A day before Eid..

         Macam tak percaya raya is around the corner, in fact dah di depan mata. But this year hati ada kurang happy sikit . My children in KL wont be here during the first and scd day of raya.This year giliran mereka beraya bersama mertua..its ok.pujuk hati.They are married , cant expect them to be like before where they will all be here sharing nice food, pasang lampu lip lap..he he.or pasang pelita di keliling rumah..a few minutes dah padam bila angin kuat...

        Tomorrow morning a day before Eid, the market is my agenda utama. Beli la apa yang patut siap bahan untuk sampai raya keempat selalunya..so I will arrange the menu ikut hati sendiri.Sampai raya keempat masih masak lagi..( kalau tak masak apa anak2 nak makan..)

       Usually I would be cooking my nasi tomato and ayam masak merah for first day of raya. But This year ubah selera sikit, tahun ni nak masak beriani pulak...

                                                           Beriani daging

                             My children's favourite..nasi tomato and ayam masak merah.

             Pasti ada on first day of raya..nasi himpit and kuah kacang. At 2pm after zohor a day before I dah rebus nasi ...This year dah ubah .it will be on second or third day sebab anak2 will only be back then.

                                Laksa Perlis, selalunya hari raya ketiga akan masak benda ni.This year belum pasti hari apa .tunggu tengok .But bahan2 nak buat ni mesti beli punya standby..bukan susah pun nak buat ni..

                   Asam pedas pari, this will be served the day they are pushing off back to KL.kira kira for lunch la. but if they are moving in the morning, then nasi goreng would be fine ..

              Ni makanan wajib ada.On the eve of raya pun dah siap masak. Ketupat daun palas. Tomorrow morning will buy this daun palas di market.

              Normally this signature dish will on the second day of raya. But this year since my brother is having quite a grand open house on day two, so I guess this will be pushed on to ..lets see when..!

                          Sambal goreng Jawa, tidious but very nice. I could eat a big bowl of this, lupa nasi tomato, lupa benda lain.Preparation wise..adoi,lama gila. semua bahan kena hiris harus, lengkuas, cili hidup, bawang,halia..etc.Then sayur inlclude,petai, kacang panjang, tokua, hati , tempe(Optional ) suun, fuchuk,udang dan lain2. rumit. tapi bila masak makan tak ingat..

                 Of course to go with ketupat will be this, rendang. Rendang pun petang sebelum raya dah siap masak.

               So a day before Eid, I would be in the corner of my kitchen..masak masak and masak..
In fact I would take all the ingredients and letak keliling.so I tak payah get up often.maklum duduk lama sakit belakang lenguh kaki semua ada ..All the food I show above are all the common ones you will likely see di rumah I during raya..cuma tak ikut dulu kemudian nya..
             Tadarus at the surau dah stop.Alhamdullillah dah capai target khatam dua kali tahun ni..Siap dapat hadiah kain sembahyang for all yang ikut tadarus, hadiah dari badan kebajikan surau.TQ ....

               Its almost one now. Better finished my atur2 balang kueh.Alhamdullillah this year semua kueh buat sendiri except kueh kapit ( Ya la dah pencen tak kan nak beli lagi..masa ada, buat la.save lagi.dapat banyak  kueh dengan belanja sikit ja.) .Famila just kirim lagi 5 jenis just now.So penuh la dah bersusun..Tq kakak.

                       My kueh for this raya.simple2 saja..padan la dengan orang pencen..

                To all viewers , dan juga rakan yang selalu singgah di blog ni, SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR BATHIN..see you again after raya with lots of photos ha ha..


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