Happy birthday to me..

                          15th July..the date I was born..that was a long time ago..ish how time terbang macam roket..rasa2 macam baru saja keluar college...tiba dah tua..(ooops tak boleh cakap tua nanti Uncle Lee marah..he he).cakap orang lama boleh kut.
                          To Uncle AL, I wish you were there when I sang for my headmaster's retirement last week.Sang 7 songs, including my favourite keroncong kartina Dahari style, and a few more like Kasih(Hetty) and Bisikan Hati (Rafeah Buang) .ada video tapi malu nak share..

              This morning my BFF came to my school with roses.She said she purposely took 3 for 3 words : I Love You..ha ha..We took this photo depan staffroom , caught hold of one Uztaz tengah berjalan ke class, suruh dia snap our photo..the white handbag is also a birthday present from  family, dalam tu ada hndphone baru..ha ha.best nya tahun ni...
              My daughter said my tudung kepala didnt match with my blouse, tengok gambar baru nampak.maklum I get dress for school so early..orange looked like red he he.At 645am , I am on my way to school already ..reached school tengok memang tak matched..hentam saja la..cincai.

                       Balik rumah posed lagi dengan hadiah2 more flowers and handbag pulak.from family and friends.
     Malunya tengok my garden yang dah hilang seri, 2 days ago cabut rumput pun tak kemas lagi..nmpak very untidy dalam photo.Tak pa, lagi  a week before raya I will turn it into a lovely garden again..How?
     Easy, tukar pot sini pi sana, yag sana mai sini..yg banyak bunga will go to the front line, yg tak da bunga will go to the back row..ha ha.Then will snap photos for you all as a prove.

   Anyway Tq a million for those good wishes, alhamdullillah I sihat walafiat.hopefully will stay cheerful and always smiling (dalam hati orang bukan tau )..for many many more years to come..
          Happy birthday to me..


  1. Happy birthday akak. Doa agar akak sentiasa sihat dan ceria selalu. Enjoy your life.

    Tak apa kak kalau tudung tu kaler lain sikit, la nikan trend kaler blok. Pakai baju pink, tudung warna biru depa tak heran pun. Kadang tu tudung kuning baju hijau kita dulu2 tak pakai la lagu tu.

    1. betul Aina, actually I nak pakai red dgn Blue..colorblog memang hentam saja.tapi tak jadi..but I see that pink memang kena dgn blue kan? ?

  2. Hi gorgeous IM, wow you look so beautiful.. and the tudung in my eyes, look matching. And I love your garden, and ahhh roses..love them!!. And such lovely friend you have and that bouquet simply lovely and handphone for a present??!! That's a wonderful surprise...yayy.

    Anyway, may I wish you again for your birthday:
    "May the sun shine bright on your joyous days, and the rain refresh you through peaceful night,
    May green be the grass you walk on,
    May blue be the skies above you,
    May pure be the joys that surround you,
    May true be the hearts that love you,
    May you be blessed with warmth in your home,
    love in your heart, peace in your soul and joy in your life. Happy Birthday once again my dear sweet sweet friend."

    Stay beautiful always.. :)

  3. Hi flawless, TQ again.2 kali wish.10 kali pun tak pa.I suka. he he.
    best giler.
    garden tu dah teruk sgt la kawan.maybe lately I tk peduli sangat.sibuk.krja sekolah banyak.file tu ni.update tu, key in bnda ni..jadi cikgu zmn sekarang tk mcm masa kita kecik dulu..
    tapi tk pa.next week I'll put some effort to make it look better, then I ambik gmbaq bagi u tengok.actually di depan gate I lagi banyak bunga.nanti I will change their positions.he he.tipu sikit.
    Thanx kawan for writing again and rajin singgah blog biasa ni.you keep yrself busy so that msalah hidup kita tak rasa sangat.itu yg I buat pun.and stay beautiful always.when you look good you feel good kan? hugs for you too.

  4. Wah.. birthday akak rupe-rupenya.
    Yang keberapa ni? he he he!

    Untungnya dapat banyak bunga. Jadi makcik bunga pulak :P

    anyway... happy birthday kak... open table untuk semua followers ye hihihi.

    1. Dear Dekdaa, mula2 nk tanya ,perut tu dah mcmmana? dh besar kut? bithday yg keberapa? kalau dh becucu tu, boleh agak kan? anak sulung dah 32thn.cuba kira.he he.nak bunga mai Perlih boleh bagi free.dekdaa punya pasai...tk cr dear,jaga org dalam tu sama..

  5. As Salam,
    Happy Happy Birthday IM! Semoga dikurnia kesihatan sepanjang masa, diberkati dan dirahmati Allah SWT dalam segala urusan...and like always you look lovely what more with the bouquets of flowers! Oh why not.. please share the video of you singing and I always love to listen to Bisikan Hati (Rafeah Buang) :)

    1. Hi dear naniasda, Tq for the wishes.about the video, nanti la, sebab you know la nyanyi entertain org makan ni, kdg2 I pun cakap2 masa music bridge tu, nanti tunggu anak edit dulu..kalau tidak nanti you all kata audition raja lawak pulak..he he.
      BTW baby dlm gambar tu nak pinjam gigit pipi sekali boleh?

    2. jgn lama-lama edit video tu, mesti sedap you nyanyi. Baby tu my first cucu (Ahmad Daiyan) after waiting for 6 years, boleh aja nak pinjam gigit sbb dia ni peramah..haha

  6. happy belated birthday teacher!
    Obviously age is just a number and means nothing when I look at you.
    May dis year's birthday turn out to be as amazing as you. ^__^

    1. Hi dear beautiful lady.Tq.actually nmber bukan ada apa pun kan.yg paling best bila kita tell our age org minta tengok IC.he he.depa tak tau kita dh jaga kulit sejak anak dara..bukan senang nak pegang angka kepala 5 kan kan?

  7. Happy belated birthday buat IndaMarya. Semoga sentiasa sihat dan ceria selalu.Walau tudung tak matching tapi tetap nampak anggun.

    1. TQ Zaitun, mcm JunAina cakap zman sekarang ni people wear colorblock..semua lari dri zaman saya dulu, pink dgn biru,kuning dgn hijau, shocking colors semua..cantik juga bila fikir sekali sekala, becos org kulit gelap mcm I ni kalau pakai color kusam and earth color ,alamat nmpak bju brjalan orgnya tenggelam ..jadi satu colour ja kan?.he he.

  8. happy birthday to u aunty..
    semoga dilimpahi rahmat Allah sentiasa..

    bestnya..dapat beg..sekali hp... :)

    1. TQ dear, amin...moga dikabulkan.beg and hp.mstilah best ! ! he he.

  9. assalam,

    selamat hari jadi...Salam ramadhan dari bunda..

    1. waalaikummusalam, tq BUNDA.selamat berpuasa n moga mendapat keberkatan sepjg bulan Ramadhan ini.Amin.

  10. Lovely, Pretty Cikgu IndaMarya ....I didn't forget about your birthday; I just wanted to help prolong the celebration. Uncle would have love to hear you sing InsyaAllah maybe one day soon . How do you expect me to remember your birthday, when you never look any older? Belated Happy Birthday! Selamat Berpuasa.
    Doa yang terbaik buat Cikgu. Teruskan whatever you are doing because I can see you doing it right. ..... Uncle AL

    1. At last here you are..lamanya hilang.I pray you sihat ,nanti boleh selalu baca yr comments yg penuh teladan.Hi Uncle AL , baca comments you rasa macam floating sat up there di awang awangan..you flatter me..
      TQ , yes one day you will hear my voice singing for you...is that possible Uncle AL?.the world is so small now..tiada sempadan.anything is possible kan?
      Kawan kita sorang lagi Queenie pun dh lama hilang seminggu lebih ..miss her too.
      Anyway my friend, jaga diri baik2.Hope to see yr name appear on my blog for many2 more years to come.InsyaAllah.
      Tk cr Uncle AL..

  11. ehhh...sapa kata dah tua...still cun,vouge lagi hehe...

    happy besday Marya..semoga bahagia sentiasa melingkari hidupmu..

  12. Salam.
    How fast the time flies, you still maintain teacher. Pakai cincai mancaipun you still look gorgoeus. Happy Birthday teacher, panjang umur and bahagia selalu. Sepanjang sihat and bahagia you, semaking ramai murid2 yang sihat dan bahagia, ianya berkadar langsung, my dear. Barakah Allah sentiasa bersama Cikgu sekeluarga

    1. Amin amin yarabbalalamin...tq Mak Wardah.memang harapan saya begitu, tapi jadi cikgu sekolah rendah ni, kalau kurang sabar, memang sakit dada, budak2 tk tau letih .kita pulak dah merangkak senja..letih selalu.urut dada la saja ..tengok jam menghampiri pkl 1 baru rasa lega..tunggu loceng nak balik.Tapi banyak juga hari2 ceria saya dgn budak2 tu, keletah, manja,merajuk,kepala angin..mcm2.mudah2an saya sentiasa sabar,tekun mendidik.Tq for dropping by.tk cr dear.

  13. Happy birthday.. Owhh cantiknya bunga-bunga itu ^^

  14. alamak terlambat bagi wish ni.. hehe

    happy balated bday cikgu IM.. semoga bahagia bersama keluarga tercinta dan kekal hingga hujung nyawa. amin.. :)

    1. hi dear ||Alis|| , tima kacih banyak2..amin.doa makbul mudah2an..

  15. salam my pretty fren..

    Even though this message comes to you a little late, the wish it brings for happiness is good on any day date. Happy belated birthday...

    I takdan nak update blog, takdan nak bw, byk commitment extra, tak tercerita, neway I happy bz ngan urusan myself n family...oooops azan Subuh dah. tk care my dearest fren, see ya later!

    1. just want to say Thank you my sweetie and satu kali lagi repeat : I MISS YOU A LOT.tk cr dear.Hugs.

  16. Hello IndaMarya, my apologies lambat sampai.....was tied up.
    However, here's wishing you many happy returns of the day. Happy birthday!.
    And may you always be as beautiful tomorrow as you are today, with lots of good health, sunshine and laughter.

    And IndaMarya, you have the kind of looks that can make florists retire early, and a smile that will make the moon rise an hour early.
    You stay beautiful and hold that beautiful smile of yours.

    1. Hi Lee, adoi you left me floating macam fairy dalam fairy tales tu he he.Anyway TQ my friend.hopefully semua wishes will come true.As long as I stay healthy, thats wat matters most kan?
      hopefully juga florists tak tutup kedai or else I tk dpt bunga lagi for next years's bthday tahun depan he he.
      You tk cr my friend.stay young always .and of course lagu jgn hilang dari hati..let it bloom on and on...

  17. Hi IndaMarya, sorry I tertinggal keretapi.....HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU. May you stay beautiful and young at heart always. Most of all stay healthy. Lovely birthday present. :))

    Have a wonderful day.

    1. Hi Amelia,tk pa trtinggal keretapi tapi sempat juga lompat naik saat saat terakhir..jgn trlucut kasut pulak, or else I have to go round cari you bawa kasut tu and see who's feet matched ..macam Cinderella pulak .he he.
      tk cr my friend, may you too stay healthy, boleh buat kek2 yg lagi marvelous..and post on yr blog.kami boleh tumpang belajar.

  18. Hi IndaMarya, Just dropped by to admire your very attractive gambars and that killer smile of yours.
    Nampak that smile boleh jalan jatuh masuk longkang ke hantam tiang lamp post, ha ha ha.
    Salam ceria selalu dan jangan lupa gembira de hati.
    Bagaikan sentiasa kedengaran alunan lagu merdu.

    Hidup tanpa alasan, cinta tanpa sesalan.

  19. Amboi, this is the first time u cakap melayu with siap dengan puisi mcm sajak pulak.I am impresed.sekali sekala cakap Melayu best kan? at least boleh ingat those sweet days you dating dengan that Malay actress tu..tak mau share ke dengan kami that priceless experience? boleh buat series pulak.msti peminat2 blog u yang dah beratur nak beli tiket nak baca.kalau u post at 3 am pun kami sanggup tunggu ! !.You punya incredible story yang selalu menawan hati...and make sure to include the romantic scenes sekali kalau ada..he he.anyway tk cr my friend and have a productive week ahead.

  20. maaf terlambat wish
    selamat hari lahir kak inda.moga hidup diberkati Allah
    seronok nya dapat bunga ;)

    1. tima kacih Irfa, I cakap mcm budak kecik pulak.he he.memang best dpt bunga..tiap2 hari pun tk pa.ni kena tunggu setahn sekali baru dapat..sob sob.
      you tk cr dear.

  21. I missed the plane. Happy Belated Birthday, Inda Marya.

    1. you missed the plane but you had the time to catch the last bus...ha ha.tq my dear Aziela.


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