..(college life) the best ever

Life in college

                                       Me sitting in the front row on the far left in the light blue dress.

       It was the turning point in my life. I rented a house at No 2436,Jln Helen Brown, at Gelugor Penang.There were 14 of us in the house, from Kedah, Johor, Selangor, Terengganu and myself  Perlis.8 to a room.sleeping on double decker beds.There were only two rooms.I shared mine with 5 others.
                  We were given RM 150 as allowance. I lived on a very strict budget. I was still able to sent home RM 50 to my mom.It may sound so little today but back then you could buy quite a number of things with 50 ringgit. 
                    That was the first time I ever left home to be on my own.For the first 2 months I cried almost every night.Thinking and wondered what my siblings were doing at home.When heavy rain poured on my 2436 house I thought of my mom carrying pails and basins in the house back home.....

                                            With housemates at 2436 Jln Helen Brown, Gelugor, Penang

Singing time on stage.

                                                                           In class



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