Tua2 pun penakut..


          It was the first day of puasa. Promised with a few ladies to go to surau at 12 in the afternoon for tadarus.Hari mula, semangat tinggi semacam . 15 minutes to 12 ,I was there in the surau already. Picked up a broom and started to sweep here and there, bukan apa tempat dah bersih,  buang taik cicak saja.Cicak ni kalau dah mula melepas satu tempat tu, maka tempat tu la tiap2 hari ada benda hitam putih tu, especially di bawah lampu.

          Opened up my qur'an and while waiting for the rest to appear I recited the Al Kaffi.Surah ke 18 dalam Al quran.My Ustazah said surah Al Kaffi ni bagus sebagai pelindung diri.Kalau susah nak hafal satu surah 110 ayat,boleh saja hafal 10 ayat pertama dan 10 terakhir. Elok di baca pada hari Jumaat.Akan di ampun dosa kita antara dua Jumaat tersebut.

          It was extremely quiet. Mata meninjau ke bahagian depan surau, kain pemidang yang memisahkan jemaah lelaki dan perempuan merintangi ruang. Cantik jugak design pada kain tu I thought.

         I continued reading. Once in a while the wind blew softly , with the rustles of the leaves followed. Suddenly rasa semacam. Awat sunyi pelik sangat ni.Memang la sunyi pun .bukan ada orang lain.

         My thoughts mula terganggu.Fikir macam2.. I closed the quran and started to read ayat kursi, mula2 whispering, then bertambah kuat sikit.
         Hai ni kah yang dinamakan godaan syaitan ? Finished the ayat kursi, opened the quran and started to continue reading the Al kaffi.

         "Prap"..sound like ranting kayu kena pijak..
         The wind blew hard this time.Could see the leaves flying in circles di laman surau..My watch showed 12.15. I was already 30 minutes there.Nothing done except finished ayat kursi twice.Tu pun tak concentrate. mulut kumat kamit tapi mata dok melilau keliling.

         Mana la yang lain2 ni. I got up, bulu tengkuk meremang. Held my holy book close to my heart and  I made my way out...

         Soon my friend arrived " Sorry lambat sikit , ada hal" then followed by the others.

         "Lama ka tunggu cikgu ? "

         "Dak aih, baru sampai " I said.Dah..bulan posa dok bohong pulak.Dah tua2 nak tell the others I takut dok di dalam sorang2 tadi,rasa malu sendiri.

         "Aik sapa buka lampu, kipas semua ni ? " someone said.
         Alamak kantoi la pulak..
         "Saya la, buka siap2 bagi cerah dan sejuk sikit. he he "

         It was the first day of puasa.Today is already the eighth day. And I never enter the surau alone again.Would rather sit outside on the bench and wait . Penakut tak habis habis...


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