Friends around you...without them apa macam?

      What are friends for..boleh hidup ke tanpa kawan? saya tak boleh.memang tak boleh..sunyi nya dunia without them..
      They fill up the empty space in your life..True friends give you the unconditional support , to share, to comfort, encourage, and a shoulder to cry on ..
      I have quite a number of close friends,to share my thoughts and my joy..but a few special ones to share the other side of me ,when I am down, sad and miserable

        Went out ,makan2, sembang2 and share stories..about cucu, about anak and menantu..macam tu la when you reach this age..
        This photo was taken last week. They are all teachers..Sembang2 tak sedar dah masuk magrib...apa lagi berlari la balik .he he.Cerita tak be continued till the next outing.

  Sorry tak tau wat happened.Gambar ni jadi so blur I can hardly see muka kami.. My best friend masa di college and sampai this very day...a Chinese lady tapi cakap melayu fasih, so fluent .
If I talk to her on the phone habis cepat one hour baru selesai..filled with laughter.gelak sampai kucing tepi pintu bilik  can run hide in the bushes..ingat pontianak terlepas ke apa...
   we shared everything, from the smallest to the biggest secret (if any he he)..

   I remember one incident during college where we were also taught some basic cooking. The lecturer was a Malay lady..garang macam harimau hilang anak..nasib tak baik I forgot my apron."
   "Go take a broom, a mop,  wat ever, cuci bilik ni, tingkap sekali ! ! "
   Never expect dah jadi anak dara pun was treated macam slave, cuci bilik is ok, tapi the harsh words yang tak ok.
   My BFF suddenly took off her apron, put it in her bag, went to the lecturer and said." Puan saya pun tak bawa apron "
  So dua2 kami jadi maid tak bertauliah, swept and mopped the floor,  cuci cermin tingkap semua.
She was ok, we worked in silence, but I was crying and sobbing not becos I had to do the cleaning but was so touched with wat she did..
   "menangis macam budak2..minggu depan tak bawak apron lagi saya suruh lari keliling padang"
  Ish ish I still remember her every word...kalau puan lecturer masih hidup lagi dan terbaca blog ni..please know that I am a teacher now tapi saya tak pernah treat anak murid saya macam hamba..becos I love them...

     I know this lady lama dah.sjak kami bekerja di bawah sat bumbung dulu.Now she has retired but endlessly still calling and sembang2.Sometimes I go take her out to catch up kalau lama tak jumpa.
      Last week called her and could hear her cucu's voice pot pet pot pet..

     I've known her since 1986. and still friends ketat. With her I shared many things. She has been tru many hard times in her life..still going strong..(5 years younger than me)
    The longest we can stand not going out together is 2 weeks....bila jumpa story each other sampai to the last minute...tak habis2.

            My nearest neighbours..the one in blue on the right is my next door neighbour. We often exchanged  home cooked food. Last time pernah buka gerai makan tepi rumah, where I was the regular (top most regular) customer. he he

              My childhood friend (holding her cucu ).Came over to my house few months ago. Where I took her out almost every day. ke Kuala Perlis was one of it. makan laksa kola and bought tit-bits .
            My mother and her late mum were best friends. The last time she came back nampak dia sedih becos she has just lost her husband..
           Now  hari2 tengok ada video menyanyi karaoke lagu2 lama dengan kawan2 dia di KLumpur. Enjoy nampak ? ..tak pa as long you're happy...jaga diri baik2..

                With a few steps away from my house.The one on the right selalu plan trips for us..Then she would call : "wei I dah booked ticket to so and so..." She knows our IC numbers too....

                     With friends at school. Cheerful all the time. bergumbira sedia sedia..Except for the one behind me, the rest of them are merely in their early 30s. The one on the right ( in pink tudung sama age with my eldest girl..)

                My friend when I was in standard one till std 6. selalu juga jumpa
and share cerita anak menantu..

                Used to be my neighbour..selalu hantar buah salak to me..Now she has moved to about 2 kilometres away..

        I think I boleh jadi bodoh kalau tak jumpa my friends..yang mana satu pun tak long as boleh keluar sekejap..hilangkan semua stress yang menganggu hidup.
     Anything bothering you? well just go out mingle dengan kawan2, or read the quran, or write in your diary. I still do since many many many many  years ago. bukan apa, just to look back what happened in 1984 or 2002 etc etc..lots of fun reading them kan? and tell you wat I have them all tighly hidden in a bag only I know where..ha ha...

     Have a happy weekend my friends..I am off to KL tonite.visiting my children. See you after raya..



  1. bangga jugak jadi kawan cikgu walau hanya dialam shaa ALLAH kalau ke perlis boleh face to face dgn cikgu..:)

  2. jangan tunggu lama sangat nak jumpa tu Kamsiah, or else bila dah jumpa u pun dh tk kenal saya..sebab kedut dah penuh muka dan bertongkat pulak..he he

  3. Semua gambar2 akak tu cantik dan bergaya ja, Jun suka macam tu. Umur bukan penghalang untuk berjaya.

    Cikgu cuti awai ka?

    1. yes Aina, ambik cuti ,saja nak smpai sabaq. dah 2 bulan tk jumpa depa.. he he.

  4. alamak..komen tak masuk...

    best kan ramai kawan2..real friends i mean..not virtual one ;)

    aunty raya balik kampung..tapi aunty pergi bandar..hahahaha

    best la tu jumpa anak cucu..

    selamat hari raya aidiladha..

    1. Harnida, having friends can help you a lot.cheer u up, share yr sweet moments or simply for old time sake bila jmpa kwan lama share crita masa kecik.
      pertama kali pi beraya tmpat org.Termasuk cucu I have 7 love ones sebab depa cuti sari saja, lebih baik saya yg pi. sekolah cuti 5 hari.
      slamat hari raya to u too dear..buat kek brapa biji raya ni.saja tanya .maklum org pndai buat kek kan kan ?
      .saya kek ni suka tengok saja.dn kagum dgn org yg pndai buat kek tu..including u dear.

  5. Kak Zai pun macam tu juga susah rasa hidup kalau tak ada kawan. Merekalah yang selalu menceriakan.

    In Shaa Allah kak Zai akan ikut petua untuk bagi orkid banyak berbunga.

    Selamat hari raya aidil adha buat IndaMarya sekeluarga.

    1. betul betul betul,walaupun kita ada computer , buku, tv, dn lain2, tapi kita juga perlu kawan2 ...sebab benda2 tu tak boleh bercakap dn bagi kita nasihat kan?
      slamat beraya utk Zaitun sekeluarga juga.
      yes boleh try petua tu, nanti tengok la macm mana dia berbunga...

  6. Hi dear gorgeous IM, amboiii bercuti sakan ye... Anyway, have a great time ye. and don't forget to hit the stores especially yang ada SALE sign 60% to 90% off hehehe...

    I can see you are a warm person.. tu lah ramai kawan.. and kawan lama pun still keep in touch. That shows your friendship is valued. Bukan senang tau maintain kawan.. Selalu kawan only sewaktu sama2 kerja or sekolah or neighbour..pas tu out of sight out of mind kan... I too have many friends and still keep in touch especially nowadays ada hand phone and so just watsapp or wechat or just text messages. Dalam FB pun boleh bercerita hehe... Sometimes, meet for drinks or makan2, sembang2 berjam jam, ketawa takde control hahaha.... org sebelah sometime tengok semacam, mungkin dalam ati, ish apa lah org tua ni ketawa tak control hahaha.
    Tapi kan really closed friends I tak lah ramai sangat.. adalah 6 or 7 org gitu.. Entah lah apa jadi if tak ade friends kan... I think my life would be sunyi, sepi, muram..

    Ok dear, take care and have fun ye and kiss kiss to your little angels.

    1. Hi flawless, love yr new photo, glam tau..
      well u know wat, I pi KL bawa beg biasa saja isi baju utk 5 hari, bila balik beg tu beranak pinak pulak...besa la kan? keluar makan pun sempat lagi..anak2 dah faham,..he he.yes ! sale merata..adussss kempis purse..( sambil mata melilau..asking: ATM mana ? )..
      betui kalau jumpa kawan2 especially that Chinese one tu, gelak smpai tk boleh brhenti.kuat pulak tu..
      yes, friends ramai, tapi really close ones tak ramai la.with these people kita boleh share semua.kena pilih jugak, sometimes manis di depan di belakang lain kan? so bila dah umur ni kita tau dah which one boleh buat kawan, and yg mana tidak...
      without kawan memang hidup sunyi...and bila keluar with them kita rasa happy ja,mcm tak da masalah kan? at least for the time being..
      lagi pun Angie, ada kajian mengatakan gelak boleh jadi remedy dukalara kan? so get some friends quick and laugh yr heart giler tau.
      you tk cr too my friend...keep happy always.nanti I sampaikan those sweet little kisses to my cucus..and say aunty Angie krm sayang...

  7. Pertama, saya nak kata, Kak Inda mesti seorang yang peramah dan sangat-sangat disenangi ramai. Sebab tu ramai kawan. Pastu pandai pula melayan kawan-kawan dengan cara yang tersendiri.

    Bila kita meningkat umur macam ni, cara berkawan pun agak berbeza dgn cara remaja kan? Kita lebih banyak cakap pasal anak menantu, cucu la.. kisah diri sendiri dan bertukar fikiran. Masa tu gurau senda pun payah nak sentap. Semua anggap gurau senda saja. Seronoknyaaa!

    Kak Inda, saya tak ramai kawan pompuan yang rapat sebab kawan-kawan rapat saya ramai lelaki pulak. Tapi rakan blogger ramai...!

    1. dear azieazah, peramah sgt tu dak kut, tapi kalau dh msra mak ai tk tau nak habaq..ha ha.
      awak masih muda lagi , lmbat lagi nak dpt cucu kut..tapi tengok nanti bila masa tu smpai..lain rupa nya rasa tu.tak tau nk cakap mcm mana..
      ramai kita tengok kalau girls suka sentap, sikit-sikit bebai ( kata org utara) tapi kalau dh berumuq ni dak kut..(Mcm Uncle Lee kata).and yes,betui kata Azie kawan dgn org laki depa bukan nak kisah sgt benda remeh2 ni..depa sporting kan ? tapi kena jaga2 pulak kut sangkut..he he.
      Org pompuan hati lembut, cepat kesian, yg laki2 pulak hati baik sikit nak tolong, sikit2 nak tolong ...mcm mana tu? he he.
      anyway kawan ramai tak rugi kan? go enjoy the company of yr friends.jgn jatuh hati sudah kih kih..

  8. Hello IndaMarya, selamat hai raya asiladha.
    First if all, I must mention this, you sure got a smile that can light up a whole street or kampong. Its a natural and very photogenic smile.
    The kind of smile can make a florist retire early or run out of red roses, ha ha.

    The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.
    Its very true what you posted about good friends....they the ones that stay with you forever, be there with you thru good times and bad.
    When you cry, they cry with you, then help bring sunshine and laughter back to you.
    We are the captains of our own ships sailing the sea of life, but in times of a stormy weather, you will discover true friends when they don't hesitate to be a lighthouse.
    Have a nice holiday, and hold that beautiful smile of yours.

  9. Hi Lee, talking about friends you sure will miss all yr friends here kan? kawan2 masa muda remaja, when the energy is at its utmost level...he he.
    yr gd friends Zul and AL..must be among them kan? kawan dgn org putih macam mana? ok ke ? yr neighbours and friends there in Toronto msti banyak mat salleh kan?
    yes friends sure light up my life many times along the way..without them dunia ni sepi...
    I love going out with them in the evenings..not long an hour or two dah cukup to inject in some gd mood here and there..
    about that smile..I think kalau u di sini saya dah dapat a bouquet of big red roses kut . delivered to school, right during the morning Monday assembly to the envy of the other ladies...sapa ni hantar bunga merah..roses pulak tu...
    ha ha. keep well my friend, tq for all the gd advice snce I know you..

  10. Hello IndaMarya, I have a very good friend, nama dia Zul. He and Al and Jully as you would have noticed in my pondok all good friends with me.
    Zul is a real nice gentleman....and he only read 6 pages of my Ninjalogy, so dia ada malu sikit, So I tell him in my blog, I help introduce him to you.
    So IndaMarya....nati kejap dia datang....unless dia malu, he chabut, ha ha ha.
    Maybe I ask Jully tolak dia.

    Waa, I see by coincidence you mentioned Al and Zul's names above. Yes, both my very good friends, Al an old friend, We went on safari old days....but dia jalan Selatan, saya Utara, ha ha ha.
    Ok, I balek my blog, tell Zul. I suda introduce his good name to you. He and Jully ketawa guling2 as I ada silap sikit give him tuition how to meet beautiful ladies, ha ha.
    Ok, I balek report to him and Jully.

    1. hi Lee, ooooh pndai introduce kawan eh..its ok.Orang kata kawan biar seribu kan.?
      yes I mentioned their names (Zul and AL because I nmpak mcm mana u selalu sebut nama depa often. So I guess they must be yr kawan sehati sejiwa punya..
      From wat I read in yr blog Jully kerja dengan AL ? well she must be a very sporting helper to AL kan? and psssssst...semua rahsia you bertiga she sure simpan dalam pocket dia kuat2, no leaking and bocor2 one la..
      ha ha...jaga diri Lee.

  11. Hello pretty cikgu saya ni Zul aka karipap man,no1 student Lee Toronto,dia suruh saya jatuh pen kat sini. Si merah Jully kata saya tak de chance bersembang gan you. Tapi saya degil jugak,nanti ni kalau AL tengok mesti dia ketawa tapi takut juga kena tegur gan AL dia tu gan Sifu Lee GENTLEMAN katakan lah,bukan cam saya suka joke2,bukan ape cuma tengok gambor2 you terus admire tak pe kan cikgu? teringin pulak nak belajar kat sekolah.mana lah tahu dapat 100/100 maaf ya no joke no fun cu tata tuti tutu c u soon....Zul

    1. Hi Mr Zul,slamat dtg singgah di laman saya ni..oooops nanti saya nak hampar carpet merah..
      aka karipap man? samaada u pandai buat karipap or pandai makan saja.yg mana satu.? he he.
      teringin nk belajar kat sekolah? boleh saja.Nanti saya letak di belakang sebab you lebih tinggi dari budak2 lain, nanti you block view depa pulak.
      sure dapat 100/100 punya ,becos u dpt personal coaching from teacher.Betul Mr Zul no joke no fun.Life is short.make it sweet and worthwhile.
      tk cr. tata titi tutu to u too.

  12. Hello again IndaMarya, tadi I tulis about my friend Zul, nanti dia datang your blog, unless he malu he chabut, ha ha ha. Now I reply your reply above.
    Anyway, yes, if I am in Malaysia, you will be receiving a bouquet of scented red roses, 2 dozen,..specially delivered to your school at just about your assembly time.

    The timing must be spot on...mesti ada style sikit, ha ha ha, buat your other teachers kelam kabote....oh ya, apart from the bouquet of red roses will be a gift wrapped box, inside Tahiti pink Ocean pearls necklace....
    and I know you love bracelets...a pearl bracelet too.
    Anyway, don't be surprised one of these mornings, you will receive a bouquet of red roses....
    Have a nice day, simpan satu lagu dalam hati.

  13. Hi Lee, hello again, well yr friend Zul sudah mai ketuk pintu laman saya just now.Saya siap bentang carpet merah lagi.Jully favourite color.
    sayang sekali dia tak mau makan apa, sebab dia kata nak balik tanya Sifu Lee dulu.
    he he You are always full of surprises..sebab tu selalu sihat, look cheerful and happy go lucky.
    tak payah send flowers becos nanti I tak boleh masuk class, asyik snap gambar bunga tu saja.and keep telling evryone its from Lee, a gd friend of AL and sifu kepada Zul..
    anyway, keep well Lee.As wat I said to Zul, life is short, make it sweet..

  14. Dear pretty Cikgu Indamarya , tu lah uncle AL dah kata your smile and your outlook is beautiful. Now tengok kawan kita Zul dah mabuk gan senyuman you. Belum lagi dengar u nyanyi silap2 terus jadi PR perlis. Dia tu Uncle ingat kena pi sekolah learn Maths abis camna he teach my secretary Jully sampai account semua tak balance. Kata dia Lee ajar Maths. Semua add minus divide multiply semua jawapan 69 . Account semua balance, adoi pening gan kawan satu ni. Dia suruh put in a good word tapi Uncle ingat tak yah lah tak berani LOL he is ok cuma terlalu playful. Abis Sifu dia bagi semangat apa lagi naik darjah lah. LOL p/s rindu kat Queenie. .... Uncle AL

  15. Dear Uncle AL, biasa la gambaq . tengok tuan nya belum tau lagi mcm mana..ha ha. I am happy u cn write again and comment here, it shows you are back on yr feet.sihat.
    Selalu doa for yr well being. Mudah2an terus dapat berinteraksi di blog ni smpai bila2.Kesian Jully kan? tapi dapat bos sporting ok la.They all respect you I cn see that from wat they commented on Uncle lee's blog.
    En Zul tu suka lawak I know. saja nak tarik2 kaki saya.he he.I like his sense of humour. mcm sifu dia juga Uncle Lee.
    yes I miss Queenie too.I guess dia pi buat haji ke? if my guess is correct mudahan dia dpt haji mabrur. I dah buat rayuan banyak kali masih tk dapat.hanya boleh terus doa, tak smpai seru org kata.mudah2an Allah dgr dan jemput saya kesana cepat, before I get too old.
    Life is such, kdg2 yg kita minta tk dapat, But I know HE knows best.HE is the greatest planner and we only have to keep on praying, dan berbaik sangka dgn DIA.
    Uncle AL, jaga diri baik2. I still hope one day we cn sit on one of the benches that lined pdg Kota , makan rojak buah, or just tengok laut yg luas terbentang.
    tk cr.have a gd nite sleep tonite.

  16. Hello IndaMarya, ahhh, I see both my very good friends da datang sini. Ok, begitu la, macham saya tolong tu Lynette chari mak dia, my work is done here, introduction over. See! I told you before, your beautiful dimpled smile boleh buat orang lelaki lintang pukang, nak datang belajar sekolah again too, ha ha ha.

    Holy Smoke! Zul nak pergi sekolah pulak ni? Habis cherita! Ok, he make mistake, or datang lambat, make him tulis 500 lines, "I must pay attention in class when teacher is talking".
    Tetapi hati dia baik, he sure bring karipap give chegu. But he selalu careless, kejap2 jatuh pencil ke pen dia.

    Ok, my work is done, terok juga teach him pantun in my blog, sampai silap spelling, ha ha ha.
    Ha ha, yes, I'll try make you masuk class lambat sikit as busy posing for pictures, you holding the 2 dozen red roses, ha ha.
    Hold that beautiful smile IndaMarya, have a nice day.


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