A pleasant surprise..met my Dang Raya Rani...

            It has been many days .Today I have the chance to update my blog.Yesterday was the best day .God blessed me and answered my prayers.I met Mariyani ! She is the lady I talked about in my blog entitled the same.
               We enjoyed Harum Manis mangoes I brought from home. Its hard to find harum manis in KL.Fortunately it grows well on Perlis's soil.
               She was as cheerful as ever.Lots of fun.And a good story teller as always. Physically not much difference except she wears glasses now.Flawless skin just like the old days. We spent the whole evening chatting.Lots of stories to tell after all the years.It took her quite long to finish telling about her siblings.What a productive father .She has 20 siblings altogether...!        

                                                          Waiting for my friend to appear.

                                            At last after many2 years out of my sight.

                                                     We met again before I left for home

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