Bila canteen di tutup ! ! .............

       Canteen tempat budak2 and cikgu makan, suddenly dapat perintah suruh tutup. Not because of cleanliness reasons, tapi kerana air kena potong, sebab towkey canteen tak bayar bill air..berpuluh tahun mengajar this is the first time experience canteen kena tutup ! !.malu betul.kesian budak2.

       Just imagine, suddenly canteen di arah tutup oleh beberapa pegawai kesihatan yang datang melawat. True enough, kalau air pun sikit macam mana nak basuh, masak dengan bersih for the children to eat..
        The headmistress bagi surat to all parents , budak2 pun bawa bekal sendiri. They cannot even sit and eat on the benches at the canteen, warning from the officers, canteen mesti di kosongkan..! !.
     So you can see now children bawa bekal from home, either their mothers have to get up early masak, or beli from the stalls along the streets.

   Mula2 nampak macam semua orang berkelah...seronok juga..

             Sorry gambar timpa cahaya..berkelah dengan budak2..makan bawah pokok..the girls are eating home-cooked food..

  Now a few ladies come to sell nasi lemak outside the school gate. Cheap and delicious nasi lemak.I saw my pupils makan berselera..
  Teachers pulak ? we take turn macam potluck la..everyday 2 teachers kena bawa lauk..someone sponsor rice cooker and sorang lagi bagi bekas air yang boleh isi air banyak..

   My turn masak dah banyak kali juga, kalau sambal tumis masak dari malam, if its curry or vege then I will get up early at 430 am to cook, because by 530 semua mesti siap masuk tupperware..

               The other dishes are yet to arrive...pinggan plastic je .no one expect canteen tutup kan?

     I was the earliest to reach school (7 am ), So while waiting for the bell to ring at 740, I will boil water, buat coffee satu jug besar, milo satu jug kecik, then masak nasi periuk besar.
   By 8am, semua lauk2 dah terhidang on the table. Nasi panas2. kopi panas. For breakfast many bring nasi lemak or kueh...pengat pisang, currypuff, apom, bengkang, tapai, cucoq kodok...penuh meja..

          Yesterday everyone was busy.No one cooked,  so I gave some money to the  gardener suruh tapau saja.

       Yang tak da class will eat first.The cleaners and the gardeners pun makan sama...By 1030 semua dah licin...

                        I suka tengok everyone happy enjoying the food..

     Before the last bell I would go to the staffroom again, tidy the table...and wash some glasses.( psssst, some men ada habit tak basuh gelas lepas guna ) he he.

              This morning, waiting for the staffroom to open,...nak masak nasi, nak boil water..for coffee...adoi..penat sikit tak apa, asal kawan2 suka hati...



  1. Alahai...boleh gitu pulak kak. Keisn budak2 dan cikgu2. Nasib baik washroom boleh guna kalau tak lagi kalut.

    1. yes Aina, sib baik bilik ayaq semua berfungsi,kalau tidak hancuss...

  2. boleh pulak x byr bil air.
    adoi... sib baik dh nk habis sekolah
    mcm best pulak potluck

    1. best tau Irfa, makan lain2 tiap hari,siap smbal blacan segala.pagi2 syok tunggu meja depa mai bawak tupperware, kalau malas masak beli lauk..semua naik badan 2 kilo lebih baru 2 minggu tutup canteen,nasib baik sekolah dah nak tutup..

  3. bestnya , sesekali kantin tutup bilik guru meriah dgn makanan.

    1. dear Nieda, betul betul betul.Guru besar evryday bawa bkfast..nasi lemak...everyone sronok.

  4. jangan makan dalam changing room sudah...nanti masuk paper.Kesian terganggu.

    1. Kak , setakat ni masih mkn dlm bilik guru...he he.yes kesian Milah and the gang, hilang mata pncarian, tapi dia rajin, dia buka gerai kecik juai burger dpan rumah day I take you pi visit dia..ok?

  5. kesian budak2 tu...cikgu2 pun 'berpicnic' tiap hari la yea...nasib baik sekolah akna bercuti tak lama lagi

    1. ya, nasib baik lagi 2 minggu dah cuti.kesian.semua haru biru...but sejak dah tak berkantin ni semua dah pndai ikhtiar sndiri..jimat lagi.

  6. Mesti lama tak bayaq.. tu yang kena potong..
    Tapi tak pa la jugak.. ada hikmahnya tu... dapat rapatkan ukhwah... untung depa ada geng yang rajin mai pagi2 bancuh ayaq sampai 2 jag..

    Makchaq pun pernah jugak buat lagu ni kat opis... pasainya dah cemuih sangat makanan kantin.. jadi kami masak kat opis.......ada rice cooker petang siap buat bubuq macam2 jenih...

    1. yes makchaq lama sgt la tu, kalau tidak tkkan nak potong kan? bab bancuh ayaq ni sebab saya paling awai so darpada dok langut saja buat la apa yg boleh dibuat. At 720 semua dah boleh menghirup kopi panas ..
      saya suggest sekolah buat mcm coffee corner tahun dpan..jadi tk payah la dok pi canteen cari ayaq lpas rehat, maklum la krja brcakap ni capat dahaga..walaupun bawa air kosong tapi kdg2 nak minum juga air ada ais ni..
      kalau ada dapuq memang saya willing to cook, pkl 11 buat bubug.sbelum balik semua boleh kan ?

  7. Replies
    1. harnida , yg paling best berhimpun mkn ramai2 tu..sebelum masuk kelas 740 semua dh kenyang..mengajar pun semangat..

  8. HI IM, adoiii kesian... apalah kantin tu tak bayar bill yang paling penting..ish ishh..
    Tapi kan, the makanan you all bring look more sedap. Banyakt pula tu. Yang tak best, you all kena kerja extra kan. Tapi macam meriah pula, especially makan kat luar tu macam berkelah pula. Kalau makan macam ni ari ari, alamat tak lama menjadi 'comel' lah tuan2 dan puan2 sekalian hehehe...

    Have a lovely weekend dear.. :)

    1. my dearest Angie, yes kerja extra. My friends said nanti sekolah cuti they will miss my morning coffee he he.dah tiap pagi I jadi tukang buat kopi, the other teachers masuk staff room terus tuju meja ambik cawan, tuang saja..
      they are all young teachers, rasa mcm I buat utk anak2 I .
      Yes masing2 dok complain naik badan, pakai baju dh ketat he he.nasib baik cuti dh dkat, lpas ni boleh briskwalking shed off those extra kilos..
      you too dear , rehat diri sikit this weeknd..pi urut ke he he.

  9. Hello IndaMarya, I couldn't help smiling read canteen owner missed paying his bill ayer. I wonder how much it was?
    And there you are, IndaMarya to the rescue! You really have a heart of gold doing your best for the kids and others.
    There is a saying, 'hands that help are Holier than lips that pray'....

    Its always when there's a problem or unforeseen circumstances someone will rise to the occasion...and you rose to it! OUTSTANDING! I sure am impressed.
    You know, old days when I was the Boss, I looked for people like you.
    Someone who doesn't panic lintang pukang and buka mulut, "alamak oi! What to do? How la nak makan, chuchi tangan"?, whatever.
    But instead turning a problem into an opportunity.

    Love the pics here and as always its your that bulan naik satu jam early smile that brightens every up picture.
    IndaMarya, under different circumstances, if I know, see someone like you, terus I employ you as 'Admin Manager', or 'Personnel Manager'.
    I used to employ many staff like this before...I don't look at credentials, be it University ke Form 5, or even Form 3.
    I look for 'creativity, initiative and innovative'.
    IndaMarya...well done! And I sure love your cooking! The food is tali pinggang tolak satu lobang lagi, ha ha ha.
    You have a nice day, and hold that lupa nama isteri smile.

  10. Dear Lee, actually bukan everyday I masak, kdg2 2 kali seminggu, other teachers pun bawa juga, but if no one is able to cook then we would order from one of the gardeners to go buy the food.
    The one sure thing I kena buat is make sure when everyone sampai coffee is on the table and nasi dah masak .They can scoop out and eat before the bell rings.I feel wonderfull inside acting like a mother to them all, seeing semua come into the staffroom and ambik pinggan to get the nasi.Since the men tak masak lauk2 ,they always buy breakfast. .so sama la juga. Sharing is caring.
    Apa kerja dgn you? ha ha nanti you tk boleh buat kerja sebab tiap2 hari berkelah minum kopi saya, sekali you kena you tak mau masuk ofice lagi.he he.lawak saja tau..jangan marah ha..
    well Lee actually at this age what we want to do in life hanyala benda baik2 saja. benda2 yang orang suka , benda2 yang Tuhan suka.tambah2 kerja jadi cikgu ni, saya jadi perhatian orang, sesuai dengan profession saya.maka buat benda baik tu akan pula jadi contoh pada anak2 and anak murid.Moga2 they too will follow suit.jadi baik .And bila kita mati orang hanya akan ingat the good deeds yang kita buat..and masa tu orang akan miss all those sweet memories we leave them...
    TQ for those kind words.I suka.Sapa tak suka kan? you have a gd day my friend.Ok I nak pi mandi.Almost 5 am now.hari ni sekolah.Monday pulak..

  11. Aduhai, sampai macam tu sekali la warga sekolah kena go through. Ai, macam mana orang kementerian Kesihatan boleh tau ekk? Ada yang report ke IM? Actually, it is good. Masa nie lah nak train all the parents to prepare food for their children. Home cooked meals are wayyy much better than canteen food for the children. Tapi samalah anak saya pun. Penat2 masak, bangun pagi2, wrap cantik2, dia tetap tak mau bawak bekal. Konon malu la, lelaki macho tak usung tupperware ke sekolah. Tapi mak dia degil, lunch hour jer, in between school and sekolah agama petang, dah terpacak dengan tupperware bersusun. Hehehehe. Last2, kawan2 dia pun join berkelah sama.

    Oh, ada soklan. Pukul 10, 11 pagi dah licin nasi? Nasi bukan untuk lunch ekk? Oh, sekolah sampai tengah hari jer ekk? Eh, macam mana ekk IM? Confuse cheq.


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