TQ Allah...

    My daughter, anak ketiga in the family, baru dapat kerja yesterday.Went for interview at 10am,  soon after that dah called me and said.."yeh dah dapat kerja ! "
   Graduated a few months ago, quite choosy pilih kerja..nak kerja di Perlis saja.tak suka kerja jauh2.tapi rezeki tak ada disini untuk dia..last2 dapat yang dia suka.Just a few minutes drive from her sister's house. Kalau dapat jauh lagi la saya bimbang..
    So I guess she will be staying there dengan kakak dia.Boleh jugak tolong kakak at home.My first daughter is expecting another baby somewhere in early December..now dah mula sarat...

                                                                  My third...

   I came home from school tadi , tengok bilik dia, tiba2 rasa sedih, sunyi semacam..maklum every morning at 530 am, dah kejut dia for subuh prayers. then balik sekolah tanya dah makan apa for the day.
    Before she was off for the interview we had shared many precious moments, pi lunch together.Many times at Secret Recipe ...her favourite..malam2 watched Master chef Australia..dia suka masak...
    tak boleh lupa nasi ayam and soto yang dia masak..best in the world...

   Tiba2 she said rasa nak pi KL umah kakak. Rupanya Tuhan dah aturkan semuanya. Sampai pagi terus dapat call for interview..Rezeki Allah tak siapa menduga.

                                                                  love her big eyes...

        Ingat macamana dia suka buat lawak, and we would laugh our heart out.,rajin jahit labuci pada tudung, masak spagetti, and suka lukis pattern dress yang awesome..takes great care about her skin..kalau ada satu jerawat dah riuh satu rumah..Nak cantik and presentable sepanjang masa .

      selalu advise me about skin care...( dia lupa kita lagi lama dok jaga semua tu..he he).

        Called me many times since yesterday...kawan2 office friendly she said. Then her sister and I would advice macam2.tak habis2.

         Hai....Anak dara saya di KL. Kota yang penuh cabaran.Moga Allah pelihara dia dari segala kejahatan, moga dia selalu baik macam di rumah. Dah 3 anak saya membina kehidupan di kota besar itu...
        Jaga diri, jaga nama baik keluarga...selalu ingat pesan mak. jangan tinggal sembahyang...moga dia dipertemukan dengan jodoh yang baik supaya risau saya terubat. bukan senang melepas anak dara sejauh tu.

                                       in blue after she won prom queen

     Moga Allah sentiasa memerhatikannya dengan penuh kasih sayang...Amin..


  1. subhanAllah...cantiknya ciptaan Allah ni...kemana la tumpahnya kuah kan..like mother like daughter...moga dipelihara Allah akan dirinya sepanjang masa....amin amin ya Rabbal alaminnn...

    1. Amin..ya sahabat ku.sebenaqnya saya takut .dia tk prnah brenggang sjak kecil.lepas UPSR dia dpt ke asrama penoh.tolak, dapat Univrsity di Penang.tolak.tahun sama dpt UITM Arau,Perlis. baru masuk.Dia paling lama dgn saya brbanding abg kakak dn adik.moga doa kawan2 turut sama dibrkati.

  2. Cantiknya anak dara dia patutlah risau pergi jauh2.

    1. Zaitun, saya call dia often,tnya mcm2 and make sure she's ok.

  3. Tahniah to your daughter! 'Tengok bilik dia tiba-tiba rasa sedih, sunyi semacam'...exactly what I felt when I stood at the door of my daughter's room after sending her off to uni last Sunday, she was with me for 20 yrs tapi sayang macam mana pun kena lepas jugak satu hari...

    1. dear naniasda, betul mcm mana pun kena let go juga one day kan? so sama la kita..sob sob..

  4. How nice indeed it is to learn about life that goes on smoothly. The arrival of another grandchild, another daughter getting a job etc.etc.are good news. Sadly with all these the nest is getting empty. That is the price we all have to pay; at the end of which we just sit back knowing all is well, grateful to HIM.

    We have gone through those stages and are happy to see that we have not lived and toiled for nothing. My congratulations to you.

    1. Dear Al-Manar,tq.empty-nest syndrome is normal.but mothers still feel sad kan?
      Life is sweet.full of surprises sometimes.Hope Allah will always bless us all in his protection..amin..

  5. Mesti anak manja ni.

    Rezeki dia dpt kerja dekat perlis gak.
    Saya dulu tanak kerja kat negeri sendiri, arwah mak siap gi teman interview pastu selalu follow up kat JPA kata "anak saya nak kerja kat KL.. jangan bg putrajaya" hahaha pastu balik kerja negeri ni pun sebab di paksa.. tp the end.. ada la hikmah disebaliknya he he he.

    Chup.. anak akak ni dapat kerja apa?

    1. dekdaa, silap baca ni..anak saya dpt kerja KL bukan di Perlis.
      amboi last2 dpt balik negeri na,dgn abam awak tu sekali.msti best kan?

  6. cikgu...cantiknya anak dara cikgu..sayangnya saya takde anak bujang utk dibuat menantu hehe...yg ada belum cukup umur..:)
    inshaa Allah..ada rezeki utknya tu...

    1. anak belum cukup umur?.kalau tidak boleh berbesan kita..ha ha.

  7. IM,
    Tahniah buat anak dan juga mamanya..
    Having all the children away from home ..i think i know how it feels..the empty nest..yang pergi tu pula jika anak yang meringankan,meriangkan..lagi la terasa.

    1. betul kak.empty nest.I just passed by her room nak ambik hanger..saw her clothes hanging..adoi meleleh lagi ayaq mata saya kak oi..

  8. Cantiknya dia... Like mother like doter. Mewarisi mak dia yang sampai la suka bergaya.

    Alhamdulillah kak. Sebagai mak itulah yang kita selalu harapkan kejayaan anak2 dunia dan akhirat. Seiring.

    Tahniah sebab dah jadi ibu yg sangat baik.

    1. Tima kasih Aina.kasih syg mak tk dak smpadan.apa pun nak tengok yg trbaik bagi anak2..saya sgt prcaya kehebatan doa.alhamdullillah Allah dah dengar banyak doa saya..

  9. cantiknya anak aunty..macam mak dia...
    insyaallah..kalau dikelilingi kawan2 yg baik..mudahan mudah kehidupan kita di kota besaq tu..

    haih...nampaknya..setakat ni..cheq la yg dok paling jauh dari family..huhuhuhu

    1. harnida, betul.kawan2 sgt mempengaruhi kita.dapat kawan ok,maka ok la kita.mudah2an dia baca post ni.
      tak pa cheq dok jauh,sbab cheq dah kawin..mudah2an anak aunty akan dpt suami yg baik nanti.senang hati saya.tu la dok suruh dia doa yg baik2.tapi la ni solo lagi la..

  10. assalam IM..cantik ciptaan Tuhan ..cantik sungguh anak IM..ikut wajah cantik maknya..semoga dia selamat dah dilindungiAllah dari perkara2 yang tidak diingini.

    1. Acik Erna.itu doa saya.moga dia happy dan selamat ditempat orang.tapi sedap hati sbab duduk dgn kakak dan abg ipar dia.rasa lapang sikit hati.


  12. irfa, memang saya risau...12 tahun pun dah risau ? nama pun jadi mak kan..hanya mak yg ada anak pompuan tahu how we feel kan Irfa?

  13. sedihhhh aihh bca...will take a good care of myself here.dont worry.akan balik rumah sekerap yg boleh.hehe.

    1. so you have read...jgn kerap sangat balik.500 KM bukan dekat.just keep well..and smbhyg on time.

  14. Salam Kak IM

    Pertama sekali syukur Alhamdulillah anak akak dah dapat kerja, murah rezeki dia. semua ni berkat doa dari akak juga. doa seorang mak memamg makbul kak :)

    Mungkin apa yang akak rasa sama macam perasaan mak saya 5 tahun lepas. Masa tu saya dapat rezeki kerja di Putrajaya, beratnya dia nak lepaskan saya. yelah kak Sabah dengan Putrajaya jauh kan. Mujur akak saya yang sorang duduk kat Selangor tak la mak risau sangat, dan sekarang Alhamdulillah saya telah berkahwin emak dah tak bimbang sangat sebab dah ada suami yang boleh jaga saya.ehehe (walaupun kami still berjauhan, Perhubungan Jarak Jauh)

    Setiap hari saya tidak lupa untuk telefon mak, cukuplah dapat dengar suara pun boleh buat rasa rindu tu sedikit terubat. Nanti cuti sekolah boleh la akak turun KL jumpa anak-anak :)

    1. Dear BungaTulip. mak mana pun rasa sama kan? tapi now u dah ada suami.mak tak bimbang lagi kan? tk kisah walau brjauhan nanti dekat jugak.saya pun dok doa biar Allah cepat2 bagi jodoh kat dia.senang hati saya..klu dh ada husband.
      yes tlephone slalu. anak2 very concerned.abg , kakak semua nasihat dia mcm2.maklum dok di KL bukan macam cowboy town Kangar Perlis ni..ha ha.
      Yes cuti sekolah sure pi punya la...cant wait.

  15. My dear IM, gosh your girl is stunning! She has those above-average looks and looks like this can only happen if she comes from beautiful genes.. and dari siapa kalau bukan from the beautiful parents esp the mom..hehe..kann?

    Gosh, I identify with your feelings. What to do kan, our babies however closed they are to us will one day leave the nest.. and we as mothers will feel that intense sad and empty feeling. Happy for them as they have finally grown up become useful citizen and someone whom parents can be proud of. We as parents have done our job eventhough they will remain our little girls/boys forever. I remember when my eldest girl left home for college, I cried for days and would go to her empty room and open her cupboard and smell her clothes.. Luckily now, it is easier to communicate.. ada Watsapp, FB, or just text messages hehe.. Am happy for you and your girl..congrats ye.. Now you can visit the big city more often and longer too hehe...and a good excuse to shop more..

  16. Dearest Angie,wei lamanya hilang.you still on cruise ke? amboi makan angin lama na..dont forget yr sunblock tau..nanti yr flawless skin tercemar pulak..he he.
    TQ for the compliment my dear...well,today I just mop her room,and tengok baju2 dia tergantung dlm almari, adoi sedihnya..
    She told me last nite, she will come back this weekend sbab ada cuti Monday(hari Malaysia ).of course I will go visit her, dia pun duduk rumah kakak (my eldest daughter) becos the office is just a 4 minute drive from there.
    Alasan shopping memang selalu jdi agenda utama he he.u tau la kan...have a great weeknd my friend.jgn lupa upload gmbar banyak2 tau.

  17. uuuiiiii!!! cantik giler your dotter teacher! terbuntang2 mata kita tgk mata besaq dia. bila la nak dpt jadi cantik mcm tu. T__T
    anyhow..she's a big girl now, I'm sure she will take good care of herself.
    Good luck for her.

    1. dear RedRose, tq vry mch atas pujian best baca tu, you pun dh trlebih cntik tau..ayu gitu .kulit flawless kan? share some secrets?

    2. congratulations...dah la cantik, pandai bergaya & memasak pulak tu..untung sis :)

    3. Hi Liza Razak, tima kasih sudi singgah laman saya ni.cantik tk la sebagaimana kata P Ramlee, and masak pun tak la hebat, tapi boleh la as anak dara yg kena latih oleh maknya yg quite strict(dalam hati sgt lembut he he).
      you stay cute girl.nanti kita sembang lagi na..

  18. Hello IndaMarya, Holy Smoke, looking at you cannot believe you have grown up kids, and going to be a grandmother too.
    Your daughter sure has her mom's very attractive looks.
    She has great features....my first impression thought an Arabian model.
    And glad for her getting that close by job. Guess she wants to be near Mom. Luckily not in Johore or KL.
    Here's wishing your daughter all the very best.
    And you too....have a great week.

    1. Ayoyo Lee, u sudah silap baca ni.Kalau answering comprehension question sudah fail la. My girl is working in KL la.Refer to the text my boy! he he.teacher sudah marah.
      well actually I susah hati la, anak dara still vry innocent working in KL. kalau she works here depan mata I memang tk susah hati sangat.Ni KL kota besar yg penuh tipu daya...
      hopefully she will stick to the way she is brought up..and will rmember her mom's every advice..
      have a nice day Lee..

  19. IM....you sure have beautiful daughter. And I bet your other children must be in the same category too. Cantiknyaaaa. Subhanallah.

    KL is a big city. Yes. But it is not as scary as it's seen. I've been in KL since my matrix time until now, dah tua bangka (alamak mesti darling Lee marah kalau I ngaku dah tua), and it's safe IM. Insya Allah. Yang pentingnya, mesti berkawan dengan orang yang betul. Mesti tahu batas2 yang ada. And I believe you have equipped her completely. Let her practice the theory and lessons.

    And IM, though I dah lama tahu that you have grown up children, have grandchildren, but everytime looking at your pics here, I refuse to believe it. If I am to stand beside you, I am very certain that you will appear a lot younger than me. Sigh.... Petua please....! Hehehehehe

  20. my dear Aziela,tak da petua khusus, cuma cuci muka setiap kali lpas balik kerja.jgn sesekali tidur dgn muka belum cuci, scrub skin often, tidur cukup,makan before 6pm(lama2 skali tk pa kalau ada knduri yg tk dpat elak), makan nasi hanya sesenduk..jgn banyak duduk nanti bahagian bawah badan naik lemak cepat.buat sit up selalu sikit pun tk pa, asal lemak di bahagian perut dn pinggul bergerak tak keras disitu.pakai la bengkung sekali sekala, urut minyak panas, massage dibahagian berlemak tu lebih sikit.rambut pakai santan seminggu sekali.msti lebat .and tidur malam msti pakai cream, muka, tangan, kaki..semua la...insyaAllah you wll see results.

  21. She's really pretty, Insyaallah, always dlm peliharaan Allah


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