"Tak mau cerita pasai mak ! ! " ( Part 1 ).


          One day we were discussing about the topic "My mother". Everyone has to stand up and tell about his or her mother to the class.To make things easier for them I did a mind map on the board, so that they will have some guidelines as what to touch on.
                   One boy refused to tell about his mother.
                   " Teacher I want to tell about my friend"
                   "No Azim, today you have to tell the class about your mother"
                   " Teacher, tak mau cerita pasal mak.Tak mau! " He insisted.
                 I called him to the front and said " Awat tak mau cakap pasai mak? Kamu ada mak?" I asked softly.

             " Ada "He was looking down.
              " Ok Kalau tak mau cerita pasai mak, cerita pasai bapa kamu."
              'Bapa tak dak, dia kawin lain tinggai saya dengan mak saja"
            I felt a lump in my throat.Touched him on the shoulder and said.
            " Cerita kat teacher apa mak buat kat kamu sampai kamu marah kat dia sampai macam ni ?" I whispered to him.
            Dia memandang saya dengan mata berkaca.I quickly understood.
            " Jum kita pi sembang tang tu." Pointing to the corridoor.The rest of the class wrote their own mind map about their mother. I held his hands to gain his confidence.
            "Ok tengok teacher. Teacher ni mak juga. Ada 4 orang anak. Mungkin teacher boleh faham apa yang kamu rasa. Dulu anak teacher besag kamu juga.Tapi la ni depa dah besag2 semua." I smiled to him.
            He looked at me straight in the eye.Twisting his hands.
            " Mak garang, dia selalu pukui saya.Dia kata saya kena duduk dengan bapa."
            "Ok mak kerja apa?"  I asked him.
            " Mak kerja cuci umah orang. "
            " Mak pi kerja pukul brapa dan balik pukul berapa ? "
            " Lepas hantag saya mai sekolah dia pi kerja.Lepas tu ambik saya balik umah.Lepas tu pi kerja balik sampai petang."

           "Ok kesian mak kerja teruk nak bela kamu.Tentu dia penat .Dah la dia kerja cuci umah orang.Lepas 
tu balik masak bagi kamu makan pula.Kesian dia" I said.

           " Azim, tak dak mak yang tak sayang anak.tpi mak pun manusia juga.Dia tau letih, dia tau penat, dia tau sedih. Teacher pun macam tu. Kamu nak dengag dak cerita pasai sorang mak.Sedih cerita dia.Tapi teacher nak cerita ni depan semua kawan2 kamu.bagi depa seronok sama.Boleh? "

           He nodded his head.I entered the classroom and faced the pupils.....

           (To be continued in the next post ) I am not well, dizzy bila duduk lama..bye readers...


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