Raya part 3 in Langkawi..

             My sweethearts.The four of them lined up .From 81 to 94...How fast they have grown..Sometimes macam tak percaya di anugerahkan these wonderful people as my children.Thank you Allah.

            Best photo of the day..A great mother she is, a good wife and now a great cook.


               Lepas mandi and main air laut, we went for breakfast, Sara enjoyed the meehoon. We had nasi lemak there.Not so good. perut lapar.Hentam saja la labu..

                                                           pengantin baru

                       At Kota Mahsuri. A traditonal band at the entrance.Sayang sekali ada penyanyi tpi tak menyanyi .Somebody played the accordian, one with keyboard but looked like he was trying the same chord all over again..the singers ( two girls ) spent their time chatting.People were waiting to hear some songs.they kept on talking like there was no tmorrow..Rugi..

                                                     Makam Mahsuri..

                Faten looked stunning dalam muzium mini.Looks like pemandangan di sebuah balai penghadapan..Sultan di pentas di samping permaisuri di hadapan pembesar2 negeri.

              Para tempat menyimpan pnggan mangkuk dalam rumah Mahsuri.Told Faten and Suhail macam ni la kehidupan orang dulu ( my life too ).Papan di renggangkan supaya air basuh pinggan boleh kering.

                               The potrait in the so called Mahsuri's house.

       Baik baik ! Raihan was trying her best to get down the ladder berkayu bulat tu.Licin..Khazimi tak sedaq mana dok ambik gambaq benda lain.

                  Faten and Suhail posing at the kitchen of Mahsuri's house.

     Sekitar kawasan.On the left there is a stall selling drinks, laksa Kedah, mangoes, and local kueh.My son Khazimi said, kalau la banyak duit , he wants to buy a place ( a small village ) where my house would be in the centre and their houses around it.So masa meal time senang ja, everyone will flock at the house in the centre..mak dah siap masak..he he .sound menarik juga..So I asked back,"so hangpa ni semua nak kerja apa? kerja kampung? tanam padi atau noreh getah.?" masa tu he laughed..seronok jugak mimpi2 yang indah yang tak mungkin terjadi..

             Privacy sungguh, hardly any people there , just like Langkawi's other beaches...deserted, good for honeymoon...

                                                Suhail tengok apa entah

                                            Me , searching for my camera

                                                    Pantai Kok so beautiful

                                               Kay menikmati keindahan alam

                                            Relaxnya dia.

          The sun shining hot.we did not feel it. The sea breeze bawa angin sejuk..enjoyed every moment there at the beach.kalau la pantai ni ada kat Perlis..

       I like the last agenda very much .You know what. And tak payah la cerita panjang2 ..cerita sama jugak..he he.

       Anak2 went back to KL the next morning. I thought of treating them with roti canai or nasi kandar, but they wanted to push off immediately after subuh, so tengok di dapor ada pisang saja sesikat, so jadilah goreng pisang. Habis se pinggan....

     Masa I am writing this blog, Famila and Khazimi and family dah safely back  in KL , Faten is back with her practical, and Suhail is back in campus. Selamat....


  1. had a good time mak..thanks for making my raya at kampung a good 1..been waiting for it for 30+ years..i enjoyed every minute of it..hoping to repeat it again soon..
    luv u

  2. of course Kay, next yr kan turn sini..looking forward to that.kita tengok cm mana Imi jaga baby dia masa tu.he he.


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