TQ bomba...

    At least once a year sekolah kena panggil bomba datang ke sekolah .Buat fire drill or demonstrate how to put out fire..
    last week they came lepas we sent a letter requesting them to come..One of the firemen who came earlier than the others asked me to really call the fire brigade and bagi tau canteen sekolah was on fire and ada 2 budak terperangkap di situ.
   He laughed at me when he saw my hands shaking  walaupun hanya call main2..

      In exactly 6 minutes kereta bomba appeared at the sch gate. Dengan bunyi siren yang kuat, the villagers came out thinking our school was really on fire..

           They 'rescued' the victim. Budak ni gelak pulak.orang suruh buat macam betul2...nak kena ni. he he.

      Part budak2 paling suka bila pak cik bomba showed them how to handle the big hose..bila air keluar memancut semua tepuk tangan..sukanya..

              Cikgu yang panggil bomba di suruh try pegang hose..( actually syok tau..look at my face.he he )

              Ish ish...budak2 ni, masa air di pancut depa enjoyed tahan badan bagi kena air..macam pesta main air pulak ..

                             Dengan ketua balai. ..( I need the photo for documentation..masuk file )

              Acara paling depa enjoy.Naik atas kereta bomba..berebut2 nak naik..Look at their hair still wet kena siram ..

             Ketua bomba siap give a talk on first aid and demonstrated macammana nak menolong mangsa sebelum ambulance smpai..that every teacher should know..
             " Ada orang pengsan, tergolek di lantai, apa cikgu nak buat untuk menolong dia ? " asked ketua balai.

           Me thanking one of them yang sudi meluangkan masa datang buat fire drill..
           "Tak pa cikgu, boleh call lagi, nanti kita plan aktiviti lebih hebat." he said.

           Budak2 puas hati, cikgu2 juga lega.Habis satu lagi aktiviti tahunan..
           Before posting this , nah satu pantun for everyone..sapa nak jawab?

                    Padang sasar hijau rumputnya,
                    melati mekar di rantingnya;
                    rumah terbakar nampak asapnya.
                    hati terbakar apa ubatnya ?


  1. Hi IndaMarya, Wow! I suka this posting! Been a long, long time since I last seen Malaysia's fire brigade. Noticed the fire suits.....
    I guess the kids really had fun as no classes for tat couple of hours.
    Love the pics here and ha ha, love that pic of you hanging on to that hose.

    IndaMarya, I love that blue, purple outfit, can see you really have great fashion sense, always very stylishly dressed.
    And that smile of yours to the fireman, dia tentu malam tidur susa datang, ha ha.
    Maybe balek fire station, buka hose siram, mandi ayer sejuk.
    Have a nice day, and keep a song in your heart.

    1. Hi Lee, msti lama tak tengok kereta bomba..ha ha.berpuluh tahun I guess. I asked one of the firemen wat other task they do besides putting out fire.they say I ketinggalan zaman, kerja depa berpuluh macam, not only catching snakes masuk rumah, or gving first aids to victims,tapi they list out so many...
      that blouse I wore was bought in Pdg Besar 5 years ago. masih elok, no koyak he he.it feels good to wear fitting dress sometimes to sort of check yr figure, kalau evryday pkai baju kurung u wont know you dah expand sideways or kembung di depan..he he.
      u have a nice day too my friend, and of course a smile to keep everyone near us comfortable.

  2. Padi muda jangan dilurut,
    Kalau dilurut patah batangnya;
    Hati muda jangan diturut,
    Kalau diturut susah datangnya.

    boleh ke cikgu lagu tu hehe...

    1. boleh sangat la Kamsiah.Ni pantun lama ni.setiap perkataan seboleh2nya rima nya sama. org dulu2 kalau berpantun memang sedap kan?

  3. Pretty teacher ni Zul, nak volunteer ajar first aid no charge important ni cam soalan "Apa Cikgu nak buat sebelum ambulan sampai . Di sini saya bolih tunjuk macam mana nak bagi mouth to mouth resuscitation tapi gan satu syarat Cikgu Indamarya jadi model. So camna bolih kan. Sifu Lee ajar saya ikut ninjalogy very safe tak caya tanya gan Lee kat sini I also volunteer kat si Merah Jully tapi dia kata tak mau. Ni nak kena pujuk AL for approval. Ok nak breakfast gan AL. mana lah nak cari kopi gan karipap panas pagi2 ni.? Pening. Cikgu senyuman slalu ya memang cantik sungguh menawan.saya admire habis. Ok kalau ke KK bagitau bolih jadi tourist guide for you. Joke joke ya jangan Mara .

    1. Dear En Zul. so dah berguru habis dgn Sifu Lee ? ha ha.u ni memang suka karipap ke? dok sebut karipap selalu.kena baik dgn Queenie, she makes the best karipap .
      I've been to KK once. and I love buah salak di sana , besar2 sungguh.and sweet too.We stayed at Marina Court..malam2 makan udang and chicken wings bakar..sedap sgt. maybe one day will go there again.and of course kami cari you la dulu.dah org offer nak jadi guide mesti la kita suka kan?
      Its ok to joke, no pblem.asalkan hati senang.and no harm done . Anyway keep well, and km salam kat yr sifu tu. tanya dia dh hafal ke lagu Bengawan Solo tu, dia kata nak duet dgn I...

  4. salam kak IM,
    rasa bila nampak kereta bomba..bkn jer budak2 yg excited..org dewasa pun ikut excited... good experience for the kids.. plus takyah masuk kelas..

    1. dear blu4sky, betui sngat2.dengar bunyi siren semua excited.budak2 mcm hilang akai, meloncat menjerit, cikgu2 buat2 cool.tapi syok .
      slepas jamu pakcik2 bomba tu, kami masuk kelas balik...sob sob.trpaksa mengajar ikut jadual mcm biasa.

  5. Aina nak jawab pantun ni tapi mood tak mai lagi no idea, nanti lepas ni Aina cari idea sat.

    Akak minta email nak hantar jemputan kenduri tapi tak dak kad2 bagailah. Kenduri kecik2 kat rumah mak.

    1. tk pa Aina bagi alamat dn tarikh saja di sini.sure saya pi punya la.insyaAllah
      (dnt worry I wont publish alamat tu.he he).

  6. Hati terbakar tiada berasap,
    Tapi sakitnya mengalahkan lecur,
    Walaupun ubatnya x muncul A.S.A.P,
    tadah tangan, mohon doa, moga hatimu terhibur.. :)


    1. oooooh.mak ingat sapa.dok heran tadi.
      Tq balas pantun tu.saja for fun.bukan ada apa pun he he.

  7. Sporting sungguh Bomba Perlih...
    Tak marah pun dapat panggilan palsu.... tapi kalau marah pun sure sejuk tengok cikgu senyuman cikgu yang buat panggilan tu...he he
    Kat opis makchaq taun lepas masa ada fire drill ada yang pengsan (terkejut sangat sebab dia ingat betui2)

    1. makchaq, sebenarnya depa sendiri yang suruh call.sebab tu berani .kalau tidak takut juga kena marah..ha ha.malah peg tu brdiri dpan saya di bilik guru masa saya call tu..
      yes fire drill penting especially for the kids..kalau tidak depa tak tau apa nak buat kalau betul2 sekolah terbakaq.

  8. salam aunty..
    happy nampak main ayaq ;)

    jalan ke pekan bersama nyonya
    singgah sebentar di tepi muara
    ambillah wuduk mengadu padaNya
    insyaallah akan terubat lara

    1. harnida, memang seronok, basah la juga hari tu, masa pegang hose tu, tapi bukan dari hose yg aunty pegang, tapi kawan2 di sebelah nak melawak..melampau sungguh depa.lepas tu pakat gelak ramai2..last2 budak2 pulak percik cikgu2.lega...

  9. hahaha....all your post nowadays will brought me back to my old days la teacher. I dulu kalau nampak bomba nak dtg sekolah, mengomel tak berenti.
    Bising aje mulut sebab malas nak buat training.
    padahal penting tu for our safety khenn.

    1. Dear RedRose,yes fire drill is important for the children .Or else they wont knw where to run and wat to do..if the sch is really on fire.
      The firemen who came were very very friendly...and they looked smart in their uniforms.
      There were some kids who just stood there like statues looking at them...perak habis anak murid ku..ha ha

  10. Replies
    1. Dear Nieda, ni aktiviti wajib di sekolah.tapi saya rasa 2 tahun sekali pun ok kan? kalau tiap2 tahun thrill pun dh hilang.

  11. Pretty teacher hah tak jawap pun ,ni Zul dah nak balik KK esok ok cu thanks for the senyuman menawan.

    1. Hi Zul, ni dah jawab. so dah on the way to KK ? jaga diri baik2. jangan marah nanti cepat tua..TQ for all the atas air pujian, and atas angin sanjungan. tiba2 I percaya pulak..he he.

  12. Hello IndaMarya, aha! Nama saya da keluar lagi ni, ha ha.
    Tu Zul, apa2 sikit keluar nama saya. Rosak la nama saya ni.
    Buku Ninjalogy saya tada to mouth to mouth first aid. Dia ni chari pasal tu, arhaaaa ha ha. Saya punya mandi ayer bunga, ha ha.

    You know, as mentioned my reply to your comment in my pondok, I guessed you a no. 6 person a long time ago. And betul sukahati my guess is correct.
    The no. 6 is a love number. Kalau anak, tentu manjah type.
    I always joke joke with my male friends, kalau dapat a girl birthday a 6, itu la best.
    Very sayang type.
    Tetapi ni nombor 6....can make good lawyers, as they fight to win.
    I always say jangan chari pasal with a no. 6 person, habis cherita!
    Malam tidur susa datang as she'll continue the fight, ha ha ha.
    Have a fun weekend, and once again, I love that biru outfit of yours.
    PS, malam ni lottery jackpot $50 million!
    Tengok la....if you see at assembly time, a lorry carrying a big gift wrapped box, then unload, driver tell you, "Chegu, ni dari special delivery dari Canada..."....
    Then bila buka tu busssarrr box, dalam a lipstick red BMW M4. Inside a bouquet of red roses. With my compliments.

    1. Lee, I love yr sense of humour, sometimes life gets so boring. Ada kawan2 hibur hati kita best jugak kan? The never ending loads and loads of work at school sometimes buat kita jadi macam robot..and now I have less and less time for my hobby..sewing embroideries and painting.yes I love painting especially sceneries. tak pandai , tak cantik pun but I have a small collection, now safely sleeping in the store.! lama dah tak tengok .maybe dah kena makan anai2..he he.
      I hope yr wish will come true.menang lottery can do u many things .maybe take that gold medal wife round the world..mesti dia senyum sampai telinga kan?
      you have a gd weekend my friend.Lama tak cerita about yr weekend activities ?

  13. Hi gorgeous IM.. sowwy, masuk sini lambat skit. Skrg ni weekend, dah setengah buat domestic chores.. rehat skejap.. singgah your pondok.. cuci mata, and memang i suka baca your writings.. selamba and boleh gelak and so relaxing especially see your beautiful smiles.

    I tengok mat bomba tu pun macam dah 'lintang pukang' see your smiles hahaha (shh...i tiru kata2 sifu kita Encik Lee),,hehehe.. jangan bagi tau dia i curi kata2 dia tau..haha..
    I remember dulu tempat i kerja, ada lah fire drill di bangunan sebelah.. we thought betul2 punya fire. We all pun lupa kerja asyik busy body ngan bomba crane and firemen segala..until boss besar tegur hahaha . We all bertempiaran balik office buat kerja masing2.. pas tu baru kita tau, rupa nya fire drill je.. ish ishh... nasib baikk,,if not memang our office pun kena asap juga tu kan..

    Ok, you have a lovely weekend ye, take care and kirim sayang pada bunga roses....

    1. my dear Angie, tq for stopping by..
      (Pssss.memang those men dok puji mcm2.kita buat bodoh saja.he he.)
      semua org suka tengok men in uniforms segak .Budak2 suka , cikgu apa lagi...
      before that ada pertahanan Awam mai sekolah, but not as happening mcm bomba.
      bunga rose dah berbunga balik.nanti I kirim sayang on yr behalf.kalau rajin I will post gambar bagi u tengok. hope u have a happy weekend my friend. senyum selalu.

  14. Bess la aktiviti2 camnih buat kat sekolah. Teringat zaman dulu2..... eh... cam x penah ada pon fire drill

    1. Seri Selasih, memang best.budak2 suka.cikgu pun tak jadi kerja hari tu, bomba men memang vry dedicated.

  15. IM,
    teringin nak jengok balik SKRPB semula.
    bila tengok gambaq gambaq staf and students riang ria ,
    makan bersama lepaih tu ada bomba..
    semua laid back walau kerja bertimpa timpa..

    hehe my pantun.

    1. TQ kak dropping by. jum saya ambik kak one day.buat surprise visit to school. ada mcm2 story tau lately. nanti I will call you and tell.

  16. Hi IndraMarya, drop by to wish you have a nice weekend and happy shopping.



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