kenangan mula-mula ada cell-phone.


            Penang Batu Feringghi..Staff trip to Penang Browsing tru my first Sony Ericson phone smpai kawan ambik gambar tak sedar..time tu ladies wore scarf macam ni.Then lepas tu baru tudung and selendang mula di jual..

          Ha ha, after most of my friends dah ada cell phones baru la I bought one for me. Maklum I ni perak ( kata orang Perlis) kalau bab-bab handling benda-benda gadget macam ni.Slow sangat. Computer pun sama, tu pun sebab kerja and terpaksa kena tahu, kalau tidak mungkin until today buta computer.

          The first cell phone or handphone or mobile phone that I owned was a Sony Ericson. It was a flip one. I love it because the fragile screen and the keypad  are protected from scratches once the phone is folded. It was small, but adjusted the letters to be big and bold, maklum orang tua, Terkial-kial masa dok browse through the menu the first time. But perak-perak pun in a short while dah cekap.Not bad.

          That was years ago. Now dah berkali-kali tukar phone.Not purposely, ada terjatuh and 'coma' ha ha, ada yang tiba-tiba senyap tak mau 'kawan' dengan kita. Most of the times dapat phone bila anak2 bagi phone when they changed their phones to new ones! All four of my children even Suhail yang masih tak bekerja guna phone branded yang serba canggih. Phone yang boleh buat belaka my mak said
          Best jugak ada handphone ni,kerja jadi mudah.Kalau buat salah sms saja and appologized tak payah dengar suara or tengok muka..kan best.. 
          Anak2  suka sangat with the service like sms, mms,email, internet access, photography, MP3..and it looks like the manufacturers are upgrading their products with additional functions to attract customers. 
         For me having a cellphone is useful in times of crucial needs and to make communications easy..



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