teacher pening la macam ni..
If many people say teaching standard one is easy...tengok dulu dan baca dulu what I have to tell you.Then you make up your mind.... Bulan puasa...letih .So to cheer me up and maybe to cheer those out there please continue reading. he he.jangan marah.bukan nak hina sapa2.just for fun saja... This pint size boy, I called him Mat Rejab because he looked like one of my friend dulu2 with this name. He like the name.Panggil saja terus mai terloncat2 and said."Awat teacher?" Last week, I passed by their classroom, tengok semua meloncat, bising. No teacher in the class. Maybe relief teacher tak masuk lagi.or cikgu depa dalam toilet sakit perut kut.ha ha.. I gave them something to keep them busy.Bagi satu picture for them to color.This boy Mat Rejab, colored the picture all yellow. "Awat Mat Rejab oi semua kuning.mana ada hidupan dasar laut ni semua kun...