5 hours in Langkawi.

      Sent Suhail back to his hostel on Monday 16th July.
     Faten drove us there and on the way home, she said, " boring la mak"
     I said, " Jum pi langkawi ?'
     Almost spontaneously she answered. " Jum ".
     So we turned back home. I grabbed a blouse , my telekung, my cleanser, and a few others, and we made our way to the jetty in Kuala Perlis.
     Kuala Perlis jetty was under renovation, messy, nasib baik be there for a short while.

    On the boat, I was thinking, ish apa kerja ni pi Langkawi ? Tiba2 suddenly teringat terus pi saja.But the inner me said , biarla pamper diri sikit, I was just feeling tired ..all the time doing housework, membasuh, mencuci,lap sini, lap sana, pegang periuk belanga, pisau senduk, penyapu,and last2 listening to old classical songs to let the hours go..Itu la day in and day out..

      As long as I could get away from it all...
      Reached Langkawi at 1.00 oclock.

                                Lambaian burung Lang (bahasa Perlis )..in the distant.

        Out of the boat, this was what I saw. Sejauh mata memandang..Cantiknya Pulau Mahsuri ni..It looked as if God has painted blue all over..as far as my eyes can take me..

            Walk , walk, walk, like always the voices..." Nak teksi kak? nak sewa kereta? nak pi mana ? tidur di pulau ke? dah dapat hotel ? "

            To all those questions I said, " nak sewa kereta "
            " Kami ada macam2 kereta kak .Tudia tengok." And he pointed to some.
            "Kancil ada ? " I thought berdua saja dangan Faten what for cari a big one.
            "kancil dah ada orang kak. Viva boleh ? Viva ni baru kak.elok " Dia berkempen sakan.

            RM 50 for a day.Bermalam 60 .
            "Kak, minyak dah ada 2 bar, nanti kak kena masuk balik bagi jadi 2 bar balik na ? "
            There were hardly any cars on the road as we left Kuah..sunyi sepi.The island looked as if it was like the movie Indera Bangsawan, kena serang dengan garuda..mana semua orang ?  that is Langkawi kalau on weekdays..
            "Jum cari kedai makan dulu ?"
           "Apa kereta ni , susahnya nak masuk gear, ketatnya, kata kereta baru" Faten bersungut.
           Yes rasa macam we were on a horse...the poor thing was shaking all over.Macam tak cukup power to move.Semput.Then out of the car, we have to really slam  it hard or the door kept on opening..adoi..kah kah.Kata kereta baru..! !

        Round2 supermarket dulu..Tengok-tengok baju..Mak ai..the price double daripada harga di Kangar..ish.

             Stop over sembahyang at a mosque in Temoyong.Its name is Masjid Al Ehsan.The most beautiful landscape I have ever seen, Kiri kanan pokok2 were very well kept, dark green leaves.well trimmed, the bogainvillea on the front part ( not seen in the picture )blossoming nicely.I feel like I wanted to stay there lama lagi.But tak boleh , we were in a hurry..

      Pantai Cenang..as beautiful as ever, and as hot as ever, ish panas nya macam menggigit.Terrible.If next time I have to come again then I have to take along SPF cream with me yang power gila punya..rasa macam kulit burning..

            A few mat salleh ladies, relaxing.In the hot sun, one was reading a novel (macam dalam bilik aircond) , another kept on applying sunblog cream...

            A few Malay men were nearby on the right, tak buang mata tengok orang putih terlentang, tertiarap..A few more orang putih were walking with their breasts bouncing up and down passing the wide eyed locals...

                          Pantai Cenang is so beautiful with blue crystal clear sea..Allah is indeed a great creator..Only a short while there, tak tahan panas. Made our way back to Kuah, stopped again at Masjid Ehsan to perform asar.

         Banyaknya pinggan mangkuk.and I tell you, the price is so reasonable, murahnya..Cantiknye (bunyi macam suara my Sara cakap , stress the nye part..) he he..
         So melayang la juga berkeping keping jadinya..But I assure you no women could ever walk away without buying anything.They offer really harga murah gila-gila..couldnt find elsewhere in Malaysia..

          Changed my mind , tak jadi stay for the night at the island. Wanted to go home..Rushed to the jetty.Quickly bought tickets.6 oclock boat dah habis ! !.So terpaksa beli yang pukul 7 punya.Adoi..

        While waiting for the boat, Faten noticed Kenny Rogers chicken restaurant next to the KFC there at the jetty. Tapi ayam lama, I know , it looked like the chicken dah lama being kept in the fridge. Makan la juga although we both couldnt finished the food.

         Sampai jetty Kuala Perlis rushed home.Thought want to buy some laksa .changed my mind.have to rush for magrib dah nak habis..

          A quick getaway to Langkawi did not erase much of the boring part in me but at least, there were many times we laughed our heart out in the car when I started to repeat something rubbish...peduli apa..nama pun nak lepas tension..I sang a few of my favourites ( almost at the top of my voice ha ha .) Rasa macam the time I was singing on the stage dulu2 bila sampai part chorus ....

        Had enough...Good bye Mahsuri....


  1. i wish i was there too..with u and adik..girls day out..if kakak pi sure tidoq sana..hehe

  2. sure kakak, tk dan satu hari,pinggan mgkuk murah sungguh,perfume, rokok.
    Kay. t shirt tk bnyk mcm pdg besar...the ladies pi shopping .guys tinggal di pntai tengok mak salleh mandi .he he.lawak tmn ira.


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