gave birth on the floor !!!


                                             My third child...a girl.

                  24th April 1989 marked another sweet memories when I had my third baby. A girl this time.
 Weighing 3.6 kilos, I delivered her at home before dawn.She wanted to come out so fast I did not have the time to go to the hospital.
                   It was a funny thing in a way.I felt a sudden pain.A midwife in the neighbourhood was called.Pulled out the table cloth in the dining room to act as a mat under my back.Then there she was .So sweet and juicy giving her first cry.If I took the trouble to go to the hospital which is only 2 kilometres away I would have delivered her in the car..!
                   From small she likes 'bergaya' often in front of the mirror. At 5 she would take my kebaya and put on her.Wore my high heels and did her catwalk around the living room.Once I gave her a pang on the back because she broke my lipstick I just bought. She would ran into her room and stayed there until we have to call her many times or pretended to break the door open.
                   Now she is doing her degree .Hopefully by middle of next year it will be over.
Fashionwise she is a bit like me. Will always have a new outfit for a function.Luckily her big sister is there to the rescue.I guess she is much pampered by her elder siblings.Just look at her photos below...always nak bergaya...

                                                           21 year old girl Faten


Gorgeous ..



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