Dia girlfriend aku la...

      Hari ni mengajar about clothings..I drew a picture of a girl and a boy..and mata boy tu dok jeling at the girl.Never expect the pupils would love that.semua suka.Bukan main kecik2 baru 7 tahun dah pandai bab2 mengorat2 ni..ish ish.

     I drew the boy wearing a cap, t-shirt, belt,trousers , socks and shoes..and the girl pakai blouse cantik,ada frills lagi, with a long skirt and ribbon on her hair..and jual mahal sikit ...mata budak pompuan tu tak tengok pun at the boy..

     I couldnt believe my ears when the girls started shouting..
     " Teacher , mana aci..budak pompuan tu tak tengok pun kat budak laki tu "
     La...ish boleh tahan hangpa ni..
     "tak boleh la..pompuan msti malu sikit.."
     "budak2 mana ada boyfriend girlfriend kan? "

      Then lagi la saya terkejut nasib baik tak pengsan..ha ha when a boy, so silent before this suddenly said.
      "teacher, Nurul Huda kan dia suka kat Afieq.Tadi masa turun tangga dia pegang tangan Afieq"
      "Ha? " my eyes bulat ...terkejut.

      Then I said to him ..
       "kamu dok kata kat orang entah2 kamu pun ada awek dak ? "
       "Teacher saya nak kat Alieya" double terkejut saya.
       Suddenly Annas yang duduk di belakang tiba2 terpa ke depan and said...
       " Eh, hang baik2 sama, Alieya girlfriend aku tau..hang cari la orang lain "
       "Ha ? oh my God.." I said menepuk dahi.
       Then everybody macam suka pulak, evrytime somebody spelled a word wrongly the rest would say" Oh my God...."

         The class turned into a hilarious lot..I was laughing aloud..semua orang gelak macam lupa diri.

         I showed a picture of a pair of gloves and wrote the spelling on the board.
         Ada pulak yang terasa malu..tutup muka..
         I said "why? "
         "Teacher tulis tu ada love..."
         "ha mana? kan teacher tulis gloves tu..tengok betui2"
         "Tu ada love tengah2.."
         Then I looked at the board..betul la spelling of the word gloves memang ada the word 'love' di tengah2..
          ".ish macam2..buat teacher rasa muda balik la kamu ni.."

          Tiba2 when the bell rang, a boy named Akil came to me and made a confession ..a confession?
" teacher , sebenaqnya saya pun ada girlfriend jugak.."
       "Ha ? sapa pula girlfriend kamu "
        "Khayra " sambil mata melirik melihat Khayra yang dah senyum2 sambil tutup muka dengan buku..
         "Oh my God " I said aloud followed by the whole class.
         "OH MY GOD..."

          Jadi cikgu..penuh cerita ..sedih suka..baru darjah satu tapi masing2 dah siap ada pasangan masing2..biar betul..
        .I made my way to the canteen..my face lighted up..hilang seketika duka lara..memang budak2 ni penghibur hati.. 



  1. Oh my God...arhahaha..biaq betui bebudak nih!
    hmm..budak2 zaman dulu pun apa kurangnya, cuma budak sekarang lebih open, barangkali rasa malu semakin terhakis...

    pewrasaan "suka" atau "cinta" adalah suatu anugerah semulajadi, cuma kalau tidak disalurkan pada jalan dan waktu yg betul kita bimbang gejala yg tak diingini akan berlarutan, maklum zaman langit terbuka ni, byk benda akan lebih senang terbuka heh heh heh....tugas kita sebagai ibubapa semakin berat, beratnya terbahu kpeada cikgu sama...hmm.....

    apapun kita adalah pencorak warna warni masa depan kehidupan mereka, kan?

    bila tiba bab ni, rasa seronok pulak jadi cikgu ek? ekekekek

  2. Hi my sweetie,memang kdg2 apa yg keluar dri mulut depa saya tk sgka..betui la apa you kata,zaman sekarang, langit dh luas,tkdak smpadan,intrnet masuk kmpung dn ceruk..budak2 kecik pun tau semua benda..cakap pun kita kena hati2..or they give double meaning..
    teringat zaman dulu2, anak2 dara mulut trkunci, kita hanya ckap yg manis, yang baik saja..now anak2 zmn skarang bebas kata apa saja.org crdik pandai..kdg2 sopan santun pun dh hilang.
    pengaruh sekeliling dan rakan sebaya mengatasi semua.saya prnah mndengar rungutan budak2 drjah satu ni yang mengalahkan pemimpin negeri .saya smpai trnganga , tk sgka, walhal masih kecik, pengetahuan sdia ada pun tk banyak ,tapi boleh komen mengalahkan ahli politik..
    adoi letih..he he

  3. hehe...budak2 zaman sekarang...bab2 tu mmg cepat ja depa belajar...
    anak bongsu akak..baru darjah 1
    bila bawak bersiar ke tempat2 riadah...tgk ada couple atas bangku...dia akan berkata...depa tu dok bercinta la tu..
    "mana adik thu.." saya tanya..

    "dalam tv mcm tu...duduk berdua2..pegang2 tgn..:

    1. Hi Kamsiah, memang tv jadi guru paling ketara..susah nak control anak tengok tv..tv pun sewenangnya tunjuk mcm2..budak kecik tau benda2 yg kita dulu tingkatan 5 baru tau...
      apa nak kata..pengaruh sekeliling memang payah nk sekat kan?
      Trima kasih singgah baca cerita harian seorang guru sekolah rendah mcm saya..kdg2 sedih,kdg2 sronok..kdg2 menyakitkan hati pun ada..he he.

  4. Hi IndaMary, wow! You can draw too...good for you. Nothing like illustrations to catch the kids attention. And guess girls tend to mature faster than boys.
    I'm sure your students adore you, as from what I've been reading so far, you are dedicated in your profession. And enjoy teaching.
    Unlike the few, nak chari gaji.
    Have a fun weekend, keep well.

    1. Hi Lee, u nk tengok lukisan saya, boleh tengok my previous posting entitled : bakat yang semakin kabur" dlm tu ada a few drawings when I was younger dulu..masa free time banyak he he.
      TQ atas pujian yang melambung tinggi di awan..wait a minute, I want to fly a few seconds ha ha..
      Yes I love teaching, ada ramai penghibur hati di dalam class, tapi kdg2 sakit hati pun ada la..
      TQ singgah..
      PS. mana sambungan cerita Irene ni..letih tunggu.

  5. OMG! budak2 memang tak pandai simpan rahsia..pantang kena cucuk sket dah bocoq abih satu kelas tau...muahahahahahaha

    1. memang, muka puas pulak tu dok habak grlfriend depa sapa..he he.budak2.lpas tu semua rahsia bonkaq habis..tak larat gelak kita dengaq.

  6. Pengaruh luar membuatkan budak2 cepat faham.Kak Zai dulu dah form 5 belum pandai bercinta hehehe....

  7. he he, budak2 sekarang tak sama kita dulu..betullah mungkin pengaruh tv,intrnet,rakan sebaya semua menyumbang kan? ibu bpa nak pantau pun tk boleh 24 jam..

  8. Hi IndaMarya, you made me so excited and happy you dropped by my pondok just now.
    I missed you....and always appreciate your very motivating and inspiring lively thoughts.
    It is nice people like you, your thoughts that inspire me to exceed yours and my expectations.

    Sorry about your having problems coming to my pondok, but lately in view of those 30 regular silent readers that make me upset, I put up certain roadblocks, thus the links those silent readers have to my pondok, now stopped 3 postings ago.
    But regrettably it affected you too. Why? I not be knowing....as you always kumpang drum welcome to my pondok.

    Anyway, so thrilled see you come by. Thought you busy main golf ke other social activities...
    Was wondering why you have not come? Sikit lagi saya informed our Canadian RCMP put out an all points bulletin for you, ha ha...
    Ok, saw your lively thoughts episode 10 up. Hey! You read that fast? Chepat sampai 13? Ha ha.
    Anyway, saya now busy constructing next posting....very sad as well putting back what I did not put in before....so what you read now was what happened.
    It takes me 4, 5 days to redo these cheritas...I started day before....
    Be seeing you next posting...
    You stay beautiful and simpan satu lagu dalam hati.
    ps, just klick on my callsign, you dapat green lane pass to my pondok. No need you go chari selatan utara for my pondok, ha ha.

    1. ayo yo,you know wat Lee, last night almost 3am baru habis bca all yr new 3 entries..hilang smpai 2 minggu tk boleh trace yr pondok..org lain buat I yg kena banned..ni I sudah marah..he he.anyway cerita tu was so hot especially the hujung2 part..I pun rasa panas jugak kena pasang aircond smpai beku he he..so its sad ending..I will express wat I thnk about this dalam posting you yg last nanti when you finish yr story about Irene and move to Canada..suspence suspence tungguuuuuuuu..

  9. fuh! children nowadays just don't really care to express their feeling kan?
    Dulu I dapat love letter bawah meja aje dah rasa xbest nye!!!
    rasa takur nak pegi sekolah pun ada jugak.
    And dat was when I was 14 okeyh.
    I guess teacher nowadays dah tak heran dgn peel yg bermacam at school aite. hu hu hu

  10. Dear RedRose, zaman saya lagi teruk, kalau ada hati kat sapa2 simpan saja dalam hati..macam cerita2 Hamka tu la..bawa smpai mati la kenangan tu..he he.
    But I guess time has changed..People are more frank and outspoken nowdays...nanti you tengok la yr sweet younglady ada byfriend..he he.tambah2 comei mcm tu kan kan?

  11. Hi IndaMarya, Oh my GOD.....LOL, LOL... children now a days mature very fast compare to our time. Dulu kita at 16 still so naive and innocent.

    When my son was in Std one, he is the only Chinese in the whole lot of Std one. Got so many Malay girls all like him so much. Then got 2 girls so frank telling me they liked my son. One pulak in class told my son "I love you" siap tulis note pass to my son. Sekali my son tak kasi muka one punch on her face. Came home he told me I punched the girl in school. ^-^

    Another one pulak bodek me like future mother in law, everyday I pick my son she see me sure to peluk and cium me. I thought she just being friendly lah, mana tau mak aii... one day she told me Aunty,next time I nak kahwin your son, I love him very much. Muaaahh.....

    Have a nice day.

  12. Hi Amelia, ish ish cerita you lagi hebat..mesti anak you tu hndsome kan? semua berebut nak buat byfriend.and dia pun jual mahal la he he..
    budak2 sekarang..kita dulu malu2.walau dlm hati nak tapi buat2 tak mau..he he.now the girls are so daring, if they want they really go all out ..sampai dapat siapa they want.Dunia semakin modern tapi syg sekali kehormatan diri semakin hilang..
    you tk cr my friend.

    1. Hi IndraMarya, my son montel and fair lah. LOL Dia tu sampai sekarang pun jual mahal dengan semua perempuan. And all the girls in the class like to disturb him pulak.
      The girl that bodek me, parent transfer kerja sudah pindah sekolah. LOL

      Takde update lagi, sibuk kerja? When free drop by my blog makan Elvis cake. :))

      Have a nice weekend.

  13. salam. mmng xsemua og suka mkn tempoyak sbb tempoyak kan simpan lama...so ada yg ckp bau busuk...hehe peknga yang mkn ngn gula tu eh? http://kacangsebuncis.blogspot.com

  14. no dear, peknga yg macam buat cucoq kodok tapi spread atas daun pisang, bakaq.tak mkn dgn gula aih..looks exactly like the one in yr blog.

  15. Hi dear gorgeous, adoiii i macam merangkak ke sini..sekarang baru tiba. Sorry ya, badan I berat ni..haha.. penuh dengan beban. Tapi takpe, sekarang dah ringan skit especially after baca your cerita. I really enjoy lah your interaction with the kids. Amazing kan, how kids that age dah tau pula pasal pasangan2 ni.. I really laugh at your student, malu lah pula bila nampak perkataan love from the word glove.. amboiiii..hahaha.. OH MY GOD!!!

  16. hi flawless, lama tk dgr cerita you ..hilang entah kemana.
    hmmm budak2 sekarang not like us dulu2 kan..7 years old dah pndai byfriend girlfriend and brani to speak their mind..
    this morning there was ths kid who came to me and said,teacher kemarin saya pi Kangar ,nmpak 'dia' pointing to his girlfriend.
    I said" so ? "
    he said."saja nak habaq kat teacher"..
    Me #&*^%$ ?

  17. Hi IndaMarya, Just dropped by say hello....Blog you ni ta'jalan? Ada traffic jam? You busy?
    Anyway, you have a nice day, keep a song in your heart.

    1. Hi Lee, I pulak buka blog you semua kosong apa cerita?.you dh tutup account ke? atau pun I yg kena block? he he.pls check pleeeeeeaaaassseee...

  18. Hi IndaMarya, sorry about my missing postings....semalam I saw 17 of those very regular ill mannered readers, lima tahun tada sekali say hello.
    So I naik angin, I tarek all out and went to sleep.
    I put back this morning.

    Anyway...hey, you my very, very good friend, I will never block you. Susa nak chari chegu chantek. Ha ha.
    Wishing you selamat berpuasa.....
    Stay beautiful.

  19. Wow...sangat interesting. Kelakar sangat. Oh..Inda is an English teacher yer. Must be fun kan playing around 7 years old children. Hahahahaha. You must be a very good teacher sampaikan semua boleh confess about girlfriends lagi at that young age. Well done.

    Oh, I come from the Darling Uncle Lee's blog. Saja bergurau kan. Life should be filled with smiles and laughter.

  20. Dear Aziela, salam kenal.yes I teacher kat sek rendah.memang fun la Aziela.This morning one boy (yg paling buas dlm kelas) tiba2 bagi duit RM 1 kat gilrfriend dia.Yg si pompuan pun ambik simpan senyap dlm kocek bju kurung dia.
    When I asked him why bagi duit kat Aleya, he said saja...sebab bulan posa tk pi kantin! agak2 la..kalau nak sara pun I kata tunggu la kawin dulu..satu kelas gelak.si boy buat muka tak faham..yg si girl tunduk sipu2..
    kdg2 time bulan puasa ni letih jugak dgn budak2 ni..kalau kita too friendly siap mai keliling meja , ada kelebek beg tgn kita , ada pegang2 lengan baju..kalau 2, 3 org tk pa juga Aziela, kalau 30? boleh pitam cikgu..tak cukup oxygen .he he

    trima kasih sudi singgah.slamat menunaikan ibadah puasa.Masak pa hari ni?

  21. salam my pretty fren...harap you dah baca salam dari Uncle AL utk you ya, dlm my blog's comment box..

    tk dpt tulis byk, ada kijer nak buat...:)

  22. ssalam my pretty fren, harap u dh baca salam Uncle AL utk you dlm blog I ya..

    1. dah baca my friend, tq Sweetie.u keep well.miss yr updates.msti sibuk kan?

  23. IndaMarya, if you free, check out Youtube, watch this Canadian made movie, 'Little Mosque on the prairie'. It was produced, directed by a Canadian Muslim lady, with casts Muslims and non muslims.
    Boleh pechah perut ketawa. Really hilarious.
    Its about the misconceptions between muslims and the Mat Sallehs.

    It was more popular than other TV series, even in US.
    Watch the beginning, Part 1, Ramadan and looking for an Imam.
    Have a nice weekend.

    1. Tq my dear Lee, well I just watched ep 1 and 2.boleh tahan hilarious.a vry caring community,evry one is so concerned about each other..tapi trlebih concerned kadang2..lawak masa Ammar nak propose pun susah...he he.
      One question..bila nak smbung cerita u meeting Irene's daughters? lama sgt tunggu la...letih tunggu ni.

  24. HI gorgeous IM, thanks for dropping by pondok I. How are you? I notice tak ada post baru. Sibuk ke? hehehe.. Anyway, you must be tired kan. Sekarang kan bulan puasa. Masak ape malam ni?

    kat KK, bazaar Ramadan sini sana, seronok ronda2. I tak puasa, tapi ikut perkembangan bazaar hehehe.Tapi kekadang, traffic jam, dan parking, mak aiii.. jgn sebut, fening kepala. hahaa..

    Selamat Berpuasa my gorgeous fren.

    1. My dear flawless Angie,I ni sihat2 saja.post baru memang tak da.malas nak tulis he he.maybe esok I try tulis sikit just to be with the flow dgn u all.
      nanti pukul 4 masuk dapor .buka posa hari ni masak smbal tumis udang, and masak daging goreng kunyit je..simple ja hari ni.letih sgt,sebab the whole morning kat umah my neighbour, upacara pengkebumian hubby dia.passed away semalam.
      ha? fening kefala? he he.mcam filem P Ramlee pulak.sekali cakap arab daaaa....
      bazaar Ramadhan di mana2 pun sama.penuh manusia beli juadah nak brbuka..zaman sekarang tk kisah kan? ada duit saja semua jadi.But I masak jugak.cuma sekali sekala ja beli.
      Di tempat I pun mcm tmpat you, ramai Chinese, indians pi pasar Ramadhan.Maybe masa tu they can find berbagai jenis makanan Melayu .Kdg2 kuih2 tradisi lama yg tak terdapat pada hari2 biasa..boleh try.
      TQ Angie for dropping by.nanti esok kita jumpa dlm blog.guess what? esok my birthday..he he.

  25. My dear gorgeous IM
    Hey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY my lovely friend. Even just thru cyberspace, I can feel that you are such a loving, caring,compassionate, generous person. What a privilege to know you.. *wow* berucap gitue hehe.
    but my dear gorgeous, really I mean that. My birthday wishes for you
    *Count your garden by the flowers
    Never by the leaves that fall
    Count your life with smiles, not tears
    And with joy on every birthday,
    Count your age by friends, not years
    So, have a million smiles today
    Let your heart be filled with love
    Chase all your cares away
    Have a little fun
    Dance to your favorite music
    Sing your favorite tune
    Laugh with all your heart,
    Share a silly joke or two
    Have a Happy Happy Birthday
    No matter what you do!
    Wishing you good health, wealth, happiness and lots and lots of blessing from God..
    Stay beautiful always...*tight hugs*


    1. Hi flawless, I feel like I want to cut and paste these beautiful words from u to next page.on my new entry 'my birthday'..
      I guess if I follow semua yang u cakap tu, I will be the most cheerful, happiest lady ever kan? TQ Dear Angie.

  26. Beautiful ticer, senyum sorang2 kat sini, macam2 kan kerenah anak2 ni. Hidup kita pulak jadi lebih meriah....

    1. Betul Mak wardah..macam2 kerenah budak2.kadang GERAM jugak..eeee rasa macam nak cekik..tapi urut dada..tahan..

  27. huhu, anak bujang saya 8 tahun
    tu ari balik citer kawan dia gelfren
    sy usik 'ye ke kawan abam,ntah2 abang pun ada'
    terus dia jawab 'masa drjah 1 ada la, tp dah taknak sebab ada lg yang lebih cantik. nama wani, rambut panjang. dan dia putih sikit'
    uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa rasa nak pengsan
    dan saya kata, kalau dh besar nanti isteri abam tak suka umie nak buat macam mana?
    dia jawab 'abang ceraikan dia'
    double uwaaaaaaaaaaaa
    jenuh pulak sy nak terangkan x boleh main suka2 cerai
    kena ajar isteri dulu, kalau dia sayang abam mesti dia akan dgr akap abam.adoi la anak


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