
Showing posts from April, 2013

Mentor ? ? mentor ke ...

                    For nearly a month I have been the mentor teacher to two young ladies from the nearby Teacher Training College. And for nearly a month I have been mentoring, giving them tips for effective teaching, how to have a good class management, check on their record books , their lesson plans, even their grammar and their pronunciation during practical teaching.I am not superduper good but I have the experience to share..                    Told them their objectives for each lesson should be achieved by the end of the lesson. Pupils would be able to do or understand what you expect from them .                    Should I see any doubts on anything at all during the teaching process I would gladly correct them.They are young ladies with bi...

semua orang nak pangkat ke?

           In 2003 I got a promotion to be guru penolong kanan (senior assistant ) in a school  here in  Perlis. Kawan2 ucap tahniah. A friend from the school call, " Wei mai la sekolah aku ? surat dah keluaq 3 hari awat hang tak mai lagi ? "            "Aku tak mau jadi PK la" I answered short.            "Awat? semua orang nak pangkat.Hang tak mau pulak pasai apa? "            "Tu orang, aku lain."            Although I dah tolak dah seminggu, they still gave me the time to think about it. I called jabatan and told them I was not interested with the post.Sent in surat penolakan..habis cerita.            3 years later at a function where I kena nyanyi, someone  from t...

Naim the superman...

                                         " Hi teacher ! "                 Di sekolah tu he is the only one berani buat hi hi with me.Yang lain wish and behave prim and proper bila jumpa teacher around the school.                 "Amboi , whats your name ? "                 "Naim.." Muka sipu2 malu.                 " sekali makan nasi berapa pinggan ? " tengok badan quite chubby. In fact he is big for a standard 4 boy.                 " makan satu pinggan ja teacher, kalau lauk sedap makan dua pinggan "                 His...

cucu baru ! ! !

Announcement announcement ! !          Saya dapat cucu baru..he he .A girl weighing 3.1 kg.last week. Rushed to KL after a call from my son that my DIL dah mula rasa sakit.          500 more kilometers tak terasa cucu punya pasai..          She was in the labor room lama..kesian, bimbang, takut semua ada.Keep praying, terusan doa siap sembahyang hajat sekali..          Akhirnya orang baru keluar juga to see this beautiful world, to see his parents and of course tok yang cukup excited..               My son and his bride on their wedding day last year. Ramai orang kata sejak kecik my son macam muka I..betul ke ? ada la imbas kan ?..mak dengan anak.Beside him my youngest son.              ...