Dang Raya Rani of the past

                                            MARIYANI cute at 12 years old.( look at the heels ! )

                        Yesterday I accepted a friend request from somebody I have been searching for years. My friend Mariyani Desa.I mentioned about her in my blog..(.Those were the days 5).
                         The minute her name appeared on my FB with her photograph that I longed to see for years, I couldnt believe my eyes.She is a teacher too.
                          In those days her name was quite unique.Most of the girls that time were always satisfied
with common names like Rafeah.Rosnah, Kamariah,Rokiah,  Fatimah or Maznah like me..he he.
                          My mother called her Dang Raya Rani.( the name of the maid of Puteri Gnung Ledang) who casted a spell on herself so that she looked very old when Tun Mamat the mesengger of the Sultan of Malacca was searching for the beautiful Puteri Gunung Ledang to be taken as the sultan's wife.
                         Without fail every evening we would meet near her house just to chat or sang our heart out.She loved singing too.We would stop only when her mom shouted "Mariyani balik mengasuh adik !!!'
                         Mariyani's mom was a good friend of my mother.But she didnt live long to see her daughter's success in life.She died of cancer at a very young age...just like my father..



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