I sing this song for you..."Sepanjang Jalan Kenangan "

    Its been a long time I thought of singing a song untuk kawan2 yang singgah di blog ni.hasrat tercapai last few days. Masa tu rumah gelap pekat. Power failure.
    My son was sittng nearby, so dalam gelap tu di terangi cahaya lilin I sang a song.My favourite song yang I used to sing masa dulu2. Kira ni lagu wajib la..ha ha.
    Untuk Uncle AL yang pernah minta nak dengar suara, Angie and Queenie and Uncle Lee also among them..ini la lagu untuk mu..
    Untuk semua kawan2 bloggers..kalau tak sedap jangan marah..memang dah lain dari suara masa muda2 he he..If you hear some whispers before the song please ignore..ha ha .


     TQ for listening .....  


  1. not bad..boleh masuk kilauan emas musim depan..:)

    1. ha ha.tk dak harapan Kamsiah ..malu anak cucu

  2. Kat pejabat ni tak boleh dengaq sat nanti balik rumah nak jugaaakkk la dengaq.

  3. Hi IM
    Baru juga i nak pi comment why couldnt find the link you singing.. Yaayyy nak dengar.. I happy lompat2.
    Heii you belum response ke undangan kawan kita dari negara utara tu? Dia sedang tapping his feet waiting kedatangan mu dengan sabarnye hehe.. Ok nak dengar u nyanyi dulu..

    1. Dearest Angie, I dh bagi my gmail address, dia pun accept tapi i tk boleh masuk blog dia.heran.I dh gve up.dah la kita ni tk brapa pandai computer..dia dah ada new entry ke?

    2. dear Angie, I dah boleh masuk blog kawan kita kat Toronto tu.lega..

  4. IMMmmm.... Wawww you have a fantastic voice! Gosh you really sound like a recording artist! And your voice soo soothing like a young girl's voice..i am a fan. If ada lagi, would like to listen more. Thanks for that lovely lovely song bu Tetty Kadir also my fav song. Hugs ketat..

    1. thanx dear, memang lagu tu by Tetty Kadi. used to be my oldtime favourite.when I was in college..there was a sad memory behind that song..and anywhere I sing , this song is like the opening nmber. then baru nyanyi lagu lain..

  5. Hi IndaMarya.... office tak de speaker... nanti balik umah baru dengar suara merdu you. :))

    Have a nice day.

    1. Dear Amelia,at last dah boleh masuk blog Uncle Lee.he he.

  6. wow ! fantastik sedap di telingaku

    1. tq Nieda..boleh la cara lekeh2 kata org Perlis..

  7. My Dearest Cikgu Indamarya,my FABERET EVER SONG .....well done memang merdu,you have a great voice and melody ....how did you know? this song is special for me,as i sang it on my compulsory retirement age in oct 2011 kat my farewell before i rejoin on contract basis till now. aduh,its special to me,now you sang it so well the right rentak,exactly how it should be sung,the right beat,melody and with the right feel. Thank you now i know kita bolih duet lagu ini,wow,excited Uncle AL...Aunty Ena pun enjoyed it,she not bad also nyanyi ni yang kita must get together,i miss Queenie,Sweet Marie and off course our friend Lee,jauh sangat,one day we should arrange get together,all Angie,Amelia,,Azwa and all

    1. yr favourite song? glad u like it.actually lagu2 tetty kadi semua hafal.tapi my son tau melody yg ni saja..I love the idea, maybe we cn get together with the others and Datin Ena too.Duet? no prblem.that would be nice.yes I miss Queenie too and Lee jauh sgt pulak kan? who knows kan? until then tk gd cr of yrself.

    2. Salam..glad Uncle Al masih ingat kat Azwa..Azwa doakan Uncle bertambah sehat dan sentiasa dalam lindunganNya..would be nice if we can get together and nyanyi2 mensumbangkan lagu2 lama hahahha.. take care dear friends..

  8. Pretty Cikgu tengok lah Uncle happy and excited sangat sampai lupa nak sign off maaf ya from Uncle AL.

    1. lupa sign off tk pa, nanti kalau jumpa jangan lupa gd bye sudah...

  9. Hi IndaMarya, Regret I have never heard this song title before, but I can tell you, I will now for always remember it.
    It sure is a beautiful lyric song and enhanced by your bulan nail stengah jam siang voice.
    WOW! Cannot imagine here I am in Canada listening to a beautiful lady's melodious voice....really wonderful feeling and terribly excited to be hearing tour voice for the first time.
    And I cannot but help imagine I am at a nite club like old days hearing the intro, "Ladies and gentleman, introducing Miss IndaMarya.....".

    Indamarya...you have a beautiful voice and with the guitar accompaniment, sounds very romantic. Outstanding!
    Ok...when I'm in the mood, I know where to go...to listen to a beautiful singer.
    Terima kaseh seribu.
    Happy singing, and stay beautiful.

    1. TQ to u too for listening. Actually I pun feel happy kalau u all happy.singing is my passion.untungnya dia jadi pengubat duka lara..sama dgn senyuman yg I selalu bagi. when I am alone, sometimes my thoughts go wondering rata, singing helps. as a Muslim we are encouraged to read the alquran sebagai penenang jiwa..and saya rasa fortunate to have one more thing not many others have besides reading the quran ..iaitu singing..sambil masak, sambil menyapu, sambil driving, nyanyi la..sebagai pengubat jiwa..
      tq again my friend..Christmas is next month, I saw on the internet,the preparation is already going on .di malaysia tak meriah sgt, only di supermarket besar2 saja ada hiasan2 menarik tu..yr place msti meriah kan?
      stay healthy stay cheerful.Blog baru sgt happening.congrats.

  10. Tqvm, my favourite song too...nice voice.

    1. TQ Mak Wardah...for listening..(penyanyi ceruk dapur)..

  11. Auntyyyy!!!!!
    u know i am smiling widely listening your song..like u r singing right in front of me..
    rasa nak peluk jer aunty lepas abis nyanyi..hahahaha

    u have soothing voice aunty..
    rasa tenang..macam suara ibu yg memujuk anaknya yg baru lepas menangis...

    i like this song..memang pernah dengar..especially part chorus tu..cuma lirik x ingat sangat..

    rasa macam kalau berpeluang jumpa aunty kan..
    nak suruh aunty nyanyi sambil pelok cheq kat sebelah boleh ;) hahahaah
    tak pun sambil baring atas riba aunty..hahahahahahah

    1. amboi anak menakan sorang ni memang manja habih.tak pa Harnida, bukan setakat peluk cheq, aunty nak dodoi smpai cheq lena .boleh? nanti aunty nyanyi lagu Sharifah Aini 'Dipinggir Kayangan ' tu..sure cheq lena punya..smbil tepuk2 punggung tu.tak lena juga aunty nyanyi 'senandung rindu' yg Broery nyanyi tu..confirm lena..kalau meragam juga last song kita bagi lagu ' senandung lagu lama 'by Kartina Dahari.amacam? banyak lagu dlm senarai aunty bagi just for Harnidaku..he he.

    2. hahahah..cheq memang manja.. :) coughahemcough
      bestnya ada org nak nyanyi sampai cheq lena..

    3. harnida, rasa2 takdan habis selagu dah lena kut ha ha..

  12. Salam cikgu
    Makchaq dengaq lagu ni anak2 dok ada....terkejut depa bila kata kawan blog mak....macam sora orang muda..depa kata...

    1. makchaq...Muda? ha ha.habaq kat depa mai Perlih boleh cheq blanja makan laksa kola..

  13. aduii aduii aduiiiiiii......
    I mesti takkan lupa hari ni, macam ini hari dalam sejarah lah.
    Baru habis minum kopi ngan niece n nephew, then siap2 nak keluar rumah jumpa client kat Damansara, baru masuk kaki sebelah dalam kereta boleh teringatkan you, windu sangat, masuk semula dalam umah bukak komputer (hp slow)...

    ooo...patut la...jiwa ni tak menahan, rupanya ada dendangan merdu untukku!
    aduii terus menitis airmata....you know what dear, I selalu nyanyi lagu ni...malam2...nak2 hari hujan mcm pagi ni....

    hujan yg rintik2
    di awal bulan itu
    menambah nikmatnya malam syahdu...

    ok jangan padam lagu ni na..
    kalau hp laju boleh ulang dgr dlm kereta
    ok nak keluar dulu, you take care!

  14. hi Sweetie, its been a long time since u last singgah sini.Missed u so mucchhhhhhh.tapi org dah sibuk kita nak kata apa kan...nyanyi la utk hibur hati kita..sob sob.

  15. Hi Azian, salam kenal to you too.TQ for dropping by.

  16. Cikgu wah Ni Zul, wow I am impressed. Memang cun your voice. I nak belajar nyanyi gan you bolih? Now I practice karaoke jer. Ok c u soon now Ada kat opis AL. Dia busy so I jadi CEO jap nyanyi kat si Merah celup tu.

  17. Hi Zul, ha ha .TQ for the pujian .rasa mcm dok trbang atas angin melayang2 .so how much nak bayar saya for the tution ?.mula2 kita buat bubbling dulu, then followed by trying yr voice to different pitch, ikut correct tempo, then baru kita belajar nyanyi ..agaknya berapa bulan you boleh achieve? he he.hari ni tk mkn karipap ke? you request Queenie suruh buat banyak2.I pun suka. tak sunyi la office Uncle AL dgn lawak jenaka u and si baju merah tu kan? Km salam kat depa dgn ucapan kat Uncle AL bila nk blanja pasembur Pdg Kota?

  18. Hi IndaMarya, how you doin'? Just dropped by to admire your pics, love that header pic, and that devastating smile of yours.
    Have a fun weekend.

    1. Hi Lee, Thnx. I am doing fine.baru balik knduri.everyday ada 2 or 3 to attend.Ada hari tu smpai 5 tempat.adoi...so makan a spoonful there and a spoonful here, a drink there, bubur here..kalau tidak boleh pecah perut kalau semua tempat I makan nasi..invitation kawan2 kena pergi juga..just to ambil hati makan la sikit2.
      you too have a wonderful day tmorrow my friend..

  19. Salam. Selalu practise nyanyi bi bawah bulan purnama ke.?

    1. salam. no bukan di bawah bulan purnama. tetapi di bawah sinaran lampu minyak tanah..

  20. teacher! merdunya suara. now dat's wut we call a complete package. you have da beauty, da brain, and da voice!!! I wish I pun ada suara merdu mcm tu so dat my hubby will listen to me more. hak hak hak. neway, happy school holiday to you teacher. time ni la nak relax sket aite? stay beautiful and keep singing ye. ^__^

  21. beautiful RedRose, thnx .saja nk nyanyi for a few friends yg request dh lama..accompanied dgn gitar anak yg tak tau lagu ni.yalah org muda mana tau lagu tety Kadi kan? zaman depa dh berlalu.Thats why u will hear at times off tune bunyi gitar tu..anyway thnx for listening..next time boleh nyanyi lagi he he.

  22. Hi dear IM, miss you. Busy ke.. sunyi je. :)

    1. dearest Angie.so many things happened.now baru I buka jenguk blog lapuk ni.hope boleh on balik..miss u too a lot.

  23. merdu suara macam muda belia. Mesti berjiwa muda ni.

    1. tq.mgkin hati rasa muda kut.walau pun dah aged..ha ha

  24. Ketuk2 pintu...mana tuan rumah ni lamanya sengap.

    Kak Inda tunggu sekolah buka ke baru nak update blog...:)

  25. Pretty cikgu Indamarya,hilang kemana rindu lah....... comeback quick,Insyaallah Uncle Doakan semua nya yang baik buat cikgu......Uncle AL.

    1. Dear Uncle AL. tq.here I am again.lama berkurung.now baru keluaq dari gua..bertapa.

  26. huhu..tak boleh dgr
    it block comp ni
    xleh sebarangan

  27. Kak IM....where are you? I miss you sooo much. Luckily I can still listen to that very beautiful song, an extremely lovely voice and so soothing too. I have been wondering...are sure you are a teacher? Top celebrity singer could suit you best. With you being a very gracious and beautiful lady, you album surely will explode in the market. Er..tak dak lagu lain lagi ke kak? Boleh buat playlist....dengar malam2, tengok bulan dari balkoni, minum teh sorang2...mesti layan punya.

    1. my sweet Aziela.I miss u too.susah pjg cerita.nanti la I story sikit2. well tunggu anak balik mgkin boleh nyanyi lagi.bagi u dgar malam.jgn silap dgr pulak .tup tup hantu mak Limah yg mai.he he

  28. Aunty..where have u been?
    missing in action?
    are u ok? sihat?

    miss u

    1. dear harnida, ni ada dpan computer ni..baru dok try pikiaq apa nk tulis.he he.I sihat.ok.bdn pun dh naik sikit.I miss u too dear.

  29. Aslmkm IM,
    kemana menghilang lama betul tak update blog???? Hope everything is fine with you and family....

    1. dear naniasda...phuuh lama giler I tk update blog usang ni kan? dah nearly 7 long months..aduh.many things happened along the way. now I am back to share the life of an old teacher...
      yes I am fine.just time doesnt permit me to write lately..

  30. Salam Kak Inda..
    Lamanya menyepi..harap sihat selalu di sana. nanti jika diberi kesempatan dan kelapangan update la blog :)


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