Bandung here I come again..

      Was here 2 years ago.But it was never boring being here in Bandung.Prefer Bandung to Jakarta.
      Bandung..the third largest city in Indonesia.Has a cooler temperature than other Indonesian cities.Popularly known as Paris of Java.because of its unique beauty and renowned architecture.Becomes a shopping destination especially for Malaysians and Singaporeans.

                                                    Bandung here I come..

              Big smile for the Hassan's sisters upon arrival at Husein Sastranegara Airport in Bandung.Surrounded by mountains , cool air welcomed us..

                                                              to the apartment...

                                                  spacy and comfortable

                                                       In the aptmnt

               My little princess is having the time of her life.the big compound of the apartment where we stayed became her playing ground to run..and laughed..look at that smile..

                                  Beggars everywhere with babies in their arms..

                                                                      Ni lagi..

                                Local stall hawkers..hundreds of them lined the streets..Bandung is a haven for lots of delicious food. Mee Bakso (beef ball noodle soup )became Amira's (my neice ) favourite.

                                       Durian icecream..terribly sweet..

          Askar cutting down trees yang mengganggu trafik? Kalau sini in Malaysia they used chainsaws , di bandung guna gergaji biasa saja.

            Trans Studio Bandung now opened for public. like at  Disneyland, Its roller coasters are one of the fastest in the world.Dared not try..takut lepas tu masuk ICU pulak..luruh jantung..For Malaysian rm 45 ..enjoy yourself to the fullest there.

                                      Nampak macam berani...berani tengok..

                                                             The ladies..

                                      Outside Trans Studio.spent almost 3/4 day here..

                                     Anak2 bersuka ria.Old lady just sat and looked on..

                                                   Famila with hubby Kay              
                                     This where we had our Padang food.

                                    Makanan Padang ..not so appealing to us..

              I tried this siomay.where they mix potato with the flesh of tenggiri, eaten with soy sauce and peanut gravy. Love it.

                                                   Good shot.tq menantu.. Set for more shopping..

                                          With the newlyweds..loving couple..

                                              Bandung from the 8th floor of Pasar Baru..

                                At Pasar Baru. A must visit for ladies.8 floors with so many named it.Since I was here 2 years ago tak la rasa sangat the urge to really spend here.Lots of kebaya, fabrics, telekungs, shoes, handbags....

                                                          First day shopping...

                                   We have breakfast here at Satay Sinta at Jln Setia Budi.Nice place .anak2 took opportunity to snap photos here.

                                             Tried Sundanese food for lunch.boleh tahan

           At Kartika Sari, a famous bakery with gifts  for family and friends.Specialities ..brownies, layer cakes etc.. Crowds here was amazing.

           The last place before boarding the plane. Bali Heaven..rugi tk pi awai2 sini.di iringi muzik Bali yang meruntun jiwa.baju cantik2.sayang sekali wang rupiah dah habis.Nak guna duit Malaysia tak boleh pula..hai..

             Last scene before we reached the airport, a xxxx was posing herself by the roadside.When she saw me snapping her photo, she purposely lifted her leg and gave her big smile.Another one came over to the driver and tawar menawar..Poverty indeed changed human into something ..yang I know mereka sendiri tak ingin ..tapi kesempitan hidup terpaksa. kerana mencari jalan mudah.
            When I went to Jakarta dulu, our supir took us ke lorong2 belakang.where we saw this scenes too.

                                                   At the airport already?...home sweet home..

Moral of the story...tiring experience yet satisfying.



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