Hafez Nasaruddin...

       When I thought of him it is always memories full of fun and humor.He was one of those pupils who attended my English tuition class when he was in year 6.
       He was my neighbor living a few meters away from my house.His parents are very respected people in the neighborhood. His father was an ex Dermarian.( a school where Hafizin was a student too, in the secondary)
       If u want me to be frank , he was quite mischievous as a boy.After tuition class was over he would be the last one to leave the class.He used the time to tease and bully Faten my third girl, two years his junior. They shared a very happy time together anyway.
       And then suddenly he was lost under my very eyes.They have shifted to another place not so far away.For years I only heard about him from his mother during kenduri time or at community gathering in my place.I heard he was doing TESL at UiTM. I was happy because I know then that English language has left a remarkable mark in his heart and he was pursuing his ambition to be somebody in future.
        Suddenly when I was browsing the fb, I came across a familiar face that was not so familiar anymore.Checking it out I got a surprise of my life.That was Hafizin, whom I used to call Fizin. My Fizin have grown up into a fine young man !.I shouted out loud and called Faten, then called my eldest in Kuala Lumpur.They immediately made their friend request in his fb.
         Life is full of challenges.How we handle the challenges is what builds the character.I am glad he is ready for his opportunity when it comes.I am happy for him to have a life of his own and doing things he like.Hopefully he will always remember his teacher Maznah no matter what he would become in future..


                                                    Hafizin a dashing looking man now...     


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