Pengalaman driving ikut batas ban sempit..

       This weekend ada camping badan beruniform held at a neighbouring school. So a few pupils were selected for the event.The men teachers got ready with a few tents , siap mineral water, roti lagi..macam2.brief budak2 what to do, helped the pupils prepared  a few gadgets (because they will have a competition for the best gadgets ) advised itu ini..then off they went..
       My school is a small kampung school, so all teachers have to go to the school too.jaga budak2.mana boleh biar budak on their own..bahaya.
      So we took turn to be there. And malam2 ada a few teachers spend the night there with the kids.This morning is my turn , so pergi la..
     To reach the school kena lalu ikut a river bank..menyusuri batas ban (kata orang Perlis).The road was quite narrow. My friend who was driving the car takut, I lagi takut. My hands tiba2 sejuk bila selisih dengan kereta..a man was driving the car, he stopped tengah jalan.Tak mau ke tepi..kami lagi takut nak belok ke sisi jalan.
     Last2 kami terpaksa terhenjut2 sikit sikit ketepi yang ada sikit lebih jalannya..When the arrogant man passed us we looked at him..amboi langsung tak angkat tangan, did not even glance at us..sombongnya.Orang bagi jalan pun tak terima kasih..( sapa la lelaki tak berbudi bahasa tu, tak gentleman langsung ..)

                   A few other teachers were already there. kesian tengok my friend on the left bawa baby sekali.( mana ada babysitter mau jaga baby on Saturday/Sunday ).
                   Budak2 siap mengadu, dahaga, breakfast tak we get some food from the canteen for 19 of them, siap drinks sekali..makan minum la budak2 tu .satisfied.
                   Its true what people used to say, teachers are like emak ayah di sekolah , semua mengadu itu ini..and cikgu2 layan la..listened and did what we had to do..

                Then kami di jamu cucur udang, ketupat and kueh2.. After this photo was taken, an accident happened. tiba2 I tertolak gelas milo tu...the glass fell off, semua isi milo tumpah on my blouse and pants...kebetulan I was wearing white pants...Adoiiii.I had a hard time washing .Nasib baik blouse tu color gelap..tak nmpak kesan milo tu..apa pun senyum jugak...he he.

          Me with my pupils...before they were called back for their next activity. We waited until the next group of teachers came, baru boleh balik.
         We were lucky on the way back tak da kereta lain masuk...lega.


  1. Assalamualaikum kak... banyak lagi aktiviti menjelang cuti sekolah kan.. bagus kerjasama cikgu2 kat sana...siap bawa anak2 kecil sama demi kerja...

    Masa ke Tukang Sidin, Teluk Intan saya pernah lalu jalan ban ni. Uish..mmg kecut perut bila selisih dengan kereta lain..takut sangat terjatuh ke dalam tali air ... padahal mmg muat je utk dua buah kereta..

    1. Hi Nasiha ( may I call you that ?) , sekolah lagi kepenghujung lagi banyak kerja..fening kapla ha ha.
      kalau muat 2 kereta kira luas tu, ni muat satu kereta saja.kalau brselilsih kena cepat2 cari tmpat nak ketepi samaada laman rumah org ke..asal boleh sondol kereta masuk..sungai pulak besaq giler..ish kalau jatuh pakai habis da harapan.
      TQ for dropping by dear.

  2. kerana jalan ban tu la buat mamason tak fikir 2 kali bila dapat pindah sena..the 2 years I was there,pi balik sekolah lalu batas ban tu macam hujung nyawa saja.Silap hari kedebum dalam sungai .Bukan 2 shj...ada scary mary juga sekolah tu..harap budak budak yg bermalam kat situ ok ....hehehe.

    1. kak, depa bermalam dalam khemah di pdg sekolah.mau tk scarry sek lama.Bangunan lama masih ada.Agak gelap sikit bangunan tengah tu, especially the meeting room and the office.tapi bahagian tu yg paling cntik lamannya..I mean the landscape bhg tu..nmpak cosy ja.I went round the sch..cantik.keluaq dpan sekolah nmpak bot2 kecik di spnjg sungai.tapi masa balik dh hjan smpat nk ambik gmbaq..

  3. kalau bdak tidur di sekolah cikgu pun kena tidur juga. ikut giliran lagi.

    1. Yes Nieda, kalau tidak apa2 jadi mampus cikgu kena jawab..selalunya pengalaman tidur dgn budak ni, kita yg tk boleh tidur sebab depa tk tidur, depa bsing sembang, bergelak smpai lewat,so apa kita buat, kita masuk dlm khemah depa, dgn rotan ditgn, sapa bising kena tdur luar khemah...baru diam..

  4. Hello IndaMarya, selamat pagi to you dari Toronto Petang.
    I guess sometimes a teacher's course of duty takes on being a mother hen, or 'amak ayah di sekolah'.
    I can imagine your being nervous and apprehensive during the drive to that school.
    I have been to Kedah, Perlis way back in the early '80s and have travelled some of those very narrow roads...boleh kelam kabote when meet a truck opposite direction.

    Where we are there are 7 schools nearby.....4 junior and 3 high schools. And quite often I see about 20 to 30 very young kids being led, escorted by teachers to visits to museums or the Science centre, by bus and subway, or whatever on day trips.
    And its always the required ratio of 5 kids to 1 teacher. And doing a head count before departing, arriving, etc. As well on camping trips.
    Yes, teachers are mothers too. Anak orang, kan.

    Incidentally, where we are, should a child disappears, within 1 hour or less after police investigation radio, TV as well all highways will have notices of 'child missing', and the description.
    About 7 years ago a 9 year old Chinese girl went missing from her home before school. Mak bapa chari satu rumah, rushed to the school..tada.
    Within a few minutes can see police cars, then helicopters, police on horseback police dogs, searching for her.
    By afternoon more than 600 police involved. Macham a war zone her house area...
    But regrettably it was a young male tenant who had abducted her. Her body was found 25 miles away in a forest, a month later. He is now serving life in prison.
    You have a nice day, and IndaMarya...I'd love to go duet with you with 'Autumn leaves'...
    I think bila I balek kampong I throw a party, you my first invitation..apart from my gang Al, Zul, Jully semua...we do a duet, with 'Bangawan solo', and 'autumn leaves'. As long your pakcik tada nanti outside, ha ha ha.
    Happy to know you love singing.
    You stay young, stay beautiful.

    1. Lee, takut baca cerita girl tu kena tangkap..served him right..dok dalam jail.Malaysia is not a safe place anymore..rape, murder and other crime macam tengok dalam tv.its a common thing now here.
      So unlike dulu2 kan? safe and so peaceful living in barang2 pulak mahal..but since this is our country, we have been living here all our life..where else to go..adapt ourselves to the challenge.
      Lee, bukan autumn leaves saja lagu lain pun boleh...tapi I tak boleh nyanyi banyak lagu ,nanti u tak mau balik Toronto pulak.susah mrs Lee..he he.
      have a nice day my friend..

  5. Hujung2 tahun ni pun banyak rombongan pi sana pi sini kan kak, KL sibuk dengan bas catar dan bas persiaran. Kat Jalan TAR tu ramai sangat.

    Aina kalau balik kampung ini adalah antara perkara yang cuba di elak tapi nak buat macam mana nak tak nak kena jugak la lalu. Kalau jalan keliling bendang ok lagi tapi buat kaki gigil tangan sejuk bila lalu kot sungai. Kadang2 rasa nak pejam mata ja...hahahaa...

    1. Aina, around the school I nmpak org memancing pagi2, menjala dalam sungai dpan sekolah..satu pemandangan best in the world..hanyadi kampung kan? balik la cepat..he he

  6. Hi IM, ish geram pulak I dengan orang yang sombong tu.. takde manners langsung. Macam lah dia seorang saja yang ada hak kat jalan raya tu...eeee.. hope next time, dia bertemu ngan lori besar..see if he boleh sombong lagi. Kaki bully lah tu. Kesian you all and esp your fren yang ada anak tu. Mesti lah takut, kan jalan tu sempit and tepi sungai lagi. Syukur you all selamat.

    Ehh apa kena ngan milo you sampai tertumpah? Ksian... you punya pants putih lagi.. nasib bak milo tu tak panas ye. I pernah macam tu, my kopi panas i knock ngan tiba2 and tertumpah and terkena my peha. Adoii bukan main sakit and I cepat pegi tandas buka the pants and cuci my peha but last2, melecur juga. Then I had to see a doctor for treatment.. Luckily, the effect was only superficial but scar tu ambik masa utk disappear juga.. so clumsy of me.. hehe

    Thanks for sharing all your lovely photos..and your budak2 murid tu macam manja sangat ngan teacher.. hehe

    1. kesiannya you melecur..paha pulak tu, tenpat flesh putih gebu..he ada kesan lagi kut sikit2.tak pa mederma cream ada..he he.
      budak2 memang manja ..pantang kita dekat, they will come even nearer, pegang.touching me..kdg2 I rimas jugak..they feel the material I wear..and tanya soalan paling popular."teacher baju ni beli mana? " then I will joke."London" they believe me and say.."ish jauhnya ,bila teacher pi ?" so innocent kan?

  7. Nak pi rumah MIL.makchaq pun macam tu jugak, tapi baru ni dapat jalan baru, projek gomen nak dekat PR, tapi siap sekerat ja... 5 taun lagi la kot sambung...
    Alhamdulillah la anak2 murid dpt cikgu yg baik dan perihatin... tempat depa mengadu hai....

    1. makchaq, saya prnah lalu jln sempit masuk kampung bila smpai bdan berpeluh, ketaq lutut tak boleh turun kereta..semata2 nak pi ikut budak tak mai kelas petang..adoi .

  8. boleh dak cikgu msg makchaq atau email.makchaq kat

  9. Musim cuti sekolah ni nanti lagilah banyak bas2 rombongan...baguslah kalau ada persefahaman antara pihak sekolah dan murid2..

    1. BUNDA cerita pasai rombongan sekolah ke ?..oh yes sure sekolah kami pun dah plan trip soon..tapi saya tak ikut..tak larat.

  10. Hi IndaMarya, Happy Deepavali. :))
    Now a days banyak yang kurang ajar, tak gerti bahasa. Most of the time on the road, we ladies memang kena buli... susah nak dapat jantan yang akan bagi kita jalan or lalu dulu. Kadang2x menyampah betul, jalan dah sempit dan one way, dia tu dah salah masuk lorong tak nak beri laluan lagi. :((

    Thanks for sharing your pictures. Seluar putih tu ada kesan milo lagi?
    Have a nice weekend... nak pergi kemas umah, sudah macam reban ayam. :))


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