dah dapat beli kat jusco..
      bila nak cari lagi..dah tak der stock pulak..gamaknya org tak banyak beli kot..
      nak kena ternak sendiri kot gamaknya....hhrrrmmmmm ;)

      Aunty...elok gak tu..bila lagi uncle Al nak belanja kan..kan...kan?

    2. Harnida, dah Uncle AL nak belanja kita minta lebih2 sikit. lepas makan kita ajak Uncle Al jalan2 Penang pulak.lepas tu baru kita balik..amacam ?

  13. wpun terlewat..happy mother day to akak ye


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