A glimpse of a day in my life..


 Its 10 minutes to 1am.my eyes are still wide opened. I have just finished reading a book entitled 'Labbaikallah " by Hj Zainal hj Bujang..Since the urge to perform the hajj came , I filled my time reading books of this kind.
    The last 5 months have seen my room without the latest editions of Glam my favorite magazine..I have stopped buying , although I still love it. Everytime  I pass by the newspaper stalls, I pick it up , look at the cover and then slowly put it down.
    My kursus haji ended this morning. Cepatnya masa berjalan. Rasa baru kemarin I mula attend kursus.It was given by Ustaz Roslan.A young guru agama from a nearby school. Walaupun masih muda belia, tapi pengetahuannya mengenai haji sangat superb.
    Other than reading, and attended kursus  I also watch it on You Tube.I think I have to be really prepared.Ilmu mesti penoh didada sebelum menjadi tetamu Allah ke tanah suci.
    I have been a busy person before retiring. I spent most of my time with books, marking, marking, teaching, teaching and worrying about results.Day in and day out, I did not have much time to really concentrate and equipt myself as a true muslim.Masa banyak dihabiskan dengan aktiviti routine and merampas banyak masa berharga.
   I am glad I decided to retire earlier. Now I have all the time,.All the sweet time to attend to my prayers, flowers, and daily house chores...and my other hobbies.

  Dear Allah,I do hope my biggest wish this year is granted...

The clock is showing 1.30 am now.My eyes are getting smaller ( my ayah said mata kecik tak cantik) will continue tomorrow..


    700 in the morning.Cerah sekitar alam. Looks like its going to rain,Tadi nak siram terlalu awal at 620 lepas selesai subuh.So I went in lipat kain baju yang kutip petang semalam, simpan dalam almari...kerja paling malas nak buat is lipat kain..boring betui.

    Did not go briskwalking pagi ni, because the clouds are getting darker.nanti kesian I walking in the rain.So I guess I have to go now drive to the market instead...Dalam fridge dah kosong bahagian atas..have to be fast.At 830 will go send Suhail to hostel..see you olls tomorrow.



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