Penang Hill revisited...

              Chatting with Faten on her birthday, she suggested we go somewhere.boringnya dok rumah sometimes. Balik2 masuk dapor, balik2 masak..boring sungguh.Last week pengubat boring I have finished sewing 2 runner pieces , cross-stitched them..turned out not so me laaaa..I show my next post.. Now lets talk about my Penang Hill story first.

              Yesterday morning we started at Penang Hill.Crossed to Penang Island by ferry.Buang masa banyak, nearly 50 minutes tunggu ferry.Although there is Penang Bridge dah ada lama, tapi on the ferry masih banyak..kereta, come out of the car pun rasa tak selesa.

                                                     Penang here I come..

                      Ronda2 dulu, MTC my old college. mana boleh tak tengok..such a nostalgic place..adoi...

                         Passed Queen's Bay Mall, the biggest shopping mall in Penang.

                             A small town Air Itam, where Penang Hill is situated. Sibuknya..Quite densely populated.
    Tudia, dulu tak ada now dah ada something new..At Kok Lok Si temple,The giant bronze statue of Quan Yin.but not as big as the Buddha statue in Batu Cave la..

Can feel the pleasant atmosphere here already.sejuk dan nyaman..the steps to the ticket counter..

The train..the train..serba baru.Upgraded in 2011.still new.Compared to the old haggard 1920s train of course la this is much better..I read that the project to upgrade this service costs RM 66 millions.took a year to complete.Dulu we took 30 minutes to reach up there , now only 7 to 10 minutes!..

                                                              At the entrance

                               Train ready for passengers..

  On Penang Hill now.. Masa ni dah mula drizzling...adoi..macammana ni ? But in the few precious minutes we had the best view of George town from there.Could see flowers growing so healthy with blooms big and lovely..

                                                       Simply beautiful...

      Dah mula hujan..It rained cats and dogs..never witness hujan selebat tu..takut pun ada.silap haribulan..sepatutnya we go when it is sunny...tak dak rezeki nampaknya..On the way down in the train met 2 couples from Australia who were caught in the rain.They were soaked to the skin.Sitting in front of us I could see the water dripping ...They were very friendly .They asked lots of questions. I thought of my Famila , with hubby Kay and Sara in Perth now.Celebrating Sara's birthday there.

                                 Kalau tak singgah Pdg Kota tak sah pi Penang..Felt like I just want to sit there forever and ever...aduhai..

                                Dengan birthday girl..senyum meleret..suka la tu.Looking at the sea, something came into mind, masa tsunami dulu.we were here at Pdg Kota in front of Gurney Plaza macam ni la..only minutes before the was a narrow escape..Thank you Allah..

     People say if you dont eat something there pun tak sah, especially pasembur Pdg Kota. Look at this..just choose ..

   One big plate...yummy..yummy.share la of to finish this much of pasembur..

    Amboi seniman jalanan pula.He came to me and played his guitar..couldnt make up what song..macam tak betul melody.tempo and pitching entah kemana..but for his effort terbang juga duit for him.At least dia bukan pengemis..but the way he strummed his guitar looked like a pro.Maybe dia pandai main saja tapi tak pandai nyanyi..

       Before heading home singgah di Gurney Plaza just sebelah tempat makan tu .tumpang sembahyang.Yang sedih suraunya nun di tempat parking .Jauhnya.And I saw it didnt look safe for girls too, sort of hidden di hujung dunia.Such a big mall, 2nd after Queen's Bay, with 12 golden screen cineplex , kurang sikit daripada Midvalley mega Mall in KL, tapi tempat sembahyang lekeh sungguh..sometimes they overlooked benda2 macam ni, an Islamic country pula tu..aduhai...

                            At 630...bye bye Penang.On the bridge now..home sweet home..



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