Spec hitam ada ?

     I was walking with my daughter Famila along the shops at Jalan TAR in KL. It was a few days before the fasting month of Ramadhan. People were already busy buying for the preparation of hari raya . Cheap sales here and there.

     " Ambik la kak, murah ni, lepas ni tak ada sale lagi dah." One girl promoting her tudung.
     Beli punya beli, duit dah tinggal nipis dalam purse.
     "Ish kakak, kena draw some money.Duit tak cukup "
     "Situ ada maybank, jum kita pi."
     "Ish alangkah seronoknya kalau jadi orang kaya kan kakak ? tak payah tengok harga bila beli barang, tak payah berhati2  dengan kuantiti, beli saja."

     Pilih sana pilih sini, akhirnya letih dan dahaga.
     "Kakak , mak letih lah. jum pi cari ayaq "
     "Jum " said Famila.

     We came to a stall selling young coconuts and freshly pressed sugarcane juice.
     Terpaksa la minum sambil berdiri. rasa pelik la pula kalau orang tengok orang tua minum sambil berdiri. So we went find place and sat down or squatting down actually.  I slaked my thirst, enjoying the sweet fragrant water through a straw.It went soothingly cool, down my throat.

     Suddenly I saw a couple of seniman jalanan, both blind, tengah buat show di situ. The singer a lady maybe in her early fifties, was singing some evergreen songs. kadang2 ok, kadang2 pitching, tempo sudah ke laut.Tapi biasalah, bukan recording artis, mesti lah banyak fault sana sini.But the man playing the keyboard was very good.

       I was looking with interest. I memang suka tengok tengok orang nyanyi. Suddenly, Famila said ..
       "Mak spec hitam ada dak ? "
       "Ada . Why ? "
       "Well, jalan mudah cari duit, you sure can sing  better than that lady . Pi la nyanyi.Sat ja kita boleh dapat dua tiga blouse yang cantik2. Tapi kena jadi buta la sat. "

      Bertuah punya anak..baru I realized I was standing so close to the singer watching her singing. .sampai tak sedar orang kiri kanan.

      I opened my purse , took out RM 2.00 and put it in the box in front of the singer..bukan apa .Bukan senang nak nyanyi in front of a crowd, and of course I appreciate talent..he he.



  1. Hi Inda, terima kaseh for your kind consent re the gambars. Yes, Thank you for the nama Siput Sarawak correction, have corrected it.
    Bahasa saya sebelum Merdeka, da la sekarang out of tune, ha ha.

    But boleh faham 37%, but improving a lot as I have many Malays friends popping into my pondok, they hantam bahasa, buat saya lintang pukang.

    You have a cute daughter there, ha ha, pakai dark specs sing songs....
    Wow, you love to sing? Wayyyyy to go, Inda!
    Incidentally, you can call me 'Lee'.....
    'Uncle' for those nanti ferry, ke da missed the ferry. Ha ha....
    You have a beautiful Sunday, simpan satu lagu dalam hati.
    ps, will look forward to see you again soon.

  2. Dear lee, well I know u cn speak perfect bahasa Melayu..saja u tk mau tunjuk..he he .I wll take a long time to finish reading yr blog..banyaknya and interesting too....anyway thnks a lot.


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