The singer behind the cupboard..

         It was a hot afternoon. Cikgu Nan and everyone in the class were tired .Remember Cikgu Nan? whom I mentioned in my earlier post, the teacher who always said "pendek kata ? "
         It was a few minutes before we pack our bags to go home.Bahasa Melayu period for the day was over. I who sat in the front line saw how tired our teacher was. Everyone was waiting to go home. I dont remember whether it was during the  fasting month but I ingat semua orang terlepek letih.

                                     Bilik darjah zaman dahulu

        Cikgu Nan was tapping softly on the table.Maybe to a tune only he knew. Suddenly He turned to me and said ..
        "Maznah ,mai keluaq nyanyi satu lagu ? sementara nak balik? "
        It was a normal thing masa tu for me to sing in class or during school functions, but suddenly I felt segan for the first time.

        "Tak mau cikgu , segan "
        "Ish selalu nyanyi pun segan ? "
        In those days parents semua suka lepak di luar kelas especially time nak balik sekolah waiting to take their children home.Kebanyakkan bawa payung, motorcycle ada sebuah dua.All living in areas around the school  . Mostly pesawah atau buat kerja2 kampung. It was rare to find people working as government servants macam sekarang.

                                      kereta zaman dulu
             Rumah kampung zaman dahulu.Notice jelapang di belakang rumah dimana hasil padi akan di simpan untuk kegunaan.

        I looked at them, all were standing leisurely chatting away. Ish malunya nak stand up and sing...
Cikgu Nan tak malu berusaha..
       "Maznah, cepatlah, dah nak balik dah ni.."
       "Segan lah cikgu, tu ibu bapa ramai di tepi class tu dok tengok .." I said.
       "Biaq pi la, tak pa biaq depa dengag sama " he pleaded.

       'Cikgu kalau saya nyanyi di belakang almari tu boleh ? "

       There was a big wooden cupboard di belakang kelas masa tu, tempat cikgu Nan simpan buku2 dan alat tulis.
        " Macammana pun tak pa Maznah asal awak boleh nyanyi satu lagu.."

        A few friends pushed the cupboard into the corner of the classroom, so ada ruang ample enough for me to stand and sing. And most important of all, no parents from outside the classroom could see me singing.

         The class gave a loud clap as I stood up and walked to the cupboard. I sang "Syurga Idaman" made popular by Azizah Mohamad dengan sepenuh hati..

        When I finished my song and walked out from behind the cupboard I heard louder claps from the parents outside the classroom..tak pa dengar suara saja..ada masa an artist kena ada privacy jugak..ha ha ha.



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