.Ssssh...what girls play long ago...


          Looking back to those days , the sweetest memory was of course when it came to playing.Most of the time children those days filled their free time playing.No tuition, no swimming or music class.also no karate,computer, or ballet class.All we knew was play,play and play.
             Besides' kawin-kawin' we girls would play masak-masak or cooking (children way).The time chosen to play was around 2pm where most mothers took their afternoon naps.Each one would sneak into the house to 'steal' one or two onions, pots, and oil.Then we would pick up whatever vegetables we could find around the compound...
            Then came the cooking time.It was so thrilling to start frying the onions.the sizzling sound was the most satisfying. Everybody acted like so busy.Went into the house again to 'steal ' some plates.When everything was served everyone pretended like they were eating their food.But nobody put it into their mouths.He he...
             Tidying has to be done fast before mother woke up.Washed up fast.Then silently went through the back door to keep the plates in place.Phuuuh relieved....


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