Precious Little Sara

                                                                 New born Sara

                                     Born on 30th April.2010. Named Sara Zulaikha. My precious
                                grand daughter  was born in a private hospital in KL.She is fully
                                breastfed by her mother, just like what I did .
                                     The news of her birth was an excitement beyond words. I have
                                 longed for that moment long enough.Holding her in my arm was
                                 heaven Looking at her face was the best thing to do.I guess all
                                 grandmothers feel the same way.

                                     I took care of mother and baby at my house here                   
                                  for 52 days during confinement period. Suddenly it was time
                                  they went home in KL.
                                  Since then going to KL is a compulsory job just to visit the
                                  little angel.

                                                            3 months old Sara

                                                             outing with mama and abah

                                                                     green suits her

                                                                     sweet smile..

                                                 Grinning from ear to ear..

                                                   Mama where are you...

                                             Fresh morning walks at Tasik Titi Wangsa

                                                   With abah at kenduri kawin

                                   With the proud grandma. I hope she will grow into a fine young
                                   woman who always remembers the good values in  life.



  1. beautiful daughter...just like her mom's

  2. IM, cute gdaughter & of course she will follows good life value from you ....Congratulation


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