
Showing posts from 2013

I sing this song for you..."Sepanjang Jalan Kenangan "

    Its been a long time I thought of singing a song untuk kawan2 yang singgah di blog ni.hasrat tercapai last few days. Masa tu rumah gelap pekat. Power failure.     My son was sittng nearby, so dalam gelap tu di terangi cahaya lilin I sang a song.My favourite song yang I used to sing masa dulu2. Kira ni lagu wajib la..ha ha.     Untuk Uncle AL yang pernah minta nak dengar suara, Angie and Queenie and Uncle Lee also among them..ini la lagu untuk mu..     Untuk semua kawan2 bloggers..kalau tak sedap jangan marah..memang dah lain dari suara masa muda2 he he..If you hear some whispers before the song please ignore..ha ha . CLICK HERE TO LISTEN :)      TQ for listening .....  


      On Wednesday, we had this Prize Giving Day for the pupils. Saya in charge persembahan murid. So masa free bawa la budak2 to the hall, practised itu ini with two other teachers.      Rasa cepatnya masa berlalu.Time really flies kan?  pejam celik pejam celik dah habis another year.bertambah la lagi umur...he he.            Girls from standard 3 and 6. Menari tarian indang...Baju? ambik ja baju melayu abang masing2. selendang kain batik . Di ikat sekuntum bunga di bahu.Done. Sekolah kampung mana boleh suruh beli macam2...kesian depa.           Suddenly I thought of "Bila Larut Malam " by Saloma. Mula2 ambik girls saja to dance and sing.Then we spotted this young talent.The boy in front who suddenly got up and twist. Apa lagi, let him lead the twist. The above photo was masa introduction of the song.Music tak masuk lagi masa ...

Baju hitam ?

             Berbaju hitam ? What is the significant of wearing black in general? Many people are against this color. they say wearing black can be overpowering.(which I dont believe).             I think its flexible and quite versatile too. setuju dak kawan2 ?             To older women black clothing will highlight dark lines around the chin and the eyes..I start to believe this when they give very good evidence. faces of elder ladies in black looking like they are 80 years old although they are only in their 50s. In other words black ages the face..            Suddenly I start to love black in spite of all these opinions against it. I have my own reasons..peduli apa orang kata apa kan..dah kita suka ..          ...

Terima kasih Mak Chaq..

       Kerana budi baik seorang dermawan, maka kanak2 ini happy sangat ..Sorang rakan blogger kita Mak Chaq berhajat nak sedekah kepada murid2 miskin sekolah saya. Selepas bersembang2 dengan dia maka saya pun membanci berapa orang yang betul2 susah .       Dapat la 14 orang kemarin.Ada lagi sebenarnya, tapi kerana masa singkat tak sempat nak selidik sorang2.Saya panggil cleaner , dia orang situ. so she knows yang mana budak susah, yang mana sederhana.      So aturlah jadual kelas supaya selepas rehat free, tak atur budak tak dak cikgu pulak.Ajak 2 orang kawan yang free bawa budak2 dalam 3 buah kereta, ke pekan Arau lebih kurang 6 KM from school.Mula2 nak ke Kangar tapi memandangkan keadaan disana lagi sibuk dengan nak kawal budak2 lagi..msti susah sikit kan?               Nak trackbottom tapi tak tau nak cari size...tengok aja masing2.Cikgu...

Bila canteen di tutup ! ! .............

       Canteen tempat budak2 and cikgu makan, suddenly dapat perintah suruh tutup. Not because of cleanliness reasons, tapi kerana air kena potong, sebab towkey canteen tak bayar bill air..berpuluh tahun mengajar this is the first time experience canteen kena tutup ! !.malu betul.kesian budak2.        Just imagine, suddenly canteen di arah tutup oleh beberapa pegawai kesihatan yang datang melawat. True enough, kalau air pun sikit macam mana nak basuh, masak dengan bersih for the children to eat..         The headmistress bagi surat to all parents , budak2 pun bawa bekal sendiri. They cannot even sit and eat on the benches at the canteen, warning from the officers, canteen mesti di kosongkan..! !.      So you can see now children bawa bekal from home, either their mothers have to get up early masak, or beli from the stalls along the streets.    Mula2 nampak...

Pengalaman driving ikut batas ban sempit..

       This weekend ada camping badan beruniform held at a neighbouring school. So a few pupils were selected for the event.The men teachers got ready with a few tents , siap mineral water, roti lagi..macam2.brief budak2 what to do, helped the pupils prepared  a few gadgets (because they will have a competition for the best gadgets ) advised itu ini..then off they went..        My school is a small kampung school, so all teachers have to go to the school too.jaga budak2.mana boleh biar budak on their own..bahaya.       So we took turn to be there. And malam2 ada a few teachers spend the night there with the kids.This morning is my turn , so pergi la..      To reach the school kena lalu ikut a river bank..menyusuri batas ban (kata orang Perlis).The road was quite narrow. My friend who was driving the car takut, I lagi takut. My hands tiba2 sejuk bila selisih dengan kereta..a ...

tukar cikgu bahasa Inggeris tu ! !

       I have been teaching all my life.Ini la kali pertama saya mengalami pengalaman paling pahit dalam hidup saya as far as work is concerned.         Among my pupils in class ada this child yang selalu absent. Dalam seminggu mesti 3 hari saja or maybe less than that dia datang sekolah.         Bila tanya his friends yang dekat rumah dia, they said " ada teacher, nampak dia kemarin dok main saja "..         Dia anak tunggal in the family.Parents still young. Often see them in school, sending their love one dalam kawasan sekolah...( which is not allowed ..cukup setakat di luar pagar saja, unless hari hujan )..         No one say anything..biaq pi la, as long as the kid mau datang sekolah.Tak pa dia dapat layanan VIP .        Bila yang lain dah boleh membaca , he is still far behind. In the fi...

TQ bomba...

    At least once a year sekolah kena panggil bomba datang ke sekolah .Buat fire drill or demonstrate how to put out fire..     last week they came lepas we sent a letter requesting them to come..One of the firemen who came earlier than the others asked me to really call the fire brigade and bagi tau canteen sekolah was on fire and ada 2 budak terperangkap di situ.    He laughed at me when he saw my hands shaking  walaupun hanya call main2..       In exactly 6 minutes kereta bomba appeared at the sch gate. Dengan bunyi siren yang kuat, the villagers came out thinking our school was really on fire..            They 'rescued' the victim. Budak ni gelak pulak.orang suruh buat macam betul2...nak kena ni. he he.       Part budak2 paling suka bila pak cik bomba showed them how to handle the big hose..bila air keluar memancut semua ...

Friends around you...without them apa macam?

      What are friends for..boleh hidup ke tanpa kawan? saya tak boleh.memang tak boleh..sunyi nya dunia without them..       They fill up the empty space in your life..True friends give you the unconditional support , to share, to comfort, encourage, and a shoulder to cry on ..       I have quite a number of close friends,to share my thoughts and my joy..but a few special ones to share the other side of me ,when I am down, sad and miserable         Went out ,makan2, sembang2 and share stories..about cucu, about anak and menantu..macam tu la when you reach this age..         This photo was taken last week. They are all teachers..Sembang2 tak sedar dah masuk magrib...apa lagi berlari la balik .he he.Cerita tak be continued till the next outing.   Sorry tak tau wat happened.Gambar ni jadi so blur I can hardly see m...