MTC and I. ..

          MTC juga di panggil M4P.   Maktab Perguruan Persekutuan P Pinang. It has always been in my mind. ..This is the place. The place where I studied to become a teacher.

           Recently saya berpeluang menjejakkan kaki ke sana lagi.kali ini berjaya persuading the guard to let me in.Susahnya nak pujuk guard tu. But akhirnya dia bagi saya masuk.

          The minute mata saya memerhati sekeliling...hati rasa sayu.Semua dah berubah.Tiada lagi tempat2 saya dan si dia duduk bersembang..Entah kemana jalan2 kecil tempat kami susuri waktu petang selepas aktiviti di maktab.

               Namanya pun dah berubah menjadi Institiut Pendidikan Guru Kampus P Pinang.
I was lost in this familiar place.The place once so close to my heart.  New buildings took the place of the old ones. Suddenly it looked so strange to me..

                I did not stay there long.I knw now that was  not the place for me.Though it was the witness of so many sweet memorable moments there. Barely 10 minutes,  I made my way out.
                Before that my nephew took a few shots of me there. Taking photos in the hot sun. Could feel the sharp rays of the sun on my face. Panas sungguh. Tak bolih tahan.
                I took a last glance at the building behind me before we drove off. Bye MTC..bye history.bye love.


  1. Tempat kita belajar akan meninggalkan seribu kenangan yg sukar kita lupakan walaupun pembangunan akan merubah tempat tersebut. Mac 2015 Aina sempat singgah tempat belajar setelah 20 tahun meninggalkannya...

  2. tempat jatuh lagi dikenag..inikan pulak tempat menimba ilmu..

  3. Seronok jadi Cikgu berbakti pada anak bangsa.

  4. Masih bercuti jerebu ke? Aduhai syahdunya pergi tempat bercintan cintun ya.. he he..sekarang cuma tinggal melekat dalam ingatan dan kenangan je la sebab tempat tu dah lain sangat. "Bye love" tu yang touching sangat he he

  5. assalamualaikum IndaMarya
    selamat berbakti utk anak2 bangsa dan negara

  6. Hi IndaMarya, how you doing? Baju merah cantik, look elegant :))

    Best regards

  7. Hi Indamarya, just dropped by say hello. Love that red outfit of yours. You looking good. And that smile of yours boleh lupa nama mak.
    Simpan satu lagu dalam hati.
    Best regards,

  8. Salam. Lamanya tak baca this blog. Memang suka sangat baca. Now I am back..

  9. teacher!!! kita suka baju merah teacher tu. vibrant!


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