.Transport ..ugh.ugh !


      My grandma used to tell me if they need to buy anything in Kangar during her teenage years her mum would prepare herself some rice and ikan kering to take along and eat along the journey.My God ! They walked to Kangar...No transport then.Normally they would stop on the way.Rested, ate, then continue the journey..
                 Then people had bicycles and motorcycles. If you could still remember in my older post I told you how boys crumpled papers into a ball and kicked it all the way home from school..Remember ? Well its because cars were so scarced.You can even treat the roads like a playground.
                 Then came the buses.Old haggard looking buses which passed by our houses everyday.I seldom board any because my old house was only half a kilometer from town.I used to cycle.When we need to go to the cinema we would walk ( angkat rombongan Cik Kiah).laughing and talking , tak sedar dah sampai..panggung Empire....Just have a look at the buses below....We did not have a bus station.Just picked a spacy area.There you are...the buses would assemble there.Go pick your transport guys ! he he


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