Merdeka Merdeka Merdeka ! !

       A busy week.Monday pelancaran bulan mrdeka by the boss. I was on duty so have to make sure evrything go smooth...Before starting off semua kena listen to the lagu wajib..Jalur Gemilang and Kerana mu Malaysia.Everyone knows the songs...Especially the pupils..the melody, the lyrics..but to be safe the lyrics were given earlier..
     kalau nyanyi asyik tengok lyrics mana best kan?

           The small Malaysian flags in their hands, sukanya boleh kibar2. cuma kena remind them they have to raise their hands high , kalau tidak nanti sangkut belakang kawan...

                           Me giving a long speech , kelentong la apa yang patut..he he

                   The boy standing behind me is my helper. Anything happen to the microphone ke or radio ke..dia jadi penyelamat...Nampak? standby macam orang penting. he he.memang penting pun....

                    Dah duty hari tu, so kena la briefing sikit what merdeka is all about. Siap cerita what I mother used to tell me how hard it was during the Japanese occupation in Malaya..Hari2 makan ubi rebus, kadang2 if they were lucky enough boleh la add some rice in the pot with tapioca...
                The saddest part of my mom's story was how when one of her relatives in the village died, they have no cloth( white one) to cover him, so apa yang ada masa tu hanya sekeping tikar mengkuang .Mayat tu di gulung dalam tikar dan di bawa ke kubur...

                  Then before the HM took over the mic, I gave the pupils some questions.macam quiz merdeka la..satu hari satu soalan..ada hadiah menanti..
                  Bukan budak saja get the questions, cikgu pun kena tanya...
                  Question 1. Apa erti kemerdekaan bagi sesebuah negara?
                  Question 2. I sang a song ( about 6 lines of the lyrics...actually lagu Bahtera Merdeka)
                       "Bonda senyum riang..
                         menerima bahtera merdeka,
                         Putera puteri sayang
                         Putera puteri sayang sedang berjuang..."

                     Cikgu kena teka  nama lagu tu....masa ni paling best sebab lama dah I tak nyanyi lagu tu..and syok tengok muka HM baru, terkejut ..tak sangka soalan kuiz for teachers ,teka nama lagu he he. But I have so much fun..! !

                     Look at me,tak habis lagi dok gelak...masa ni semua ready to see the gimic by one of the teachers, siap bawak helicopter control anak the flag from tingkat 3..masa flew down budak2 ternganga mulut...sukanya depa..
                   Bukan budak saja..cikgu pun happy habis..These young teachers memang full of ideas yang awesome...kan?

           Lepas semua selesai, the pupils then moved into the hall, tengok documentary about Kemerdekaan, about communists, about the hardship , about Tuanku Abd Rahman as the father of independence..

           Maybe they are too young to understand , erti sebuah kemerdekaan kepada sebuah negara, but they could imagine how life was then ,from the documentary they just watched...Independence is too expensive to get and too precious to let go.

           Merdeka Merdeka Merdeka...! ! (happy nampak ?...)


  1. okay, I spotted another blue outfit from you. Teacher! you can carry any colour tau. anyhow, still cantik jelita okeyh! huhuhu. Salam Merdeka...

    1. awat rasa kembang ntah...ha ha TQ RedRose.Salam Merdeka to u too.jaga diri, jaga kecantikan..

  2. amboi...sengih sampai ke telinga :)

    1. ha ha harnida..memang mak tok sronok trlebih lpas dapat bendera dok kibaq2 and lpas menyanyi bahtera merdeka..kih kih

  3. Kak 'melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya'.

    1. Aina, betui,kalau dah keras apa pun tak buleh...

  4. Bahtera Merdeka...arwah Mak favourite song and mine too especially the one sang by Ahmad Jais later sang by Aishah. Kalau tanya orang dewasa apa itu erti 'kemerdekaan' especially yang post merdeka tidak ada yang boleh menghayati erti 'kemerdekaan' yang sebenar seperti ayah mak kita dulu...everything now is taken for granted.

    1. naniasda, saya pun suka versi Ahmad Jais..maklum dah tua hehe.saya dengar mak crita bab penjajahan Jepun pun dah kecut perut.hidup dlm ketakutan..anak2 kita sedar2 dah aman bahagia..

  5. Replies
    1. ha ha Tq Kamsiah..warna favourite la katakan..

  6. Hi IndaMarya, really nice see you and the school children celebrating Merdeka. And you giving the speech.
    I suka that boy standby in case microphone naik angin, ha ha.
    So, did you all cry out loud, "MERDKA"!?
    Every 31st August I will think back to that 2 days, when I was there, a form 3 boy. Taking part at Malaya's first student's mass drill and next day being there to see the Tunku cry out 7 times, "MERDEKA"! I too joined in....together with more than 40,000 people.
    And hearing Negara ku for the first time too.

    Thats a very nice pic of you giving speech, macham politician, "vote for me, all will get salary increment 30 %". Ha ha ha.

    1. Lee, msti best you were there when the word Merdeka was heard miles away...
      and masa tu you muda belia lagi..time naughty2 tu...
      gambar giving a speech tu was taken by a friend..tak sedar.kalau tidak msti I dah senyum meleret..


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