The father of my children.

              He is a man of few words. seldom speaks.But when he is with his friends he seemed cheerful.That is the time to see him laughing and sharing his point here and there.
              He is from Beseri., about 8 kilometres from Kangar. His sister Zaizah is a good friend of mine. His mother passed away about 18 years ago followed by his father 14 years later.
               There is nothing much to tell actually.He is a very simple man.Loves eating.He is not a picky eater like his children.I would spent hours in the kitchen and he would spent hours eating them.kah kah kah.
                During his younger days he was a sportsman.He played almost everything ,hockey, football, rugby you name it.Its a pity not one of his children follow his steps in sports.
                One thing I notice he loves traveling very much.would jump at any idea to travel.He is very fit too although he is quite plump..He could cycle about 35 kilometres a day( usually early in the morning).
              I pray to God he will be in good health always, so he will able to see how his children move along this beautiful life..under his very eyes.....

                                                                    A good footballer

                                                            With his office mates


                                                                 Working in the office

                                                                Sports Day at KGFP

                                                         The day before he retired

                                                                   Those happy times


  1. I am glad I had the pleasure of meeting Fahmi.

  2. Oh really? he he.nanti kita jumpa pula kalau umur panjang..


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