The wedding of my daughter (Famila and Kay)

                      To organize a wedding was a tough job.In spite of having no experience at all, we were ready to take the challenge.
                      Finished with the marriage course( get certificate), registration, HIV test, and other documents,permission from Majlis Agama Islam Perlis and Penolong Daftar Nikah....done.
                      Then wedding tents, wedding dresses, makeup artist, invitation cards, pelamin, bilik pengantin, food catering, door gifts, photographer, DJ, PA system and also a homestay for the guests from my inlaws many things to cater for.
                      Not to forget the hantaran,(wedding gifts for the bridegroom).Within 3 months all were planned. I sewed the gifts (hand sewn) for special guests.(about 150 pouches ,like a small bag made of satin material where I sewed beautiful embroideries on it). Added in the goody bag were also a purse,candies and sweets.
                      We hired a very talented and professional man to create the pelamin and the platform for the akad nikah.(wedding vows ceremony) He works at Putra Palace..the hotel near my house.he did a tremendous job.We were very pleased .
                       The day came.It was a wonderful experience. The akad nikah went well. My daughter was proclaimed a wife ....time flew fast...relieved...

                                                The akad nikah (marriage vows ) conducted by the
                                                father of the bride himself.

                              The imam read the taklik( rules and responsibility being  husband
                              and wife according to the muslim law) after the akad nikah
                              was over.

                                          The bridegroom may now kiss the bride.he he..

                                   Both dressed in white sitting on the platform (also white.) 
                                   Both were wearing clothes from a boutique in KL
                                 .(My daughter,s choice).While family members (our side)
                                   wore the same colour theme too.

                                    After the akad nikah.Both parents posed to the photographer....

                                                Famila with the hantaran in the trays I made myself.

                                                                       THE WEDDING DAY

                                           The pelamin.The planner used all fresh flowers booked
                                           from Cameron  Highlands.Roses.My favourites.

                                                          Famila radiant on her big day..

                                   Guests sprinkled rose water and beras kunyit to the palms 
                                   of the newlyweds as blessings.The DJ was seen in the dark
                                   blue shirt.

                                   The grand meal, where the couple ate with the new inlaws
                                    and close relatives.

                                                   The newlyweds took photo shots outside

                                                     This photo was taken at the reception in KL. 
                                              The photo turned out so nice, we had the best make-
                                                up artist who knows how to sharpen here or
                                               thicken there.
                                               professional in her work.and very efficient...
                                              ..My Famila looked flawless and gorgious..

                                            The best thing after a marriage.H o n e y m o o n...                   
                                       ...It is so good to be married to the man you loved.....


  1. Barakalallahu walakum, wajama a baynakuma bi khair.


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